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1、<p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(論文)譯文</p><p><b>  題目名稱: </b></p><p>  院系名稱:建筑工程學(xué)院</p><p>  班 級:建筑072</p><p>  學(xué) 號:200701624217</p><p><b>  學(xué)生姓名:

2、</b></p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: </p><p>  2012年 03月</p><p><b>  第一篇:</b></p><p>  航空博物館與航空展示公園</p><p>  巴特羅米耶杰·基謝列夫斯基</p><p

3、>  飛翔的概念、場所的精神、老機場的建筑---克拉科夫新航空博物館理性地吸取了這些元素,并將它們整合到一座建筑當(dāng)中。Rakowice-Czyzyny機場之前的舊飛機修理庫為新建筑的平面和高度設(shè)定了模數(shù)比例。在此基本形態(tài)上進一步發(fā)展,如同裁切和折疊一架紙飛機,生成了一座巨大的建筑。其三角形機翼是由混凝土制成,卻如同風(fēng)動螺旋槳一樣輕盈。這個機翼寬大通透,向各個方向開敞。它們的形態(tài)與組織都是依據(jù)內(nèi)部功能來設(shè)計的。機翼部分為3個不平衡的

4、平面,使內(nèi)外景觀在不斷變化中形成空間的延續(xù)性,并且聯(lián)系了建筑內(nèi)的視覺焦點和室外的展覽區(qū)。</p><p>  新航空展示公園的設(shè)計連接了博物館的8棟建筑和戶外展覽區(qū),并與歷史體驗建立聯(lián)系。從前的視覺軸線與通道得到尊重,舊的道路得到了完善 ,朝向飛機場和跑道的空間被限定出來。每棟建筑展示了一個主題或是一段飛行史。建筑周圍伸展出巨大的平臺,為特殊主題的室外展覽提供了空間。博物館容納了超過150架飛機、引擎、飛行復(fù)制品

5、、成套的技術(shù)檔案和歷史圖片。這里的特色收藏是飛機起源開始的各種飛行器,如Jatho1903、Grade1909、萊特兄弟1909年的飛機模 型和1911年的鴿式單翼機。</p><p>  The first passage:</p><p>  Museum for aviation and aviation exhibition park </p><p>  

6、Bartiomiej Kislelewski</p><p>  The idea of flying, the spirit of place, the structure of the historic airfield – the new Museum of Aviation in Krakow takes up these references intellectually and synthesizes

7、 them into a building. The old hangars of the former airport Rakowice Czyzyny set the modular scale for the footprint and the height of the new building. Developed from this basic shape, as if cut out and folded like a p

8、aper airplane, a large structure has been generated, with triangular wings made of concrete and yet as li</p><p>  The design of the new aviation park links the eight buildings of the museum and open-air exh

9、ibition areas in a joint historical experience. Former view axes and paths are respected, old alleys are completed and spaces towards the airfield and taxiway are defined. Each building exhibits one topic or episode of a

10、viation, with a large base platform extending around it giving spaces for open-air exhibition of the particular themes. The museum contains more than 150 planes, engines, aviation artefact</p><p><b>  

11、第二篇:</b></p><p><b>  華沙現(xiàn)代藝術(shù)博物館</b></p><p><b>  克里斯蒂安·克雷茲</b></p><p>  此建筑正逐步向綜合性展覽與多功能空間的方向發(fā)展。建筑東側(cè)的畫廊空間由街道層開始,就在力求營造藝術(shù)的可見性與可及性。展廳容納的功能定位于更廣泛的大眾---

12、-波蘭和國際藝術(shù)界的“知名人士”將在這里展示他們的作品。</p><p>  首層空間服務(wù)于多種功能----一個大型報告廳和電影院將設(shè)置在這里,同時還有一個大型書店、南向觀景餐廳、中心廣場、以及一個名為“華沙畫廊”的附加展示空間----目的是要將當(dāng)?shù)厮囆g(shù)的氣氛、各項目間有趣的互動納入外界視覺藝術(shù)的構(gòu)架。</p><p>  博物館的主要門廳朝向Marszalkowska大街和未來的中心廣場

