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1、<p><b>  翻譯原文:</b></p><p>  Preliminary design of urban binjiang road</p><p>  Zhang Cheng hong Deng Guan Cai Chen Ming</p><p>  Abstract: Urban binjiang road const

2、ruction is a comprehensive, professional engineering system in recent years, urban construction is an important component. This article from design standards, structure and foundation processing aspects of the design of

3、the particularity and urban binjiang road put forward the corresponding proposal.</p><p>  Keywords: urban binjiang road design standard structure forms of foundation treatment recommendations</p><

4、;p>  1 a foreword</p><p>  A city is a basic rivers or through them or belt. Rivers in cities like colored winding between since ancient people to survive, provide the resources and the nutrition of polit

5、ics, economy, history, culture, and closely related. Along with the growth in productivity, economic development, binjiang road (river) (hereinafter referred to as the binjiang road) become city is an important part of t

6、he construction. Broadly speaking, binjiang road is not part of the urban traffic, it sets the urban fl</p><p>  2 design standards</p><p>  Binjiang road design, to follow the city planning, la

7、nd, environment, network planning for flood control, etc. Now the binjiang road construction is a variety of functions, its design standards should be integrated more professional standard and analysis. Binjiang road sur

8、face from flood linear function should satisfy the relevant terms for the urban flood control standard requirements, and strive to any section of the flow and smooth, minimize the turbulence and deposition, in order to a

9、void th</p><p>  Figure 1 binjiang road cross-sectional form</p><p>  3 structure</p><p>  1) general rigid pavement concrete structure and flexible portion of asphalt concrete stru

10、cture of two forms. In flexible pavement design, still can choose for landscape need five CaiBan Lan of colored pavement. </p><p>  2) the choice of the form of structure of embankment in hydrology, the main

11、 engineering geological conditions, the necessary conditions for the local materials and the humanities landscape and scientific and reasonable use new technology, new material. Embankment in general and rigid and flexib

12、le structure, concrete QiShi, two types of rigid structure is applicable to bedrock and close-grained sandy pebble for the foundation; etc. With such composites reinforced with rolling stone pile and soil </p><

13、;p>  Figure 2 combined-type retaining wall</p><p>  4 foundation treatment</p><p>  Proper foundation treatment is one of the key factors of successful project, but also some engineering is o

14、ne of the main reasons for the accident. Binjiang road foundation with good, fast and save for the principle, cast in flood season before is a winner. BinHeLu leshan city of engineering rock litter, because the role as p

15、erennial turbulent digg 6 m deep pit pit mud, if for filling cofferdam seepage control, engineering investment will be increased by 30%, Due to the large amount, high veloci</p><p>  1) when the design of em

16、bankment and foundation of the clay layer, cranny weakness interlayer sliding stability thoughtle-ss slip out of the whole, embankment. </p><p>  2) the structure and roadbed treatment are reasonably safe, b

17、ut when large roadbed construction on the edge of river terraces, feeding area, make structure roadbed, lose sliding resistance level fluctuations in easily, flowing soil, piping, collapse, make the foundation structure,

18、 mechanical parameters reduce and eventually crash poaching by less fastidious, commonly known as "project".</p><p>  3) when the embankment sections simultaneously in soft and hard, because when t

19、he two kinds of bearing the embankment caused by uneven settlement dumping or section cracking. </p><p>  4) the buried depth of roadbed not according to specification, in scour depth below the embankment fo

20、undation and foundation by scouring and crash. Design and construction should be especially avoid above a few cases.</p><p>  5 cross structures</p><p>  Because of the special with water, binji

21、ang road, its range is often exist or planning (port), Bridges, DAMS, binjiang park, such as buildings, rescue, should consider when designing and binjiang road, whether reasonable, the combination of longitudinal loads,

22、 relationship, flood control, urban traffic management of the landscape.</p><p>  6 problem and suggestion</p><p>  The urban flood control standard is based on binjiang road urban population si

23、ze and importance, but the flood control standard is the bridge to the scale, the span Bridges and importance. Because of the importance of bridge structure, in the same city flood control standard far outweigh the binji

24、ang road bridge, i.e. bridge design elevation standard than binjiang road design elevation, for both sides General layout is more important riverbank, demolition, thus building difficulties caused by lo</p><p&

25、gt;<b>  翻譯譯文:</b></p><p><b>  城市濱江路設(shè)計淺析</b></p><p>  張程宏 鄧關(guān)彩 陳 銘</p><p>  摘 要:城市濱江路建設(shè)是一項綜合性多學(xué)科、多專業(yè)的系統(tǒng)工程, 是近些年城市建設(shè)的一個重要組成部分。本文從設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)、結(jié)構(gòu)形式、地基處理等方面闡述城市濱江路設(shè)計的特殊性并

