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1、首都經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學碩士學位論文論原產(chǎn)地規(guī)則在我國的法律完善姓名:王晴申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):經(jīng)濟法學指導教師:焦志勇20090301Abstract Under background developing in world economy integration and international trade liberalization, the feasible country has built gradually rapid an

2、d intense sharing out the division and cooperating with one another system, and global processing of the increasingly multinational. Import and export goods as a basis for determining “economic citizenship“ rules of ori

3、gin, is that the entrance country ascertains tax rate pay , trade statistics, quantitative restrictions and controlling main part entering port from the specially appointed country into practice . It has the more and mor

4、e important effect, and already becoming one country economy trade policy in international trade. Around the world because of the current rules of origin have not yet established the mechanism of mutual recognition. Sta

5、tes are in accordance with their respective economic interests, to develop their own different rules of origin. Originate from the global financial crisis that “time of USA subprime mortgage crisis“ initiates especially

6、at present. American president Obama signs the huge sum economic incentive plan containing the clause “buying the USA goods “, that t he international trade environment may possibly and lead to world economy be confront

7、ed with the especially austere decay threat worsen rapidly because the trade protectionism promptness raises head very much. In recent years, making use of means such as product quality level , anti-dumping to build a tr

8、ade barrier’s increases, but “purchase the USA goods “ clause put trade protectionism rising. After the WTO accession process of the practice, with the rapid development of China's foreign trade and expansion of sca

9、le, facing the international trade environment is more and more complex rules of origin in China's trade role in the development of more and more prominent. However, no perfect the problem there existing in middle as

10、 well as trade develops , going a step further having restricted the country of origin rules effect because of the Chinese imperfect rules of origin bring into play. We have necessary to know about the current rules of

11、origin of our country insufficient, study and use European Union and American country of origin rules for reference. Abide by WTO origin of rules, improves and perfects country of origin rules of our country. Keywords: O


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