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1、1 前言 1 畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)說(shuō)明書(shū) 題 目:中單鏈型刮板輸送機(jī)設(shè)計(jì) 1 前言 3 Subject : Design of The Center Simple Chain Scraper Conveyer Speciality : Mechanical Design and Manufacturing however, our country was lagged behind at present; the s

2、craper conveyer installing equipment power is small. The delivery capacity is low; the transportation is away from short, the durability is bad; Reliability is low; and the life is short. The generalized analysis

3、 our country scraper conveyer use present situation, the design manufacture high performance scraper conveyer is imminent. This article first synthesized has compared each kind of type conveyer characteris

4、tic, has selected center simple chain according to the actual situation the scraper conveyer. But after, the scraper conveyer has carried on the overall structural design to center simple chain. To the nose transmission

5、device, the aqueduct, the middle trough, the scraper chain, the scraper, the chain wheel, the airplane tail and other major component has carried on the technical analysis and the structural design, has


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