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1、沈陽建筑大學碩士學位論文房地產(chǎn)市場監(jiān)測、評價、預警系統(tǒng)及其機理研究姓名:崔鑫申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):結構工程指導教師:齊錫晶2007-10IV Abstract 碩士研究生畢業(yè)論文 Abstract The real estate is a pillar industry in the national economy. Its priority and health development will e

2、nergetically promote rapid development of the whole national economy. In recent years, the real estate industry now is playing more and more important role in our country economics with its de

3、velopment. There are so many problems in this field, for example, the difference between supply and demand in some regions, disequilibrium of markets, overabundant companies, non- planned building, quick rise o

4、f price and investment and redundant houses. Therefore,an important topic what real estate market will face how to understand market development tendency, regulate it at the right moment. In order

5、to prevent major economic behavior of real estate market, adjust the relationship between supply and demand of real estate markets, this paper set up inspecting- system, evaluating- system and ear

6、ly- warning system of real estate market by using the theories and methods of real estate market early warning from both home and abroad,which can appraise present conditions of real estate ma

7、rket accurately, can predict future tendency of it and can supervise its normal circulate dynamically in the whole journey. This article is divided into eight chapter. The introduction part of

8、 chapter1 made a detailed analysis on background, purpose and significances of the research, and summed up the research dynamics relevant theories and technologies, and carry out the main progro

9、ms of the research. Chapter2 expound on relevant to content and monitoring theory of real estate market. Chapter3, Chapter4 and Chapter5 are the core of this article, set up inspecting- system,

10、 evaluating- system and early- warning system of real estate market from different angles separately. Chapter6 first research mechanism of real estate market inspecting, evaluating and early- warnin

11、g deeply, then design a set of integral monitor circuit, following, a case study will apply preceding monitoring- system into ShenYang, and acquire satisfactory result, at last, it put forward some measures

12、 and suggest; Chapter7 expound on application preparation of real estate market monitoring- system; Chapter8 is part of conclusion, indicate the research principal effort and insufficient aspect. A

13、mong them, Chapter3 draw up a set of index system by unifing success experience of our countrys many cities, when it establish inspecting- system of real estate market; Chapter4 use quantitativ

14、e and qualitative and comprehensive m ethod, when it establish evaluating- system of real estate market, thereinto typical method include Delphi technique and Analytical Hierarchy Process and Fuzzy


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