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1、 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 論文題目 論文題目 A Survey on Learner Autonomy of Non-English Majors in Bin Zhou University 研 究 生 姓 名 馬君巖 馬君巖 專 業(yè) 名 稱 英語語言文學(xué) 英語語言文學(xué) 指導(dǎo)教師姓名 李玉華 李玉華 教授 教授 學(xué) 院 外國語學(xué)院 外國語學(xué)院 論文提交日期 20 2010 10 年 6 月 分 類 號

2、H319 單 位 代 碼 10447 密 級 無 研 究 生 學(xué) 號 T05044 聊城大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文 i Abstract The idea of autonomy in language learning originated European adult education reform in the late 1960s. It was Henri Holec who first introduced the

3、concept of ― learner- centered‖ into foreign language learning and referred to it as ―the ability to take charge of one‘s own learning‖ in the book of Autonomy and Foreign Language Learning, published in 1981. Since then

4、, learner autonomy and promoting learner autonomy have become a main concern in the field of foreign language learning. As a result, diverse researches and studies of learner autonomy have been conducted from various asp

5、ects in the western countries. However, learner autonomy may still be a comparatively novel concept for most Chinese teachers and learners. Actually, native learners have also done some research concerning learner autono

6、my, which gave us some enlightenments, but these researches mainly stress on theory, characteristics of learner autonomy and the significance of promoting it in China. Few survey studies focuses on the current situation

7、of non-English majors‘ autonomous learning competence and how to improve it in native language environment. Therefore, the paper tries to look into the real level of learner autonomy and what measures can help students t

8、o develop autonomy for non-English majors in English teaching in the writer‘s college----Bin Zhou University. During the study, a questionnaire and some interviews are conducted to make quantitative and qualitative analy

9、ses. Based on research findings, implications will be worked out and effective measures will be put forward to foster learner autonomy. The thesis consists of five chapters. Chapter one is a brief introduction to the stu

10、dy. Then in chapter two, some previous researches and related theories on autonomous learning are demonstrated. They provide sufficient theoretical basis for this experimental study. And then the author elaborates interr

11、elated factors that affect learner autonomy in college English learning. Chapter three introduces a questionnaire survey of the research on non-English majors‘ autonomous learning competence from March 2009 till January

12、2010. The subjects (n=200) of this study are non-English majors enrolled in Bin Zhou University in 2008. The information that forms the core of this study was obtained by means of three instruments: questionnaire, interv

13、iew and final test. The questionnaire was a revised one, mainly based on Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning. The subjects‘ final scores and their responses to the questionnaires were put into the compu


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