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1、<p><b>  外文資料</b></p><p>  Mining subsidence caused by mining environmental disasters</p><p>  Keywords: land reclamation of mining subsidence ;subsidence control</p><

2、;p>  Large-scale exploitation of coal mine and its surrounding environment has resulted in serious damage to an increasingly prominent mining subsidence mining environmental disasters caused by land subsidence or main

3、ly water, agricultural production or no production, road collapse, deformation and damage, such as housing, which are is a mining-induced rock movement, is caused by mining subsidence and regional disasters, the source o

4、f deformation, the effective control and reduce the degree of ground</p><p>  1. Subsidence means of control techniques</p><p>  Subsidence damage control measures will be considered in two ways

5、; (1) the control of mining subsidence, that is, through the rational choice of mining methods and technology, rational arrangement of mining face, take underground filling law, separation of overlying strata with measur

6、es such as space filling to reduce surface subsidence, control the speed and extent of surface subsidence, to protect surface and ground built structures with the purpose of arable land. (2) mining subsidence damage</

7、p><p>  1.1.1 All backfill mining</p><p>  In the coal after mining has yet to take off before the roof with a solid material to be dense goaf filling, so that only yields a small amount of roof ro

8、ck sinking in order to reduce surface subsidence and deformation of the ground to protect the building, structure or purpose of farmland . Which is the filling of water and sediment filling in the mining method to reduce

9、 the effect of surface preparation methods subsidence, followed by the wind and filling away from the filling of waste. Howeve</p><p>  1.1.2 strip mining</p><p>  Based on coal and overlying st

10、rata combination of conditions, according to a certain ratio of mining to remain in the coal seam was mined in a recovery to retain one. As a result of strip mining is only part of the underground mining of coal resource

11、s, coal in order to retain a portion of coal overlying strata cylindrical support. Thereby reducing the overburden rock movement, control the movement and deformation of the surface to achieve on the ground to build stru

12、ctures of protection. However,</p><p>  1.1.3 Filling the cover rock band separation</p><p>  Mined-out area in accordance with the top of the cover rock band mobile form a three-shift character

13、istics of the rock, in coal mining after a certain time interval, with drilling to the separation of space with high-pressure grouting, filling, reinforced with separation of space, will be mining the reinforced masonry

14、beam structure for better stability of the continuous beam structures, so that separation of space with the sink is no longer transfer to the surface in order to reduce or mitigate</p><p>  1.1.4 Mining thic

15、k limit</p><p>  According to the mining area topography, hydro-geological conditions and building the capacity of anti-deformation structures in order to not produce the surface water and to meet the requir

16、ements of the protection of buildings based on grades to determine the thickness of coal seam can be mined, mining is only the thickness of the coal mining, none of the remaining coal mining, in order to achieve reductio

17、n in the protection of ground subsidence building, structures and land use. However, the l</p><p>  1.1.5 Coordination of the exploitation of</p><p>  Slice mining thick coal seam, the rational

18、design of the exploitation of the working face spacing, location and exploitation of the order of each other, so that a coal mining (face) surface deformation generated by coal and the exploitation of another (face) surf

19、ace deformation arising from mutual offset or partially offset to reduce the mining of surface deformation caused by the protection of ground built structures. However, the technology's fault in order to maintain a c

20、ertain distance, it i</p><p>  1.1.6 "Picking - Note - adopted" three-step extraction</p><p>  Take full advantage of the structure of overburden rock strata movement of the control, a

21、pplication of the principle of load replacement for small strip mining - the consolidation grouting filling goaf - strip mining the remaining three-step extraction method, effective mobility and the surface of the rock s

22、ubsidence control, to solve the large-scale exploitation of ground subsidence control, increased the rate of coal mining, the protection of the ground built structures, but there are complex </p><p>  II. La

23、nd Reclamation Technology</p><p>  2.2.1 Reclamation of coal gangue and fly ash filling Filling Reclamation</p><p>  (1) generated a large number of underground mining to surface emissions of co

24、al gangue, is there an area of pollution of the environment. The use of coal waste as filling material, so that mining can restore damaged land and reducing the amount of waste to.</p><p>  (2) the use of pl

25、ant waste - fly ash filled reclaimed land subsidence can be of two evils (subsidence, fly ash) for the three-li (power plants, coal mines, three farmers put a favorable face).</p><p>  2.2.2 Reclamation of t

26、he ground and the construction of terraces</p><p>  Subsidence of the water, diving bit lower slope areas, can be taken to the land formation, terraced into the use of the method of reclamation. Terrace leve

27、l width and height, should be based on ease shaking the ground slope, soil engineering a large quantity of crop filial types of integrated farming mechanization level to consider to determine, the size of the field grad

28、ient and slope aspect, slope should be based on the original great filial piety non-irrigated conditions, reclamation of land</p><p>  2.2.3 Reclamation Act lost platoon</p><p>  Excavation of d