13、,并與博物館上面各層相連。巨大的、如圓形劇場般的樓梯將參觀者引導(dǎo)上來,寬敞的接待大廳將整個樓層分兩個部分:巨大的東側(cè)展廳和西側(cè)的畫廊。展廳高達16m,具有大教堂般的空間體驗,并將容納大尺度的雕塑類和放置特定的展覽項目。</p><p>  建筑西翼將容納博物館的核心部分,即永久展廳,是按照20世紀(jì)與21世紀(jì)波蘭與國際藝術(shù)發(fā)展史分區(qū)設(shè)置的展覽。附加空間用于對藝術(shù)檔案與文件的探索與研究。正如開幕展上博物館臨時館長所說

14、的,“我一睜開眼睛,就會看到一部電影,是那些1960年代、1970年代前南斯拉夫的實驗藝術(shù)?!痹诓┪镳^系列畫廊后面是圖書館和閱覽室,通過獨立的樓梯和街道層入口與首層相連。</p><p>  通過整合兩個樓層的功能、人性化的展覽布局、教育區(qū)與娛樂區(qū),以及將結(jié)構(gòu)與立面結(jié)合的屋頂構(gòu)件理念,這些措施使該項目達到了最大程度的和諧與統(tǒng)一的效果。</p><p>  The second passag

15、e:</p><p>  Museum of modern art in warsaw</p><p>  Christian Kerez</p><p>  The building is gradually evolving towards the full integration of exhibition and multi-function spaces

16、. The art will be visible- and reachable- from the street level at the gallery space in the east wing of the building .That exhibition hall will host a program aimed at the wide public – “big names” in both Polish and in

17、ternational art will be shown here.</p><p>  The spaces on the ground floor will offer a varied program-both the large auditorium and the cinema hall will be located here, together with a large bookshop, res

18、taurant overlooking the southern, central plaza, and an additional exhibition space, called “The Warsaw Gallery” – aimed at the local artistic milieu, interesting debuts as well interdisciplinary projects, reaching outsi

19、de the visual arts framework.</p><p>  The main lobby of the Museum will be opened towards both Marszalkowska street and the future central plaza, and it will also connect to the upper floor of the Museum. W

20、ide, amphitheatre-like stairs will lead visitors up, where a roomy reception lobby bisects the whole floor, dividing the vast east exhibition room, reaching 16 meters in height, will give a cathedral-like experience and

21、will host large-scale sculptural and site specific projects.</p><p>  The western wing will house the core of the Museum, i.e. its permanent collection halls, followed by rooms for historical exhibitions of

22、Polish and international art of the 20th and 21st centuries. Additional space will host research projects, aimed at exploration of artistic archives and documentation, such as the inaugural exhibition “As soon as I open

23、my eyes, I see a film. Experiment in the art of Yugoslavia in the 1960’s and 1970’s.” held at Museum temporary HQ. Behind that set of galleries</p><p>  The integration of the functional program on two floor

24、s, visitor-friendly layout of exhibition, educational and leisure areas, as well as the architectonic concept of the roof which combines both the construction and façade of the building-all those steps lead towards

25、a maximum of coherence and unity of the project. </p><p><b>  第三篇:</b></p><p>  波蘭猶太人歷史博物館</p><p>  拉赫戴爾瑪 馬赫蘭姆基</p><p>  2005年春舉辦了波蘭猶太歷史博物館的國際設(shè)計競賽。這座博物館將作為

