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1、西北師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文城市化背景下武術(shù)休閑方式研究姓名:頡霖申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):體育教育訓(xùn)練學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:陳青2008II Development of a person depends on shortening of working hours and adding of leisure hours. Industrialization and urbanization in China are an important con

2、dition of socialization of leisure. Change of working manner and living mode makes people pay attention to their health and mind and choose leisure mode. Value of leisure sports、 function of leisure sports and effect of

3、leisure sports are more important to people. With the development of science and technology, The agricultural society which ever gave birth to Wushu no longer exists. With leisure age coming, Wushu has become a mass leis

4、ure style in modern society due to its value of body building and entertainment under cultural globalization background; but it is still difficult for Wushu to develop under the great impaction of the strong western cult

5、ure. Wushu, which is a national lifestyle, is an important embodiment of national culture; at same time, It is an important factor which nation multiplies and exists. Wushu, which is regarded as leisure manner because of

6、 its matrix culture which has great value, it is special in culture at present. The article applies the method of looking up the data, logic analyzing method, Theory transplantation method, from culture perspective. Afte

7、r inducting the summary of cultural origin and leisure thinking which produce Chinese martial arts, the author analyzes its society culture approval phenomenon and value at present. Leisure is a kind of culture, Wushu is

8、 also a culture, It is more useful for people to understand Wushu leisure manner to research Wushu leisure culture and Wushu leisure mode from culture angle. Harmonious culture and The Kernel Teachers of Chinese traditio

9、nal culture affected deeply to Chinese martial arts approach producing. First, as a leisure approach, Wushu pursues harmonious unification with nature; such as, It displays that its practice complies with four season so


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