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1、<p><b>  附錄</b></p><p>  Scraper conveyor</p><p>  Scraper conveyor is a reprint of fully coal face ancillary equipment in the transport system an important part of the roadway

2、in the face of the accepted face scraper conveyor unloading of coal flow, not halt the transfer to the retractable belt Conveyor boost. Bridge reversed loader with the face-scraper conveyor machine synchronous over his h

3、ead, face Shearer guarantee for coal mining, and fully mechanized coal face of high yield and high efficiency operations.    Scraper conveyor is a reprin</p><p>  Wheel gears</p><p

4、>  Wheel gears spreading to move is a the most wide kind of the application spreads to move a form in the modern machine.Its main advantage BE:The </p><p> ?、?spreads to move to settle, work than in a mom

5、ent steady, spread to move accurate credibility, can deliver space arbitrarily sport and the motive of the of two stalks;Power and speed scope </p><p> ?、?applies are wide; </p><p>  ③ spreads t

6、o move an efficiency high, =;</p><p> ?、?work is dependable, service life long;</p><p> ?、?Outline size outside the is small, structure tightly packed.The wheel gear constituted to;;;fr

7、om wheel gear, stalk, bearings and box body decelerates a machine, useding for prime mover and work machine or performance organization of, have already matched to turn soon and deliver a function of turning , the applic

8、ation is extremely extensive in the modern machine. </p><p>  Planetary gear reducer gear reducer than the normal small size, light weight, high efficiency and transmission power range, etc, widely applied g

9、radually. At the same time its drawbacks are: material quality, complex, high precision manufacturing, more difficult to install, design complex calculations than the average speed reducer. but on the planet as people dr

10、ive technology further in-depth understanding and knowledge as well as the introduction of foreign planetary transmission and absorptio</p><p>  According to a general load of gear strength, geometric dimens

11、ions of the design calculation, and then to carry out transmission ratio conditions, concentric condition, the assembly conditions, design and calculation of the adjacent conditions, thanks to the number of planetary gea

12、r transmission, also must be contained institutions and the design of floating volume calculation. </p><p>  Planetary gear drive according to the composition of basic enough pieces can be divided into: 2KH,

13、 3K, and KHV are three. If the meshing of gears by the way, can be divided into: NGW-type, NN-based, WW-type, WGW type, NGWN type and N-type and so on. I designed planetary gear is 2KH NGW planetary transmission type.<

14、;/p><p>  ⑥ Local deceleration machine much with the wheel gear spread to move, the pole spread to move for lord, but widespread exist power and weight ratio small, or spread to move ratio big but the machine e

15、fficiency lead a low problem.There are also many weaknesses on material quality and craft level moreover, the especially large deceleration machines problem is more outstanding, the service life isnt long.The deceleratio

16、n machine of abroad, with Germany, Denmark and Japan be placed in to lead a posi</p><p>  The direction which decelerates a machine to is the facing big power and spread to move ratio, small physical volume,

17、 high machine efficiency and service life to grow greatly nowadays develops.Decelerating the connecting of machine and electric motor body structure is also the form which expands strongly, and have already produced vari

18、ous structure forms and various products of power model numbers.Be close to ten several in the last yearses, control a technical development because of the modern </p><p>  Become a set a machine material in

19、 21 centuries medium, the wheel gear is still a machine to spread a dynamic basic parts.CNC tool machine and the craft technical development, pushed a machine to spread to move structure to fly to develop soon.Be spreadi

20、ng to move the electronics control, liquid in the system design to press to spread to move, wheel gear, take the mixture of chain to spread to move, will become become soon a box to design in excellent turn to spread to

21、move a combination of dire</p><p>  Essential character:Reduction gear、 Bearing 、gear 、mechanical drive</p><p><b>  刮板輸送機</b></p><p>  刮板輸送機是一種撓性牽引的連續(xù)輸送機械,是為采煤工作面和采區(qū)巷道運煤