26、多功能中心,用于研究與發(fā)展猶太人的歷史傳統(tǒng)。教育和文化。2005年夏。拉和戴爾瑪、馬赫拉姆基建筑師事務(wù)所提交的方案被宣布成為中標(biāo)方案。2007年6月26日,在華沙舉行了博物館奠基儀式,比計劃于2001年底完工。</p><p>  這里主要的固定展覽設(shè)置在主廳下一個5000平方米的巨大展覽空間。特定的內(nèi)在氛圍將展現(xiàn)波蘭猶太人的歷史哦不同側(cè)面。主要的展覽任務(wù)是展現(xiàn)猶太人文化從中世紀(jì)發(fā)展到今天的不同階段與形式----

27、大屠殺只是展覽主廳之一。</p><p>  二戰(zhàn)前,華沙曾經(jīng)是猶太人最重要的聚集城市之一,有50萬猶太人居住在這里。博物館基地位于威力。勃蘭特公園內(nèi),距戰(zhàn)后重建的華沙老城區(qū)僅1千米。這座公園在戰(zhàn)爭時期是猶太的一部分,飽經(jīng)滄桑。</p><p>  博物館旁邊是紀(jì)念華沙猶太人聚居區(qū)反對納粹的起義紀(jì)念碑。這座紀(jì)念碑已經(jīng)成為博物館建筑的最重要元素。博物館和紀(jì)念碑前面廣場的比例經(jīng)過慎重的推敲。博

28、物館的外形呈矩形,立面覆蓋玻璃和銅質(zhì)面板。</p><p>  建筑物的名稱暗示出建筑的主要展廳??臻g的設(shè)計靈感來自舊約的傳說。同時,展廳的形態(tài)暗示著自然中普遍而抽象的現(xiàn)象。主展廳是建筑物中最重要的元素。這個純凈而寂靜的空間將博物館展現(xiàn)在參觀者面前。</p><p>  The third passage:</p><p>  Museum of the histo

29、ry of polish</p><p>  Lahdelma Mahlamaki</p><p>  An international architectural competition for the Museum of the History of Polish Jews was organised in spring 2005 .the museum will function

30、as a multifunctional centre for the research and exhibition of Jewish heritage, education and culture .the proposal by Lahdelma &Mahlamaki Architects was declared winner in summer 2005. the groundbreaking ceremony of

31、 the Museum was held on site in Warsaw the 26th of June,2007 . The building is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2011.</p><p>  The main permanent exhibition takes place under the main hall in a large

32、exhibition space of 5000㎡.special built-in milieus will present the different aspects of the history of the Polish Jews .The main task of the exhibition is to present different phases and forms of Jewish culture starting

33、 form medieval times to Present day-the holocaust is only one of the main themes of the exhibition.</p><p>  Warsaw has been one of the most important cities for Jews;before the Second World War there were h

34、alf a million Jewish inhabitants in the city. The site of the new museum is located in the Willy Brandt Park, one kilometre from the old city centre of Warsaw, which was rebuilt after the war . The history of the park is

35、 tragic as it was part of the Jewish ghetto during the war.</p><p>  Adjacent to the new museum is the memorial of the uprising in the Jewish ghetto the memorial of the uprising in the Jewish ghetto. The mem

36、orial has been an import element in the architecture of the museum . the proportions of the plaza in front the memorial and the museum have been carefully considered. The shape of the museum building is rectangular .the

37、facades will be covered with glass and copper panels.</p><p>  The name of the building symbolically refers to the architecture of the main hall . the inspiration for the space has been the legends of the ha

38、ll refer to the universal and abstract phenomena of nature . the main hall is the most important element in the architecture of the building; a pure and silent space introducing the museum to the visitors.</p><

39、;p><b>  第四篇:</b></p><p><b>  湖北省博物館</b></p><p>  湖北省博物館是湖北唯一的省級綜合性博物館,位于江城武漢東湖之濱,主要承擔(dān)著全省文物的收藏、保管、保護、陳列展覽及藏品的研究工作。館舍占地122畝,建筑面積4萬余平方米。館舍由編鐘館、楚文化館、綜合陳列樓(在建)組成,目前本館已擁有專業(yè)人

