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1、<p><b>  天津工程師范學院</b></p><p><b>  (成人教育)</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設計外文資料翻譯</p><p>  題 目: Automobile connecting </p><p>  rod Machining proc

2、ess </p><p>  外文出處: </p><p>  班級專業(yè): </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>  學 號: </p&

3、gt;<p>  完成日期: 年 月 日</p><p><b>  汽車連桿加工工藝</b></p><p><b>  連桿的結(jié)構(gòu)特點</b></p><p>  連桿是汽車發(fā)動機中的主要傳動部件之一,它在柴油機中,把作用于活塞頂面的膨脹的壓力傳遞給曲軸,又受曲軸的驅(qū)動而帶動活塞壓縮氣缸


5、t;p>  在發(fā)動機工作過程中,連桿受膨脹氣體交變壓力的作用和慣性力的作用,連桿除應具有足夠的強度和剛度外,還應盡量減小連桿自身的質(zhì)量,以減小慣性力的作用。連桿桿身一般都采用從大頭到小頭逐步變小的工字型截面形狀。為了保證發(fā)動機運轉(zhuǎn)均衡,同一發(fā)動機中各連桿的質(zhì)量不能相差太大,因此,在連桿部件的大、小頭兩端設置了去不平衡質(zhì)量的凸塊,以便在稱量后切除不平衡質(zhì)量。連桿大、小頭兩端對稱分布在連桿中截面的兩側(cè)。考慮到裝夾、安放、搬運等要求,連

6、桿大、小頭的厚度相等(基本尺寸相同)。在連桿小頭的頂端設有油孔(或油槽),發(fā)動機工作時,依靠曲軸的高速轉(zhuǎn)動,把氣缸體下部的潤滑油飛濺到小頭頂端的油孔內(nèi),以潤滑連桿小頭襯套與活塞銷之間的擺動運動副。</p><p>  連桿的作用是把活塞和曲軸聯(lián)接起來,使活塞的往復直線運動變?yōu)榍幕剞D(zhuǎn)運動,以輸出動力。因此,連桿的加工精度將直接影響柴油機的性能,而工藝的選擇又是直接影響精度的主要因素。反映連桿精度的參數(shù)主要有5個

7、:(1)連桿大端中心面和小端中心面相對連桿桿身中心面的對稱度;(2)連桿大、小頭孔中心距尺寸精度;(3)連桿大、小頭孔平行度;(4)連桿大、小頭孔尺寸精度、形狀精度;(5)連桿大頭螺栓孔與接合面的垂直度。</p><p>  Automobile connecting rod machining process</p><p>  Connecting rod structure char

8、acteristic</p><p>  The connecting rod is one of the main driving parts of automobile engine , It in a diesel engine , pass on the piston top surface of expansive pressure to the crankshaft , And the cranksh

9、aft drive to bring the piston compreses the airin the air cylinder . Connecting rod bearing dynamic lood of dramatic changes in the work . The connecting rod by a connecting rod and connecting rod cap of two parts . Conn

10、ecting rod and conneting rod cap on the big hole by bolts and muts and crankshaft mounted tog</p><p>  In the process of engine connecting rod by the expanding gas , alternating pressure and the effect of th

11、e inertia force , the connecting rod should have sufficient strength and rigidity , also should try to reduce their quality of connecting rod , In order to reduce the effect of the inertia force . The body of the connect

12、ing rod are generally adopts I-shaped cross section shape from big to small and gradually become smaller . In order to guarantee the quality of each connecting rod engine runni</p><p>  The connecting rod is

13、 connected to the piston and crankshaft , piston reciprocating linear motion into rotary motion of the crank , the output power . There fore , connecting rod machining precision will directly affect the perfor mance of t

14、he diesel engine , and process selection is the main factors directly affect the accuracy of the . The accuracy of parameters reflecting the connecting rod has 5main:(1)corresponding to the connecting rod center shaft of


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