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1、山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文儲(chǔ)蓄投資金融轉(zhuǎn)化機(jī)制與區(qū)域經(jīng)濟(jì)增長研究姓名:姚驛宣申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):金融學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:崔滿紅2010-03-304 Abstract From the perspective of economic growth, finance makes a direct effect on capital accumulation process and its configuration process.

2、 Read from the capital accumulation process, the finance connects the process of savings one end, and one end of the investment process. As a potential channel for savings and investment, fina

3、nce plays a role of mobilizing and allocating savings to guide them into investment, thus Financial processes has affect on the saving- investment flows and resource allocation efficiency, thereb

4、y on economic growth and development. In theory, the financial system is the institutional arrangements to change savings into investment in the economy . The financial system consists of finan

5、cial institutions, financial markets and financial assets, promoting the conversion of savings and investment, namely, financial markets’capital formation function. In order to cope with the impact

6、 of the global financial crisis and maintain sustained and balanced economic growth, and to improve the transformation of savings into investment, the financial system is particularly important t

7、o improve the function of. The financial system is the intermediary of making the savings into investment, the savings are changed into investment by the financial system. A modern financial s

8、ystem has five elements: namely money circulation standard by the currency system, financial institutions, financial markets, financial instruments, systems and regulatory mechanisms. This article takes

9、 the mainstay of the financial system -financial institutions (bank- dominated financial institutions) and the capital markets for financial functional as analytical objects, The main analysis is the s

10、avings into investment— functions of banks and capital market and how to improve it. Take the theory of financial development, financial and economic relations, regional financial theory as the

11、theoretical basis and prerequisite for, and analyze the situation in Shanxi Province. Designed to stress the importance of the perfection of saving into investment mechanisms of the financial syste

12、m, enabling financial institutions and financial markets, the efficiency of resource allocation can be improved, So as to promote regional economic growth. 【Key Words】Transformation of Savings and


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