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2、導師指導下所完成的論文及相關(guān)的職務(wù)作品,知識產(chǎn)權(quán)歸屬蘭州大學。本人完全了解蘭州大學有關(guān)保存、使用學位論文的規(guī)定,同意學校保存或向國家有關(guān)部門或機構(gòu)送交論文的紙質(zhì)版和電子版, 允許論文被查閱和借閱; 本人授權(quán)蘭州大學可以將本學位論文的全部或部分內(nèi)容編入有關(guān)數(shù)據(jù)庫進行檢索, 可以采用任何復(fù)制手段保存和匯編本學位論文。 本人離校后發(fā)表、 使用學位論文或與該論文直接相關(guān)的學術(shù)論文或成果時,第一署名單位仍然為蘭州大學。本學位論文研究內(nèi)容:□可以公

3、開□不宜公開,已在學位辦公室辦理保密申請,解密后適用本授權(quán)書。(請在以上選項內(nèi)選擇其中一項打“√”)論文作者簽名: 導師簽名:日 期: 日 期:蘭州大學碩士研究生學位論文 “絲綢之路經(jīng)濟帶” 旅游綜合行政執(zhí)法模式探析IIResearch on “The silk road economicbelt ”comprehensive administrative enforcement in tourismAbstractAs a key r

4、oute for the ancient trade, the “Silk Road” has played an important role that wecan not underestimate. In recent years, it become the agenda to rebuild the “Silk Road EconomicBelt”. For the five northwest provinces in ch

5、ina, it is a rare opportunity and is a big business.Among these, the tourism industry is a major feature of the regional economic development, andhave a vital important in promoting the prosperous of the entire western r

6、egion. The developmentof tourism can not be separated from the protection of law, enforcement is one of the key step. Inrecent years, ordinary single administrative enforcement and joint administrative enforcement cannot

7、 be satisfied with us, and can not be used widely in tourism, so we need comprehensiveadministrative enforcement. In september 2014, the 18th plenary session of the communist party ofChina put forward that we should deep

8、en the reform of the administrative law enforcement systemand carry out “comprehensive law enforcement”, reduce administrative law enforcement team,especially in toursim 、transportation and so on, in somewhere, you can e

9、nforce the law acrossseveral departments. It provide basis for the “Silk Road” comprehensive administrativeenforcement. as a fresh and more dominance thing, comprehensive administrative enforcementcan regulate the touris

10、m market in a fair and efficient way, in order to promote the rapiddevelopment of tourism in the Northwest, and stimulate the economic development. Thecomprehensive administrative law enforcement is a complex system, con

11、tains many departmentsand areas, and have difficulty in carrying out, so just as the “Silk Road” an example to analyze thisproblem.This paper is divided into four chapters. The first chapter come straight to the point, e

12、xplainthe necessity of comprehensive administrative enforcement in tourism for the “Silk RoadEconomic Belt”, and introduce the concept of joint law enforcement 、 comprehensiveadministrative enforcement and the difference

13、s between them. The second chapter illuminate thebackground and the implementation of the comprehensive administrative enforcement in urban,and introduce the comprehensive administrative enforcement mode in agriculture a

14、ndcommunications and transportation industry, then extended to the the comprehensiveadministrative enforcement in tourism, analyze the comprehensive administrative enforcementmode in Mount Tai 、 The Bamboo forest in sout


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