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1、武漢理工大學(xué)博士學(xué)位論文 摘 要 隨著移動通信技術(shù)的發(fā)展和移動智能設(shè)備的快速普及,移動金融呈現(xiàn)出快速發(fā)展的態(tài)勢。移動金融的出現(xiàn)為我國消費(fèi)者提供了更加便利、快捷的金融服務(wù)。作為互聯(lián)網(wǎng)金融的重要組成部分,移動金融是我國未來金融業(yè)發(fā)展的重要方向之一。對于我國的政府和企業(yè)而言,移動金融的發(fā)展有著重大意義,然而由于我國移動金融的發(fā)展起步較晚,其發(fā)展存在著較大的空間的同時,也面臨著許多問題。 通過對我國移動金融發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀的研究,作者發(fā)現(xiàn)移動金融創(chuàng)新是

2、我國移動金融進(jìn)一步發(fā)展必須面臨的關(guān)鍵問題之一,因此在對移動金融進(jìn)行研究時,選擇其創(chuàng)新問題作為研究對象。 作者從用戶使用意愿及用戶采納行為的角度對我國移動金融創(chuàng)新活動進(jìn)行了更加深入的剖析,發(fā)現(xiàn)其中存在的障礙和問題,并且有針對性地提出解決問題的思路和方法。作者首先對我國移動金融的發(fā)展現(xiàn)狀及產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈進(jìn)行了系統(tǒng)性分析,并且使用演化博弈論的方法對移動金融產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈中主導(dǎo)企業(yè)和跟隨企業(yè)之間的關(guān)系進(jìn)行了探討。接著針對我國移動金融創(chuàng)新現(xiàn)狀進(jìn)行了分析,運(yùn)用金融

3、創(chuàng)新的相關(guān)理論對移動金融創(chuàng)新的動因及效應(yīng)進(jìn)行了分析。然后通過設(shè)計調(diào)查問卷(見附錄 A、附錄 B)方式獲取數(shù)據(jù),運(yùn)用技術(shù)接受模型對我國移動金融市場上的消費(fèi)者行為進(jìn)行了實證分析。同時,從用戶采納意愿的角度,通過建立兩期博弈模型對移動金融創(chuàng)新活動中創(chuàng)新主體的差異化競爭策略進(jìn)行了探討,為企業(yè)進(jìn)行移動金融創(chuàng)新提供可靠參考。隨后根據(jù)我國移動金融創(chuàng)新存在的現(xiàn)武漢理工大學(xué)博士學(xué)位論文 IV Abstract With the rapid develop

4、ment of mobile communication technology and the popularization of mobile intelligent devices, mobile finance shows the tendency of rapid development. The emergence of mobile finance may provide financial services to the

5、users whenever it is and wherever they are, it means customers can get more convenient and efficient financial services through mobile finance, thus, the user experience can be improved. As an important part of the Inter

6、net finance, mobile finance is one of the main directions to China’s financial industry in the future. As for Chinese government and enterprises, the development of China’s mobile finance has great significance, however,

7、 due to the late start of China’s mobile finance, the development of China’s mobile finance has a huge space, at the same time, it also faces a variety of problems. Through the study on the current status and empirical a

8、nalysis of the mobile financial development in our country, I found that mobile financial innovation is one of the key problems that China’s mobile financial development must face. So I chose mobile financial innovation

9、as the research object. From the perspective of users’ willingness and their adoption behavior, I did a more in-depth analysis on the financial innovation activities to find the obstacles and problems in the mobile fina

10、ncial innovation, and then gave proper solutions to these problems. In this dissertation, I firstly carried out a systematic analysis on the status of China's mobile financial development, and discussed the relations

11、hip between leading enterprises and following enterprises in the industrial chain of mobile finance based on evolutionary game theory. Then aimed at the current status of China’s mobile financial innovation, I used the r

12、elevant theories about financial innovation to analyze the reason and effect of mobile financial innovation. And then pass to investigate a questionnaire design (appears in Appendices A and B), with using the technology

13、acceptance model (TAM) to make an empirical analysis of consumer’s behavior in Chinese mobile market. At the same time, considering users’ adoption willingness, this dissertation uses a two-period game model to study the

14、 innovation differentiation strategy between the mobile financial innovation enterprises, to provide a reliable reference to the enterprises and government. According to the current situation of mobile financial innovati

15、on, I used AHP method to establish an evaluation system of mobile financial innovation, and then based on the analysis of mobile financial innovation and a series of empirical research, model and evaluation; the study fo

16、und out that there are a variety of problems existing in China’s mobile financial innovation. Thus, the dissertation puts forward the basic idea for mobile financial innovation in China, and gives the specific suggestion


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