29、rainage channels, will be the introduction of subsidence shallow water of rivers, lakes, reservoirs, etc., as the water used is re-flooded subsidence under cultivation.</p><p>  2.2.4 Reclamation deep shallo

30、w pad</p><p>  The use of manual or mechanical methods to the local water or seasonal water subsidence deepened the sinking large area suitable for fish farming, irrigation water, filled with soil dug up sma

31、ll areas of mining subsidence, making it available cultivation of arable land.</p><p>  2.2.5 Utilization of catchment areas for technical</p><p>  Large area of ground water and water depth of

32、a lot of subsidence, the utilization of science, the development of Cage Culture, fish fences, storage for irrigation water, construction of water parks.</p><p>  2.2.6 Reclamation of solid microbial technol

33、ogy</p><p>  Add the proper amount of gangue microbial activator, after a growing period of plants (about 6 months) can establish a solid layer of plant growth and form of soil aging.</p><p>  M

34、ining subsidence caused by mining environment is the direct cause of geological disasters, effective control and reduce the degree of ground subsidence is to avoid environmental hazards of mining subsidence of the basic

35、approach. Fill mining method is to reduce the effect of surface preparation method of sinking, some mines in recent years in Shandong paste filling are doing the experiment, this method can not face down or reduce the co

36、llapse zone, the better to reduce surface subsidence . Tech</p><p>  Mining subsidence of the land resources and damage is unavoidable, it should be applied in various coal mines according to their actual si

37、tuation and conditions of a reasonable application of the prevention and control of mining subsidence land reclamation techniques and technology, mining technology, the ecological reclamation of multidisciplinary knowled

38、ge to carry out comprehensive management of surface subsidence and the development and utilization in order to better protect the surface, min</p><p><b>  中文翻譯</b></p><p>  開采沉陷造成的礦區(qū)

39、環(huán)境災(zāi)害</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞 開采沉陷;土地復(fù)墾;沉陷控制</p><p>  煤炭的大規(guī)模開采對礦山及其周圍環(huán)境造成了嚴重的破壞日益突出,開采沉陷造成的礦區(qū)環(huán)境災(zāi)害主要有土地塌陷或積水,農(nóng)田減產(chǎn)或絕產(chǎn)、道路塌陷、房屋變形破壞等,這都是開采引起的巖層移動,是造成礦區(qū)塌陷災(zāi)害和區(qū)域變形的根源,有效控制和減輕地面塌陷程度是解決此問題的根本之路。隨著煤炭形式的好轉(zhuǎn),各集團公司都加大了環(huán)

40、境的防治和治理,對煤炭事業(yè)來說,功在當(dāng)代,利在千秋。</p><p>  一、沉陷的防治技術(shù)途徑</p><p>  沉陷破壞的防治技術(shù)途徑可以從兩方面考慮;(1)對開采沉陷的控制,即通過合理選擇采礦方法和工藝、合理布置開采工作面、采取井下充填法、覆巖離層帶空間充填等措施,來減少地表下沉,控制地表下沉速度和范圍,達到保護地表和地面建、構(gòu)筑物與耕地的目的。(2)開采沉陷破壞的恢復(fù)和整治,運用

41、土地復(fù)墾技術(shù)和建筑物抗采動變形技術(shù),對開采沉陷破壞的土地進行整治和利用。</p><p>  1.1.1全部充填開采</p><p>  在煤炭采出后頂板尚未冒落之前,用固體材料對采空區(qū)進行密實充填,使頂板巖層僅產(chǎn)生少量下沉,以減少地表的下沉和變形,達到保護地面建、構(gòu)筑物或農(nóng)田的目的。其中水沙充填是充填采煤法中減少地表下沉效果作好的方法,其次是風(fēng)力充填和矸石自溜充填。但充填采礦法需要專門的

42、充填設(shè)備和設(shè)施,還需要有充足的充填材料。礦井初期投資大,噸煤成本相應(yīng)的增加。</p><p><b>  1.1.2條帶開采</b></p><p>  根據(jù)煤層和上覆巖層組合條件,按一定的采留比,在被開采的煤層中采出一條,保留一條。由于條帶開采僅是部分地采出地下煤炭資源,保留了一部分煤炭以煤柱形支撐上覆巖層。從而減少覆巖移動,控制地表的移動和變形,實現(xiàn)對地面建、構(gòu)筑

43、物的保護。但該方法采出率低、巷道掘進多,工作面效率低。</p><p>  1.1.3覆巖離層帶充填</p><p>  根據(jù)采空區(qū)上方覆巖移動形成三帶的巖移特性,在煤炭采出后一定時間間隔內(nèi),用鉆孔往離層帶空間高壓注漿,充填,加固離層帶空間,將采動的砌體梁結(jié)構(gòu)加固為穩(wěn)定性較好的連續(xù)梁結(jié)構(gòu),使離層帶的下沉空間不再向地表傳遞,以減少或減緩地表下沉,保護地面建、構(gòu)筑物或農(nóng)田。但該技術(shù)難度大,再近

