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1、 Corresponding Author E-mail: Sam86110@yahoo.com 1987| Page http://www.ijashss.comAvailable online atInternational Journal of Advanced Studies in Humani

2、ties and Social ScienceVolume 1, Issue 11, 2013: 1987-1997A Comparative Study on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce Law of Iran and European Union Samaneh Ahmadikhah Graduate student at Farabi Campus of Tehran University,

3、 Tehran, Iran, Email: Sam86110@yahoo.com Abstract With increasing trend in using the electronic means of communication and trade in the world, the need to enact new laws and regulations with regard to e-commerce law i

4、s increasing day by day, where benchmarking of the countries and the leading organizations in this context can be used to provide the measures to encourage the Economic activists and consumers to do their tasks at cyb

5、erspace particularly provided with supporting the consumer who are in poor side. In this paper, Comparative Study on Consumer Protection in E-Commerce Law within Iran and European Union has been proposed. The observa

6、tions, with regard to the studies show that based upon the international character of electronic commerce law and the role of UNCITRAL model law on e- commerce (1996) in Unification of it at international level, this la

7、w which includes consumer protection has been also provided with the same basis throughout the world. Nevertheless, the countries and organizations like the European Union with adoption of instructions have made large

8、 effort in going through this e-commerce law to get it completed by which developing countries like Iran can get to use such law. Keywords: Consumer Protection; E-Commerce Law; Iran; European Union 1. Introduction Th

9、e most important phenomenon ever since the industrial revolution has been mentioned as the rise of ICT and consequently creation of cyberspace. This phenomenon has influenced the prevailing aspects of social life throu

10、gh which its impact on international commerce can be taken; consequently this has led to creation of e-commerce (Hojatzade, Noushadi, 2011, pp. 264). Hence With the increasing development of e-commerce, consumer protec

11、tion in Cyberspace due to the lack of physical connection between the parties entering to contract should be considered further. This paper aims to take step in this context of discussion. In this regards, firstly Supp

12、lier commitments in e-contracts taken in the category of consumer rights have been discussed and later rights and privileges for consumers taken in electronic contract have been defined. Samaneh Ahmadikhah Int J Adv S

13、tu Hum Soci Scie. 2013; 1(11): 1987-19971989 | Page any benefit for the consumer so that only the government's benefits would be provided. Such information can be classified into three categories. 3.3. Commitme

14、nt to Providing General and Simple Information Based on this commitment, the committed required providing general information about the fundamental properties of matter of commitment and its implementation conditions. T

15、he most conventional and the simplest method to provide such a commitment has been mentioned as informing the consumer through attaching a label with required information on the packages containing products manufactur

16、er(Ghasemi Hamed, 1996, pp.99). 3.4. The Obligation to Provide Information About the Potential Risks Proposing such a commitment attains its importance from the diversity of services and goods particularly the chemical

17、 products with complicated formulas throughout the society and needing to observe the necessary prediction in using them and needing to being provided with information required. Because lack of enough familiarity with

18、 the dangers likely stemmed from incorrect applying modern products in most of the cases would be found with irreparable losses. 3.5. The Obligation to Provide Information Consulting In this type of commitment, the e

19、xpert is required to provide detailed information on the goods under the contract and applicable information regarding the likelihood of project success and its high-efficacy performance to the non-specialist in the te

20、chnical and financial contexts so that the non-specialist can adopt the necessary information to purchase goods. For instance, the seller and expert in the field of computer has to give information to their consumers

21、on the specific potentials of computer proposing to their consumers, providing the capability and return percentage with regard to the project for the purchaser who is not enough specialized in this field. Negation of

22、such commitment would be followed by prosecution for the one who avoided doing his/her tasks (Salehi, Ibrahimi, Salari rad, 2012, pp.70). 4. Information Regarding the Identity of the SellerGiven that the buyer does not

23、see his/her favorite e-commerce for product, so the supplier provides is committed to provide the necessary information to the buyer. The information with regard to the article 33 of e-commerce law which has to be prov

24、ided for the consumer includes the information associated to the identity of the seller mentioned in paragraphs B and C this article. 4.1. Prices In electronic commerce, the price must be stated in a clear and conspi

25、cuous way, mentioning that even if the proposal of the contract was not taken, the price announced has to consist of: ? Does the price include taxes and shipping costs? ? Method of payment of goods or services ? Actual


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