40、員200余人(其中研究館員9人,副研究館員21人),設(shè)有辦公室、陳列部、保管部、社教部、協(xié)調(diào)部、考古部、文保中心等業(yè)務(wù)部門。隸屬于湖北省文化廳。</p><p>  湖北省博物館籌建于1953年,湖北省博物館的“前身”是建國之初成立的湖北省人民科學(xué)館,1953年3月16日經(jīng)省人民政府批準(zhǔn),在原科學(xué)館的基礎(chǔ)上,成立湖北省博物館(籌備處),并與湖北省文物管理委員會合署辦公。1957年正式成立省博物館。</p&g

41、t;<p>  該館現(xiàn)已擁有館藏文物26萬余件,其中國家一級品812件,國寶級文物16件。湖北省博物館收藏的文物既富地方特色,又具有時代特征,基本反映著湖北地區(qū)古代文化的面貌。并且,一部分器物即使在中國古代文化發(fā)展史上也居有舉足輕重的地位。館藏文物品類豐富,器類齊全,主要有陶、瓷器、青銅器、漆木器、金玉器、字畫等。改寫世界音樂史的世界最大青銅樂器——曾侯乙編鐘、天下第一劍——越王勾踐劍等為該館的鎮(zhèn)館之寶。</p>

42、;<p>  具濃郁楚風(fēng),呈一主兩翼、中軸對稱的展館現(xiàn)陳列著《曾侯乙墓出土文物》、《楚文化展》。</p><p>  編鐘館作為湖北省博物館展館的一翼,于1999年1月開館。主要展出曾侯乙墓出土的一萬余件文物中包括曾侯乙編鐘在內(nèi)的不同類別文物的精品,基本上是一部形象地反映公元前5世紀(jì)長江中游地區(qū)的百科全書。編鐘館還專設(shè)編鐘演奏廳,以曾侯乙墓出土的編鐘、編磬等樂器的復(fù)制品進行演奏。</p>

43、<p>  楚文化館作為湖北省博物館展館的另一翼,于2005年12月開館,陳列著《楚文化展》。楚文化作為先秦時期的一個區(qū)域文化,獨具一格、自成一體、博大精深,是構(gòu)成先秦華夏文明的重要組成部分。該展覽分為八個部分,集中地展出湖北地區(qū)出土的楚文物精華,力求全面展示楚文化的輝煌。展品中有越王勾踐劍、吳王夫差矛,還有復(fù)原的2002年在湖北棗陽九連墩發(fā)掘的楚國車馬坑中的部分車馬。</p><p>  湖北省博

44、物館還有著較強的研究力量,歷年來出版了一系列研究著作,主要有《云夢睡虎地秦墓》、《睡虎地秦簡文字編》,《曾侯乙墓》、《曾侯乙編鐘研究》、《曾侯乙墓文物藝術(shù)》、《中國文物考古之美--地下樂宮》、《中國湖北出土文物》、《湖北省博物館》等。在文物保護的研究方面也較為突出,如飽水竹簡脫水處理、飽水漆器脫水處于國內(nèi)領(lǐng)先水平。</p><p>  The fourth passage:</p><p>

45、;  Museum of the Hunan </p><p>  The Hubei Province museum is the Hubei only provincial level comprehensive museum, shore of located at the Jiangcheng Wuhan East Lake, is mainly undertaking the entire provin

46、ce cultural relic collection, the storage, the protection, the exhibition display and the holding research work. The dwelling occupies a land area of 122 Chinese acres, the floor space 40,000 square meters. The dwelling

47、by the chime hall, the Chu cultural building, the synthesis exhibition building (is constructing) is compo</p><p>  This hall already had collection cultural relic 260,000, national first-level 812, national

48、 treasure level cultural relic 16. Hubei Province museum collection cultural relic both rich local characteristics, and has the historical characteristics, was reflecting the Hubei area basically the ancient civilization

