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1、Thailand and China are considered business partner in many industries.Among those,Thai Jasmine Rice is the high quality product in agriculture industry that has been frequently traded.These make Thai Jasmine Rice one of

2、the well know product in China.However,from recent incidents on the attempt to imitate Thai Jasmine Rice in China,it costs not only damage the reputation of Thai Jasmine Rice by afflicting its true quality but also incre

3、ase possibility for consumers to be exposed with unworthy product.Policies and protocol from Thailand and China were issued to solve the matter,yet this unethical act remains seen.Toward this concern,proper suggestion mu

4、st be made.Under McKinsey's consumer decision journey model,a study was shape on consumer end using questionnaire as research tool in order to gain primary data from Chinese resident in Wuhan city.Frequencies,custom tabl

5、e and crosstab from SPSS program are functions used to analyze collected data.Expected result include terms such as awareness stages on Thai Jasmine Rice which are awareness of Thai Jasmine Rice,awareness of fake Thai Ja

6、smine Rice and experience of Thai Jasmine Rice,information channel impact,and willing to buy counterfeit goods (WBCG) which were analyzed along with selected demographic qualities.Focus on specific group of consumer,the

7、study show consumer's knowledge on Thai Jasmine Rice together with channels that they received information and the will to buy fake Thai Jasmine Rice.In addition,some of ways to identify package from Thailand are enclose


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