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1、Damage analysis and seismic retrofitting of a continuous prestressed reinforced concrete bridgeNicola Caterino ?, Giuseppe Maddaloni, Antonio OcchiuzziDepartment of Engineering, University of Naples Parthenope, Centro Di

2、rezionale, Isola C4, 80143 Naples, Italya r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Available online 26 June 2014Keywords:BridgeBearing devicesIsolatorsDampersSeismic retrofits u m m a r yThe seismic analysis and retrofit of pr

3、estressed reinforced concrete bridge is discussed byconsidering a real case of a viaduct still in use. The unique features of this bridge make thistype of bridge particularly interesting, either structurally or architect

4、urally. The paperbegins with the analysis of certain particular structural deficiencies that emerged duringthe viaduct operation. The results of the analysis indicate that the structural performancecan be enhanced by onl

5、y modifying the support devices. The primary structural compo-nents are not required to be involved in the retrofitting process. Using the modern seismiccode, the upgrading of the viaduct performance is obtained by repla

6、cing the old bearingdevices on the piers and existing viscous dampers connected abutments to the deck withnew modernised ones.? 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CCBY-N

7、C-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).IntroductionDue to the particular typology, lifetime loading and environmental condition of bridges and viaducts, enhancing the structural performance of e

8、xisting bridges and viaducts involves special issues. In certain cases, the requirement of strength- ening arises not only from deficiencies of the primary elements but also from the insufficiency of the structural detai

9、ls. Indeed, the viaduct presented in this paper faces these challenges. The design of the prestressed reinforced concrete deck of more than one kilometre in length was made to be structurally continuous above the support

10、s given by piers and abutments, with the sequence of three different curvatures in the plan being required to address and solve special problems related to(i) The global behaviour of the structure; (ii) The thermal effec

11、ts on such a long monolithic deck; (iii) The seismic response of the viaduct due to the complex geometry.In the following, after the reference structure is described in detail, the detected failures are introduced. Next,

12、 the possible causes are discussed on the basis of the design documents, as well as the structural analyses performed.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csse.2014.06.0012214-3998/? 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.Th

13、is is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/).? Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 081 547 6728; fax: +39 081 19138483.E-mail addresses: nicola.caterino@unipa

14、rthenope.it (N. Caterino), giuseppe.maddaloni@uniparthenope.it (G. Maddaloni), antonio.occhiuzzi@uniparthenope.it (A. Occhiuzzi).Case Studies in Structural Engineering 2 (2014) 9–15Contents lists available at ScienceDire

15、ctCase Studies in Structural Engineeringjournal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/csseDamages and causesThe damaged state the viaduct exhibits is described in the following, primarily involving abutments and supports on

16、the piers.At the abutment SP1 (upstream):(i) the expansion joint is extended beyond its capacity and its modular elements are broken; (ii) the dampers are roughly at the end of the stroke in extension (Fig. 3); (iii) the

17、 support devices are almost at the end of the stroke in the downstream direction.At the SP2 abutment (downstream):(i) the expansion joint is fully closed due to excessive compression; (ii) the dampers are in the end-stop

18、 position in contraction; (iii) the support devices are at the end of the stroke in the downstream direction.At the bearings on piers:(i) all the bearings are significantly shifted in the downstream direction, although w

19、ith a displacement magnitude that varies (from 1 to 29 cm) for each pier (Fig. 4); (ii) in many cases, the screws joining the support devices plates to the deck are pulled out because of the excessive rotation around the

20、 transverse horizontal axis of such plates.C Rotation centreSP1SP2Local direction of the deck axis Direction of the seismic displacementFig. 2. Kinematics in plan of the viaduct.Fig. 3. Upstream abutments: dampers in ex


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