49、 appearance. And, part of utensils, even if in the ancient civilization history also occupied in China has the pivotal status. The collection cultural relic category is rich, a kind of comp</p><p>  The chim

50、e hall takes the Hubei Province museum exhibition hall a wing, opened in January, 1999. Mainly displays in the Zeng Houyi grave unearthed 10,000 cultural relic including the Zeng Houyi chime's different category cult

51、ural relic high-quality goods, basically was an image reflects the 5th century B.C. Yangtze River middle reaches area the encyclopedia. The chime hall also specially supposes the chime concert hall, by Zeng Houyi musical

52、 instrument's and so on grave unearthed chime, Bianqing </p><p><b>  第五篇:</b></p><p><b>  蘇州博物館</b></p><p>  蘇州博物館是中國地方歷史藝術(shù)性博物館。位于江蘇省蘇州市東北街。1960年建立,2006年

53、10月建成新館,設(shè)計者為著名的建筑設(shè)計大師貝聿銘。館址為太平天國忠王李秀成王府遺址。面積8000多平方米,分東、西、中3路,中路立體建筑為殿堂型式,梁坊滿飾蘇式彩繪,入口處側(cè)門,有文征明手植紫藤,內(nèi)部東側(cè)有太平天國古典舞臺等,是全國重點文物保護單位。</p><p>  這座投資達3.39億元的新館建筑和相伴的忠王府古建筑交相輝映,總建筑面積26500平方米,其中忠王府建筑面積7500平方米,地面一層為主,局部二

54、層;新館建筑面積19000平方米,為充分尊重所在街區(qū)的歷史風(fēng)貌,博物館新館采用地下一層,地面也是以一層為主,主體建筑檐口高度控制在6米之內(nèi);中央大廳和西部展廳安排了局部二層,高度16米?!靶夼f如舊”的忠王府古建筑作為蘇州博物館新館的一個組成部分,與新館建筑珠聯(lián)璧合,從而使蘇州博物館新館成為一座集現(xiàn)代化館舍建筑、古建筑與創(chuàng)新山水園林三位一體的綜合性博物館。 在整體布局上,新館巧妙地借助水面,與緊鄰的拙政園、忠王府融會貫通,成為其

55、建筑風(fēng)  蘇州博物館格的延伸。新館建筑群坐北朝南,被分成三大塊:中央部分為入口、中央大廳和主庭院;西部為博物館主展區(qū);東部為次展區(qū)和行政辦公區(qū)。這種以中軸線對稱的東、中、西三路布局,和東側(cè)的忠王府格局相互映襯,十分和諧。新館與原有拙政園的建筑環(huán)境既渾然一體,相互借景、相互輝映,符合歷史建筑環(huán)境要求,又有其本身的獨立性,以中軸線及園林、庭園空間將兩者結(jié)合起來,無論空間布局和城市機理都恰到好處。 </p><p

56、>  The fifth passage:</p><p>  Museum of the Suzhou</p><p>  Suzhou museum is China's local history museum of art. Located in suzhou northeast street. Established in 1960, October 2006, t

57、he designer to build new architectural design of famous master applied. Is granted for the taiping heavenly kingdom zhong king li xiu-chen wangfu sites. Area of more than 8,000 square meters, east and west, in the middle

58、 road, building three-dimensional edifice, liang fang for full adorn su coloured drawing or pattern, at the entrance to the side, wen levy goes, the east </p><p>  The investment of 3.39 million yuan li brar

59、y buildings and the concomitant inter-shining ancient palace, with a total construction area of 26500 square meters, construction area of wang zhong 7,500 square meters, ground layer, local floor, Li brary buildings area

60、 19,000 m2, fully respect the historical block, where the new museum by underground, the ground is in a layer of main building, in 6 meters high control cornice, In western and central hall hall arranged partial height 1


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