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1、<p><b>  外文資料翻譯</b></p><p>  Automobile Clutch</p><p>  Nowadays the pioneers of the clutch disc, clutch disc is more pieces of it until 1925 later. The multi-gear clutch main a

2、dvantage is that car started the clutch engagement is no impact on the smooth. Early in the design, layout design, according to slice pairs of a steel plate with a bronze blanks. Using the friction pair of pure metal, pu

3、t them in oil, can achieve more satisfactory performance.</p><p>  As the power to combustion in mechanical transmission automobiles, clutch is as an independent assembly. The clutch is usually served in the

4、 engine and transmission, the active part between connected with engine flywheel, driven and transmission. Various types of cars for widespread adoption of friction clutch, in fact, is a kind of depend on their part, dri

5、ven to relay the friction between the power and the separation. The major function of the clutch is cut off and the realization of the engin</p><p>  In the early development of clutch structures, the most s

6、uccessful conical clutch. It was the prototype design in 1889 German Daimler company production of steel wheel on the car. It is to make the engine flywheel hole taper as clutch active. The taper clutch scheme continues

7、to the middle of the twentieth century, when the manufacture, cone-shaped clutch friction relatively simple, easy to repair. It was used LuoMao friction material, leather belt, etc. Then have been hoof - drum clutch, its

8、 st</p><p>  Years of practical experience and technical improvement makes people tend to preferred dry friction clutch single chip, because it has driven part of inertia, good heat, simple structure, conven

9、ient adjustment, compact size, etc, but also because completely in structure, already can take action to smooth, so now junction disc is widely used in large, medium and small various models.</p><p>  Now mo

10、nolithic dry type clutch in structural design is quite perfect. Using the axial elastic platen, improve the clutch of comfort. The clutch platen assembly installed in reverse, prevent the transmission system of shock of

11、torsional resonances, reduced the transmission system of noise and load.</p><p>  As the car comfort requirements, clutch in original basis has been obtained by car, by continuously improved by increasing th

12、e quality of the flywheel has double shock absorber, can turn better reduce transmission noise.</p><p>  Due to heavy clutch, commercial, engine power tends to large-scale increasing, but the size of the spa

13、ce increased clutch allows the use of limited, clutch, cool 1, increase conditions to improve ability, preaching clutch torsion life-span, simplify the operation has become the development trend of the heavy clutch. In o

14、rder to improve the ability of torsion, in heavy vehicles can be used on double dry type clutch. Theoretically, in the same radial dimensions, biplate clutch torsion ability and </p><p>  In recent years, th

15、e wet clutch on technology improvement, some heavy cart in abroad and start using multiple wet clutch. Compared with dry type clutch, due to the use of the pump are forced cooling, friction surface temperature is lower t

16、han 93 degrees Celsius (not), therefore, long time also does not start sliding friction loss. Refer to the information at home and abroad were told that this clutch can use dry type clutch of 5-6 times, but the advantage

17、s of the wet clutch play must be in a tem</p><p>  The flywheel is a major part of the clutch . The flywheel mounts to the engine’s crankshaft and transmits engine torque to the clutch assembly . The flywhee

18、l , when coupled with the clutch disc and pressure plate makes and breaks the flow of power the engine to the transmission . </p><p>  The flywheel provides a mounting location for the clutch assembly as wel

19、l . When the clutch is applied , the flywheel transfers engine torque to the clutch disc . Because of its weight , the flywheel helps to smooth engine operation . The flywheel also has a large ring gear at its outer edge

20、 , which engages with a pinion gear on the starter motor during engine cranking . </p><p>  The clutch disc fits between the flywheel and the pressure plate . The clutch disc has a splined hub that fits over

21、 splines on the transmission input shaft . A splined hub has grooves that match splines on the shaft . These splines fit in the grooves . Thus , the two parts held together . However , back – and – forth movement of the

22、disc on the shaft is possible . Attached to the input shaft , the disc turns at the speed of the shaft . </p><p>  The clutch pressure plate is generally made of cast iron . It is round and about the same di