44、一步研究。</p><p><b>  1.1.4限厚開采</b></p><p>  根據(jù)礦區(qū)地形、水文地質(zhì)條件和建、構(gòu)筑物抗變形能力,以不產(chǎn)生地表積水和滿足建筑物所要求的保護等級為依據(jù),確定可開采的煤層厚度,開采是僅回采這一厚度的煤,其余各煤層均不開采,以實現(xiàn)減少下沉保護地面建、構(gòu)筑物及土地的目的。但該技術(shù)采出率低,僅在薄煤層中應(yīng)用有一定的使用價值。</p&

45、gt;<p><b>  1.1.5協(xié)調(diào)開采</b></p><p>  厚煤層分層開采時,合理設(shè)計各工作面的開采間距,相互位置與開采順序,使開采一個煤層(工作面)所產(chǎn)生的地表變形和開采另一個煤層(工作面)所產(chǎn)生的地表變形相互抵消或抵消一部分,以減少采動引起的地表變形,保護地面建、構(gòu)筑物。但該技術(shù)要保持一定的錯距,因此組織生產(chǎn)難度較大。我國尚未開展這種工業(yè)性實驗。</p&

46、gt;<p>  1.1.6 “采-注-采“三步法開采</p><p>  充分利用覆巖結(jié)構(gòu)對巖層移動的控制作用,應(yīng)用荷載置換的原理,進行小條帶開采-注漿充填固結(jié)采空區(qū)-剩余條帶開采的三步法開采,有效的對巖層移動和地表沉陷的控制,解決了大面積開采地表沉陷控制、提高了煤炭的回采率,保護了地面建、構(gòu)筑物,但也存在工藝復(fù)雜,成本較大等缺點。</p><p><b>  二

47、.土地復(fù)墾技術(shù)</b></p><p>  2.2.1煤矸石充填復(fù)墾和粉煤灰充填復(fù)墾</p><p> ?。?)地下開采產(chǎn)生的大量煤矸石運到地表排放,既占地有污染環(huán)境。利用煤矸石作為充填材料,即可使采煤破壞的土地得到恢復(fù),又能減少矸石的額占地。 </p><p>  (2)利用電廠的廢棄物--粉煤灰充填沉陷區(qū)復(fù)墾土地,可以化兩害(沉陷區(qū)、粉煤灰)為三利(

48、電廠、煤礦、農(nóng)民三放面有利)。</p><p>  2.2.2平地和修建梯田復(fù)墾</p><p>  對積水沉陷區(qū)、潛水位較低的邊坡地帶,可采取平整土地、改造成梯田的方法復(fù)墾利用。梯田的水平寬度和梯坎高度,應(yīng)根據(jù)地面坡度抖緩、土層薄厚、工程量大孝作物種類、耕種機械化程度綜合考慮確定,田間坡度的大小和坡向,應(yīng)根據(jù)原始坡度的大孝有無灌溉條件、復(fù)墾土地用途來決定。</p><

49、p>  2.2.3輸排法復(fù)墾</p><p>  開挖排水渠道,將沉陷區(qū)淺積水引入河流、湖泊、坑塘、水庫等,作為蓄水用,是沉陷水淹地重新得到耕種。</p><p>  2.2.4深挖墊淺復(fù)墾</p><p>  運用人工或機械方法,將局部積水或季節(jié)性積水沉陷區(qū)下沉大區(qū)域挖深,適合養(yǎng)魚、蓄水灌溉等,用挖出的泥土充填開采沉陷較小的地區(qū),使其成為可種植的耕地。<

50、;/p><p>  2.2.5積水區(qū)綜合利用技術(shù)</p><p>  對地面大面積積水和積水深度很大的沉陷區(qū),科學(xué)的綜合利用,發(fā)展網(wǎng)箱養(yǎng)魚、圍欄養(yǎng)魚、蓄洪作灌溉水源、建造水上公園等。</p><p>  2.2.6固體微生物復(fù)墾技術(shù)</p><p>  煤矸石添加適量微生物活化劑,經(jīng)過一個植物生長期(約6個月)就可建立起穩(wěn)固的植物生長層,形成熟化

51、的土壤。</p><p>  開采沉陷是造成礦區(qū)環(huán)境地質(zhì)災(zāi)害的直接原因,有效控制和減輕地面沉陷程度是避免開采沉陷環(huán)境災(zāi)害的基本途徑。充填采煤法是減少地表下沉效果作好的方法,近年在山東有些礦區(qū)正在做膏體充填的實驗,這種方法可使采場沒有或減少垮落帶,能更好的減少地表下沉。但它的技術(shù)含量很大,輸送倍線大,管路易阻塞,如果成功那將是煤礦開采的一次技術(shù)革命。</p><p>  開采沉陷對土地資源的


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