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1、2019-2020 學(xué)年山東省青島市市南區(qū)南京路小學(xué)四下期末英語試卷(無 學(xué)年山東省青島市市南區(qū)南京路小學(xué)四下期末英語試卷(無聽力材料) 聽力材料)1. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期末)連詞成句連詞成句。(1) in the west of the US, Los Angeles, is(2) a bag of crisps, have, you, can, each(3) in the concert

2、, played, My mum and dad(4) happening, now, what's(5) will, Sam, what, do, you2. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期末)句子與句子連線讀一讀,連線。What's the time? He walked there.Is it long?

3、 It cuts the potatoes.What does that machine do? Yes, it is.Where did they go yesterday? They went to a shop.How did he go there? It'

4、;s 8:30 am in the UK.3. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期末)題干選項全英的選擇題He played _____ on the playground.A.pipa B.basketball4. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期末)根據(jù)問句選擇合適的答句It can make beautiful sounds. Its keys are black and white. It star

5、ts with the letter “p“. It is a western instrument. What is it?A.It's a panda. B.It's a piano.5. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期末)題干選項全英的選擇題It's _____ time. Let's have some sandwiches.A.lunch B.swimmingA.norther

6、nmost B.southernmost C.easternmost(4) The longest day in China lasts for _____ hours.A.7 B.11 C.17(5) Summer Solstice is the best season for viewing the _____ in Mohe.A.moon B.a(chǎn)urora C.stars10. (2020·青島市市南區(qū)·期

7、末)閱讀判斷讀一讀,判斷對錯,并用“T”或“F”表示。(1) ( )Wet the hands above the tap.(2) ( )Put some soap on to your hands.(3) ( )Rub the back of your hands together.(4) ( )Rub in between your fingers and thumbs.(5) (


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