23、ameter as the clutch disc . One side of the pressure plate is machined smooth . This side will press the clutch disc facing are against the flywheel . The outer side has shapes to facilitate attachment of spring and rele

24、ase mechanism . The two primary types of pressure plate assemblies are coil spring assembly and diaphragm spring .</p><p><b>  汽車離合器</b></p><p>  現(xiàn)今所用的盤式離合器的先驅(qū)是多片盤式離合器,它是直到1925年以后才出現(xiàn)

25、的。多片離合器最主要的優(yōu)點是,汽車起步時離合器的接合比較平順,無沖擊。早期的設(shè)計中,多片按成對布置設(shè)計,一個鋼盤片對著一青銅盤片。采用純粹的金屬的摩擦副,把它們浸在油中工作,能達(dá)到更為滿意的性能。</p><p>  以內(nèi)燃機(jī)在作為動力的機(jī)械傳動汽車中,離合器是作為一個獨立的總成而存在的。離合器通常裝在發(fā)動機(jī)與變速器之間,其主動部分與發(fā)動機(jī)飛輪相連,從動部分與變速器相連。為各類型汽車所廣泛采用的摩擦離合器,實際上

26、是一種依靠其主、從動部分間的摩擦來傳遞動力且能分離的機(jī)構(gòu)。離合器的主要功用是切斷和實現(xiàn)發(fā)動機(jī)與傳動系平順的接合,確保汽車平穩(wěn)起步;在換擋時將發(fā)動機(jī)與傳動系分離,減少變速器中換檔齒輪間的沖擊;在工作中受到較大的動載荷時,能限制傳動系所承受的最大轉(zhuǎn)矩,以防止傳動系個零部件因過載而損壞;有效地降低傳動系中的振動和噪音。</p><p>  在早期研發(fā)的離合器結(jié)構(gòu)中,錐形離合器最為成功。它的原型設(shè)計曾裝在1889年德國戴


28、動件根本無法分離的自鎖現(xiàn)象。</p><p>  多年的實踐經(jīng)驗和技術(shù)上的改進(jìn)使人們逐漸趨向于首選單片干式摩擦離合器,因為它具有從動部分轉(zhuǎn)動慣量小、散熱性好、結(jié)構(gòu)簡單、調(diào)整方便、尺寸緊湊、分離徹底等優(yōu)點,而且由于在結(jié)構(gòu)上采取一定措施,已能做到接合盤式平順,因此現(xiàn)在廣泛采用于大、中、小各類車型中。</p><p>  如今單片干式離合器在結(jié)構(gòu)設(shè)計方面相當(dāng)完善。采用具有軸向彈性的從動盤,提高了

29、離合器的接合平順性。離合器從動盤總成中裝有扭轉(zhuǎn)減振器,防止了傳動系統(tǒng)的扭轉(zhuǎn)共振,減小了傳動系統(tǒng)噪聲和載荷。</p><p>  隨著人們對汽車舒適性要求的提高,離合器已在原有基礎(chǔ)上得到不斷改進(jìn),乘用車上愈來愈多地采用具有雙質(zhì)量飛輪的扭轉(zhuǎn)減振器,能更好地降低傳動系的噪聲。</p><p>  對于重型離合器,由于商用車趨于大型化,發(fā)動機(jī)功率不斷加大,但離合器允許加大尺寸的空間有限,離合器的使

30、用條件日酷一日,增加離合器傳扭能力,提高使用壽命,簡化操作,已成為重型離合器當(dāng)前的發(fā)展趨勢。為了提高離合器的傳扭能力,在重型汽車上可采用雙片干式離合器。從理論上講,在相同的徑向尺寸下,雙片離合器的傳扭能力和使用壽命是單片的2倍。但受到其他客觀因素的影響,實際的效果要比理論值低一些。</p><p>  近年來濕式離合器在技術(shù)上不斷改進(jìn),在國外某些重型車上又開始采用多片濕式離合器。與干式離合器相比,由于用油泵進(jìn)行強(qiáng)


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