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1、 呼和浩特市碳排放與經(jīng)濟(jì)增長(zhǎng)關(guān)系的實(shí)證研究 Study on Relationship of the Carbon Emissions and Economic Growth in Hohhot 申 請(qǐng) 人:胡 蓉 學(xué)科門類:經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué) 學(xué)科專業(yè):區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué) 研究方向:區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)理論與政策 指導(dǎo)教師:姚鳳桐 教授 論文提交日期:二〇一五年六月 分類號(hào) F206 U D C 332.1 學(xué)校代碼 10129 學(xué)號(hào)20

2、12208003 Study on Relationship of the Carbon Emissions and economic Growth in Hohhot Abstract In recent years, with the rapid growth of Hohhot economy, ecological environment gradually highlighted the importance of healt

3、h problems. The growth of economy brings the increase of energy consumption and carbon emissions, but carbon emissions growth has brought serious pollution and destruction to the environment. It is not conducive to the f

4、urther development of the economy. Reform and opening provides Hohhot a historical opportunity of economic development, but the economic growth also brings serious threat to the local ecological environment. The developm

5、ent of economy and environment does not have a harmonious and sustainable relationship. The article takes carbon emissions of Hohhot as the research point, and on the basis of the past energy consumption and GDP of Hohh

6、ot to measure carbon emissions. The article analysis of total amount, industrial structure and industry structure, and makes an empirical research on the relationship among energy consumption, carbon emissions and econom

7、ic growth. According to the research, we can get results that the economic growth takes Hohhot's high energy consumption and emission, in the first eight years, the work of energy conservation and emissions reduction

8、 has obtained certain achievements which has eased the situation of high carbon emissions in the past, energy consumption is given priority to coal and new energy utilization is still little, the industry is the main sou

9、rce of carbon emissions in the second industry, and electric power, heat production and supply industry is the main body of carbon industry. According to the research conclusion, this article puts forward the countermeas

10、ures and Suggestions on technology, energy consumption structure, industrial structure, policy system and so on. Keywords: Carbon emissions;Energy consumption;Economic growth;Tapio Directed by: Prof. YAO Fengtong Applic


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