26、提出相應(yīng)建議。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞: 城市濱江路  設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)  結(jié)構(gòu)形式  地基處理  建議</p><p><b>  1 前言</b></p><p>  一個城市基本有一條或幾條江河穿越其中或繞城而行。河流似彩帶蜿蜒于城市之間, 亙古以來, 提供人們賴以生存的資源營養(yǎng), 并與政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、歷史、文化等密切相關(guān)。隨著生產(chǎn)力的提高, 經(jīng)

27、濟(jì)的發(fā)展, 濱江(河) 路(以下統(tǒng)稱濱江路)成為城市建設(shè)的一個重要組成部分。廣義地講, 濱江路不僅是城市交通的組成部分, 它還集城市防洪、管網(wǎng)建設(shè)、園林綠化、環(huán)境保護(hù)、人文景觀等功能為一體, 是人、水、城關(guān)系的紐帶, 其建設(shè)的成敗直接影響城市定位和經(jīng)濟(jì)跨越式發(fā)展。筆者近幾年主持參加了若干城市濱江路的設(shè)計工作, 歸納以下幾點體會。</p><p><b>  2 設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)</b></p&

28、gt;<p>  濱江路設(shè)計遵循城市總體規(guī)劃, 以路網(wǎng)、用地、環(huán)境、防洪等規(guī)劃為依據(jù)?,F(xiàn)在建設(shè)的濱江路均具多種功能, 故其設(shè)計標(biāo)準(zhǔn)應(yīng)綜合多個專業(yè)規(guī)范分析而定之。濱江路平面線形從防洪功能來講應(yīng)滿足相應(yīng)城市防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)所需的行洪斷面要求,并力求河岸及水流順暢, 最大限度地減少紊流和淤積, 以避免對路堤的沖刷及行洪不暢; 從城市路網(wǎng)功能來講應(yīng)滿足相應(yīng)道路工程所需的最小平曲線要素要求, 并力求線形順暢, 以利于交通組織; 從人文景觀及

29、園林小品功能來講, 又要求濱江路河堤婉轉(zhuǎn)而行, 并在河段凸出或凹進(jìn)之處設(shè)置景觀平臺, 以最大限度地接近自然和突出城市主題。由此防洪、道路標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與景觀要求有所背離, 這就要求設(shè)計人員以水文分析兼模型試驗為依據(jù), 在滿足城市防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的基礎(chǔ)上, 盡量滿足道路標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和景觀要求。濱江路縱斷線形從防洪功能來講, 其路面高程應(yīng)等于相應(yīng)防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下的頻率洪水高程+堤頂超高;從道路標(biāo)準(zhǔn)而言路面高程應(yīng)等于防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)下的頻率洪水高程+50cm,并滿足相應(yīng)道路工程等級

30、所需的縱坡及最小豎曲線要素要求; 從人文景觀及園林小品功能方面, 要求濱江路在縱段上似龍游水中, 有起伏動感。其縱斷的確定在滿足防洪功能基礎(chǔ)之上,依城市</p><p>  圖1 濱江路橫斷面形式</p><p><b>  3 結(jié)構(gòu)形式</b></p><p>  1) 路面:總體上分剛性混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)和柔性瀝青混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)兩種形式。在柔性路面設(shè)計

31、時, 為景觀需要還可選擇五彩斑讕的彩色路面。</p><p>  2) 路堤:結(jié)構(gòu)形式的選擇主要以水文、工程地質(zhì)條件, 地方材料為必要條件, 并兼顧人文景觀及科學(xué)合理運用新技術(shù)、新材料。路堤總體上也分剛性和柔性結(jié)構(gòu)兩大類, 混凝土、砌石等剛性結(jié)構(gòu)適用于以基巖、密實砂卵石等為持力層的地基; 以筋帶等復(fù)合材料及碾壓式堆石(土) 構(gòu)成的柔性結(jié)構(gòu)適用于以較厚土質(zhì)覆蓋層作為持力層的地基。路堤常規(guī)結(jié)構(gòu)筆者不再累贅, 僅就近期

32、所作兩例城市濱江路堤結(jié)構(gòu)予以著重介紹。樂山市濱河路市政工程(大渡河段) 為直立式剛性路堤, 最高達(dá)24m,因市政管線布設(shè)位置緊張, 路堤采用下重上輕組合式混凝土擋墻, 即持力層至堤頂下6m為重力式擋墻, 以上為懸臂式擋墻, 詳見如圖2, 由此路面下市政管線布設(shè)得以全部解決, 且工程量相對節(jié)約。閬中市濱江路(嘉陵江) 市政工程, 持力層基本為稍密至密實砂卵石互層, 中間含軟弱結(jié)晶體, 其最大深度達(dá)30m,為適應(yīng)地基變形, 路堤采用加筋土柔

