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1、上海交通大學 MPAcc 學位論文 我國商業(yè)銀行員工持股與績效探究 1 我國商業(yè)銀行員工持股計劃與績效探究 THE RESEARCH OF CHINA’S COMMERCIAL BANK EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION PLAN AND PERFORMANCE 學 校 : 上 海 交 通 大 學 學 院 : 安 泰 經 濟 與 管

2、 理 學 院 專 業(yè) : 會 計 碩 士 ( MPAcc) 作 者 : 汪 莉 導 師 : 張 鵬 翥 學 號 : 1131202039 班 級 : 答 辯 日 期 : 2015 年 5 月 上海交通大學 MPAcc 學位論文 我國商業(yè)銀行員工持股與績效探究 3 THE RESEARCH OF CHINA’S COMME

3、RCIAL BANK EMPLOYEE STOCK OPTION PLAN ABSTRACT Employee stock ownership plan in Europe and the United States has been proved to be an effective system arrangement is conducive to the development of enterprises. It has a

4、 significant effect to improve corporate governance structure, enhance the cohesion of the enterprise, incentive and constraint their behavior. The effect of employee stock option in the banking industry faces will be

5、 relatively large; therefore, there has been no large-scale stock option plan. In this paper, through the observation of city commercial banks shareholding employees in the implementation of its impact on performance,

6、 to control risk and other problems, the implementation of the employee stock ownership banks is better than no implementation, when the employees to hold shares of the bank, performance will not only focus on the per

7、iod, but began to pay attention to current assets risk for the value of the shares held in the future. The four City Commercial Banks in different dimensions of performance appraisal and employee stock option and stoc

8、k analysis of correlation showed that only holding the scope and number of appropriate bank, it can play a greater utility, and the program is not for all the indicators of performance appraisal has a positive effect,

9、 the implementation of the employee stock ownership and bank related purposes and the historical opportunity. At last this paper put forward the implementation of the employee stock ownership plan which need to be sol


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