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1、河北工業(yè)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文企業(yè)快速成長(zhǎng)機(jī)理的系統(tǒng)動(dòng)力學(xué)研究姓名:宋美霞申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):管理科學(xué)與工程指導(dǎo)教師:張學(xué)民2010-12企業(yè)快速成長(zhǎng)機(jī)理的系統(tǒng)動(dòng)力學(xué)研究 iiResearch on System Dynamics of the Mechanism Of Rapid Growth of Firm ABSTRACT With the continuous development of Chinese economy, ma

2、ny industries have spawned a large number of fast-growing firms, “rapid growth“ has become a distinct characteristic of these enterprises.In China,there were some fast-growing firms in the early reform and opening up,and

3、 now many of them have been closed down,or fall into trouble, unable to extricate themselves;But many firms still maintain a good development trend,why some firms continue to grow and develop,while others stagnate or e

4、ven decline in the same social environment?How firms can achieve healthy and rapid growth? What leading firms are taking different measures to make the rapid growth of the firm achievement?What factors and what is the

5、mechanism to promote and restrict the rapid growth of firm actually? The growth of firm is a complex dynamic process,which is result of the role of the positive feedback and the negative feedback loop.Positive feedback i

6、s the driving force for the growth of the firm and negative feedback is the stablizer for the growth of the firm. Therefore,there are at least a positive feedback loop and a negative feedback loop in the growing progress

7、,when the positive feedback loop plays a dominant role,the firms growed rapidly;when the negative feedback loop plays a dominant role,the growth of enterprises slowed and even stopped. Firms Can change the rate constant

8、or initial values of state variables in the positive feedback loop to speed up the operation of positive feedback loop to make the firm rapidly.With the growth of the firm in fact,factors inhibiting the growth of the fir

9、m are also continually strengthened,so that obstacles to growth are bigger and bigger,and the problem are more and more difficult to solve. This requires managers to identify key factor and the negative feedback loop to

10、limit the growth of the firm earlier,and eliminated,so that firms can be faster and better development. The growth of firm with system dynamics theory is just beginning,and is still in an imperfect,initial stage.The mec

11、hanism of the rapid growth of firm literatures has not,and the rapid growth of firm based on system dynamics'theory is a new perspective.At last,the paper establishes a system dynamics model,and analysis the causes o


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