24、必拆移輸送機。與ZY2300轉(zhuǎn)載機自移機尾配合可更方便地調(diào)節(jié)皮</p><p>  齒輪傳動是現(xiàn)代機械中應用最廣的一種傳動形式.它的主要優(yōu)點是:</p><p> ?、?瞬時傳動比恒定、工作平穩(wěn)、傳動準確可靠,可傳遞空間任意兩軸之間的運動和動力;</p><p> ?、?適用的功率和速度范圍廣;</p><p> ?、?傳動效率高,=0.92

25、.0.98;</p><p> ?、?工作可靠、使用壽命長;</p><p>  ⑤ 外輪廓尺寸小、結(jié)構(gòu)緊湊.由齒輪、軸、軸承及箱體組成的齒輪減速器,用于原動機和工作機或執(zhí)行機構(gòu)之間,起匹配轉(zhuǎn)速和傳遞轉(zhuǎn)矩的作用,在現(xiàn)代機械中應用極為廣泛.</p><p>  行星輪系減速器較普通齒輪減速器具有體積小、重量輕、效率高及傳遞功率范圍大等優(yōu)點,逐漸獲得廣泛應用.同時它的缺

26、點是:材料優(yōu)質(zhì)、結(jié)構(gòu)復雜、制造精度要求較高、安裝較困難些、設計計算也較一般減速器復雜.但隨著人們對行星傳動技術(shù)進一步的深入地了解和掌握以及對國外行星傳動技術(shù)的引進和消化吸收,從而使其傳動結(jié)構(gòu)和均載方式都不斷完善,同時生產(chǎn)工藝水平也不斷提高,完全可以制造出較好的行星齒輪傳動減速器.</p><p>  根據(jù)負載情況進行一般的齒輪強度、幾何尺寸的設計計算,然后要進行傳動比條件、同心條件、裝配條件、相鄰條件的設計計算,

27、由于采用的是多個行星輪傳動,還必須進行均載機構(gòu)及浮動量的設計計算.</p><p>  行星齒輪傳動根據(jù)基本夠件的組成情況可分為:2KH、3K、及KHV三種.若按各對齒輪的嚙合方式,又可分為:NGW型、NN型、WW型、WGW型、NGWN型和N型等.</p><p>  國內(nèi)的減速器多以齒輪傳動、蝸桿傳動為主,但普遍存在著功率與重量比小,或者傳動比大而機械效率過低的問題.另外,材料品質(zhì)和工藝

28、水平上還有許多弱點,特別是大型的減速器問題更突出,使用壽命不長.國外的減速器,以德國、丹麥和日本處于領先地位,特別在材料和制造工藝方面占據(jù)優(yōu)勢,減速器工作可靠性好,使用壽命長.但其傳動形式仍以定軸齒輪傳動為主,體積和重量問題,也未解決好.</p><p>  當今的減速器是向著大功率、大傳動比、小體積、高機械效率以及使用壽命長的方向發(fā)展.減速器與電動機的連體結(jié)構(gòu),也是大力開拓的形式,并已生產(chǎn)多種結(jié)構(gòu)形式和多種功率

29、型號的產(chǎn)品.近十幾年來,由于近代計算機技術(shù)與數(shù)控技術(shù)的發(fā)展,使得機械加工精度,加工效率大大提高,從而推動了機械傳動產(chǎn)品的多樣化,整機配套的模塊化,標準化,以及造型設計藝術(shù)化,使產(chǎn)品更加精致,美觀化.</p><p>  在21世紀成套機械裝備中,齒輪仍然是機械傳動的基本部件.CNC機床和工藝技術(shù)的發(fā)展,推動了機械傳動結(jié)構(gòu)的飛速發(fā)展.在傳動系統(tǒng)設計中的電子控制、液壓傳動、齒輪、帶鏈的混合傳動,將成為變速箱設計中優(yōu)化


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