33、性擋墻結(jié)構(gòu),經(jīng)近4年洪水考驗, 路堤變形甚微, 安全穩(wěn)定; 閬中市為歷史文化名城, 濱江路環(huán)繞歷史文化城區(qū),通過對擋墻面板的花紋處理, 使新建道路有機(jī)地融于城市歷史文化濱江路路堤不同于一般路堤之處還因其與水有直</p><p><b>  圖2 組合式擋墻</b></p><p><b>  4 地基處理</b></p><p

34、>  地基處理是否恰當(dāng)合理是工程成敗的關(guān)鍵因素之一, 也是若干工程失事的主要原因之一。濱江路地基處理以好、快、省為原則, 趕在汛期之前就是贏家。樂山市濱河路市政工程巖窩段, 因河水常年紊流作用被淘成深達(dá)6m的深坑,坑內(nèi)充填淤泥, 若作防滲圍堰, 工程投資將增加30%;由于大渡河水量大,流速高, 覆蓋層均為砂卵石強透水地基, 施工采用幾臺挖掘機(jī)邊開挖邊回填水泥穩(wěn)定砂卵石擠淤并及時碾壓的措施, 成功換填了軟弱地基, 保護(hù)了周圍地基不至

35、因管涌而失穩(wěn)。閬中市濱江路市政工程南段400m地基為砂卵石夾中砂軟弱層, 軟弱層在地下水位以下, 承載力100kPa, 摩擦角16°, 地基承載力不夠, 道路與地基整體沿軟弱層滑動安全系數(shù)小; 為節(jié)省投資和工期,設(shè)計采用75kW 振沖器對地基作振沖碎石樁處理, 經(jīng)檢測復(fù)合地基承載力達(dá)550kPa, 摩擦角為3016°。滿足路堤所需承載力及抗滑穩(wěn)定要求, 達(dá)到預(yù)期效果。以上兩例均最大限度地節(jié)省了工程投資、贏得了汛期前寶

36、貴的時間。國內(nèi)若干濱江路工程失事究其原因主要為:</p><p>  1) 設(shè)計時對路堤自身與地基沿泥化層、裂隙等軟弱夾層滑動的整體穩(wěn)定考慮不周, 致使路堤整體滑出。</p><p>  2) 對自身結(jié)構(gòu)和路基處理均合理安全, 但施工時大量在路基邊緣的河床階地取料, 造成路基臨空, 使結(jié)構(gòu)物失去抗滑支撐, 在水位漲落期間, 極易造成流土、管涌、跨塌, 使地基結(jié)構(gòu)破壞,力學(xué)參數(shù)降低而最終失事

37、, 俗稱“挖墻腳工程”。</p><p>  3)當(dāng)路堤斷面同時置于軟、硬兩種持力層時, 由于路堤的不均勻沉降造成傾倒或斷面拉裂。</p><p>  4) 路基埋置深度未按規(guī)范在沖刷深度以下, 致使路堤地基和基礎(chǔ)受沖刷而失事。設(shè)計和施工時應(yīng)特別避免上述幾類情況的出現(xiàn)。</p><p><b>  5 交叉建筑物</b></p>

38、<p>  濱江路因與水的特殊關(guān)系, 其范圍內(nèi)常存在或規(guī)劃有港口碼頭(游覽為主)、橋梁、閘、壩、濱江公園、搶險通道等建筑物, 設(shè)計時應(yīng)考慮它們與濱江路的平、縱結(jié)合是否合理, 荷載作用關(guān)系等, 以利于城市交通、防洪、景觀的管理。</p><p><b>  6 問題及建議</b></p><p>  城市濱江路的防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是根據(jù)人口規(guī)模及重要性而定, 而橋梁防洪

39、標(biāo)準(zhǔn)是根據(jù)橋梁的規(guī)模、跨徑及重要性而定。因橋梁結(jié)構(gòu)的重要性, 在同一城市中橋梁防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)遠(yuǎn)大于濱江路標(biāo)準(zhǔn), 即橋梁設(shè)計高程遠(yuǎn)高于濱江路的設(shè)計高程, 因兩岸河堤一般布置有較多重要建筑物, 拆遷困難, 由此造成路與橋的縱向結(jié)構(gòu)難度加大。橋梁規(guī)范是否可考慮其防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)與相應(yīng)城市防洪標(biāo)準(zhǔn)相適應(yīng),而其重要性在結(jié)構(gòu)安全度中體現(xiàn)。城市濱江路建設(shè)是一項綜合性多學(xué)科、多專業(yè)的系統(tǒng)工程, 主管部門應(yīng)根據(jù)各地的成功經(jīng)驗, 盡快制定完善的規(guī)范條文以指導(dǎo)設(shè)計和施工。


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