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1、 國(guó)有商業(yè)銀行人力資源管理探究——以 A 銀行為例 The Exploration of the Human Resource Management of the State-Owned Commercial Banks——Take A bank as an Example 申 請(qǐng) 人:鄭理 學(xué)科專業(yè): 公共管理 研究方向:行政管理與地方治理 學(xué)位類別:專業(yè)學(xué)位 指導(dǎo)教師:胡其圖教授 論文提交日期:二○一八年六月 分類號(hào) ICS 學(xué)

2、校代碼 10136 學(xué)號(hào)201500235 碩 士 學(xué) 位 論 文 II The Exploration of the Human Resource Management of the State-Owned Commercial Banks——Take A bank as an Example Abstract With the rapid development of the world economic globalizat

3、ion and the socialist market economy, the state-owned banks of our country have developed rapidly.While the financial market improves increasingly, the change of customer demand and the rapid development of science and t

4、echnology have objectively promoted human resource management to a significant and important strategic position in the development process of state-owned commercial banks. The demand for talents in the financial developm

5、ent has been greatly changed and promoted. On the one hand, the opportunities for the professionals in finance of the internal bank to choose a career constantly increase, on the other hand, the occupational stress on th

6、e bank staff is also increasing.Talent is an important force to support the development of state-owned commercial banks.However, at the present stage, due to the backward concept of human resource management, the low lev

7、el of development and management and other improper human resource management, the development of state-owned commercial banks in our country has brought a series of problems, such as the imbalance of personnel structure

8、, shortage of high-quality talents and the serious loss of personnel, and so on.Therefore, this article has carried on a thorough research on human resources management of our country's state-owned commercial banks a

9、nd has summed up its present human resource management model and existing questions seriously, at the same time, taking Bank A of the state-owned commercial banks in B City as an example, through in-depth visits as well

10、as investigation and analysis, this paper analyzes its human resource management model, combines its reality to study the current situation of human resource management in the secondary branches of state-owned commercial

11、 banks, and finds that there are some problems, such as insufficient attention to the development of human resources management, imperfect performance appraisal system, etc. In particular, there are some problems in Bank

12、 A, such as imperfect training system, unreasonable design of salary incentive, unscientific performance appraisal, vague vocational development of employees and insufficient degree of human resource transformation, and


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