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1、中國(guó)海洋大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文基層公安派出所警務(wù)狀況研究--以青州市公安局為例姓名:張兵申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專(zhuān)業(yè):@指導(dǎo)教師:曹文振2011基層公安派出所警務(wù)狀況研究 4Research Into The Police Affairs Status Of The Police Station At Grass Root Lever-Taking Qingzhou Public security Office For Example Abstr

2、act As important means for the realization of the people’s democratic dictatorship, public security organs are armed national security administrative and penal judicial force. They play an essential role in combating ene

3、mies, protecting the people, punishing crimes, serving the mass and maintaining national security and social stability. The work of the police substations is an important component part of public secutity works at the gr

4、ass root level and they function as the main force as for public security organs maintaining social order and serving the people. In recent years, with the deepening of our reform and opening up and the fast development

5、of our economy, with people’s living standard greatly improved and their awareness of law distinctly strengthened, great changes have taken place in the situation of public security. While public security stations at gra

6、ss root levels have greatly improved their work in terms of combating crimes, public security guarding, public administration and serving the people, a big gap still exists between their work and the requirement of the n

7、ew situation as well as the expections from the people. Such problems as insufficient police force, low level equipment, unsmooth correspondence, non-standard law enforcement and incompetence in dealing with crimes need

8、further researches and exploration. The documents “Decisions on Further Strengthening and Improving Public Security Work” issued by the CPC central committee and “Opinions on Further Strengthening the Construction of Pub

9、lic Security STations” issued by the Ministry of Public Security point out that police substations are combating entities in fighting crimes, maintaining social order, serving the people and keeping regional peace; they


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