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1、<p><b>  翻譯部分 </b></p><p><b>  英文原文</b></p><p>  Sensitivity analysis for the GIS-based mapping of the ground subsidence hazard near abandoned underground coal mines

2、</p><p>  Abstract Ground subsidence around abandoned under-ground coal mines can cause much loss of life and prop-erty. We analyze factors that can affect ground subsidence around abandoned mines in Jeongah

3、m in Kangwon-do by sensitivity analysis in geographic information system (GIS).Spatial data for the subsidence area, topography and geology and various ground engineering data were col-lected and used to make a factor ra

4、ster database for a ground subsidence hazard map. To determine the impor-tance of e</p><p>  had the least effects. Thus, we determined causes of ground subsidence in the study area and this information coul

5、d help in the prediction of ground subsidence in other areas.</p><p>  Keywords GIS Abandoned underground coal mine Ground subsidence Frequency ratio Sensitivity analysis Korea</p><p>  I

6、ntroduction</p><p>  Coal industry has played a major role in the development of the Korean economy since the 1960s. However, the coal industry began to decline from the end of the 1980s because the oil pric

7、e fell globally. There were 173 coal mines in 1988 in Jeongseon, Kangwon-do, the largest coal mining region in Korea. However, valueless coal mines were abandoned after the implementation of coal industry rationalization

8、 action by Korean government. Today, no coal mines are in operation. In the abandoned coal min</p><p>  Methodology</p><p>  In general, to predict ground subsidence it is necessary to assume th

9、at subsidence occurrence is determined by sub-sidence-related factors, and that future subsidence will occur under conditions that are the same as those for past subsidence according to the relative frequency concept of

10、probability theory. On this basis, the relationship between areas where subsidence has occurred and subsidence-rela-ted factors can be distinguished from the relationship between areas without past subsidence an</p>

11、;<p>  Diagrams presented in Fig.4 show the steps for calcu-lating the frequency ratio: (a) finding locations of groundsubsidence, (b) representing cells of class 1 for factor A and (c) describing the area of spat

12、ial overlap for areas of subsidence and areas of class 1 for factor A. In the present</p><p>  example in which the study area comprises 64 cells, there are 23 ground subsidence cells and 19 cells that are o

13、f class 1 for factor A. There are 12 cells of subsidence that are also cells of class 1 for factor A. The percentages for subsidence area with respect to class 1 for factor A and the entire domain are 52.17 and 29.69%, r

14、espectively. Therefore, the frequency ratio of class 1 for factor A is 52.17/29.69% = 1.76.</p><p>  Sensitivity analysis </p><p>  Sensitivity analyses show how a solution changes when the inpu

15、t factors are changed. If the selection of a factor results in a relatively large change in the outcome, then the out-come is said to depend on that factor. Sensitivity analysis quantifies the uncertainty of each factor.

16、 The factors that have the greatest impact on the calculated subsidence hazard map can therefore be identified.</p><p>  Sensitivity analyses model behavior by determining the rate of change in the model out

17、put as parameters or input data are varied, thus giving an understanding of how changes in the inputs influence the output. Such analyses explain how inputs affect the output and quantify the strengths of the inputs from

18、 the variations in the output. Sensitivity analysis has been applied in a variety of studies. Arhonditsis and Brett (2005) introduced process formula-tions and sensitivity analysis for a complex</p><p><b

19、>  Data</b></p><p>  Many studies have identified important factors that con-tribute to ground subsidence around coal mines (e.g. Waltham 1989; Coal Industry Promotion Board 1997), including the dep

20、th and height of mine cavities, excavation method, degree of inclination of the excavation, scope of mining, structural geology, flow of groundwater and the mechanical characteristics represented by the rock mass rating

21、 (RMR).</p><p>  In this study, locations of ground subsidence and factors governing the occurrence of ground subsidence were col-lected in a vector-type spatial database and then repre-sented on a grid usin

22、g the ArcGIS software package. The spatial database is shown in Table 1 . The database included a 1:5,000 ground subsidence map, 1:50,000 geological map, 1:5,000 topographic map, 1:5,000 land use map, 1:1,200 mine tunnel

23、 map, borehole data and satellite imagery with 1 m resolution. The site Jeongahm was chose</p><p>  Eight variables as shown in Fig. 5 , extracted from the constructed spatial database, were considered as fa

24、ctors of ground subsidence when calculating the probability. Con-tours (5 m intervals) and survey base points of elevation were extracted from the topographic map, and triangu-lated irregular network was made using the

25、elevations. The angle of slope was obtained from the digital elevation map. Areas of buildings, mountains, railways, fields, rivers, hybrids, roads and miscellaneous use wer</p><p>  All of scale factors exc

26、ept geology and land use were reclassified into ten classes based on equal area using ArcGIS 9.0 for the probability analysis of the area of existing ground subsidence. Each class has a similar number of cells in total a

27、rea (Table 2 ). Thus, the range of each class is automatically determined based on equal area. Reclassification is a generalization technique used to re-assign values such as ratio from frequency ratio model, in an input

28、 theme to create a new input theme. </p><p><b>  Results</b></p><p>  Calculation of the frequency ratio and its interpretation</p><p>  Using the frequency ratio model,

29、 the frequency ratio of each factor in each class range was calculated (Table 2 ). From the frequency ratio, the relationships between sub-sidence and the factors were as follows: The ratio for slopes of 14.70–19.89 was

30、greater than 1, indicating a high probability, but that for slopes over 29 was less than 1.0, indicating a low probability. If ground subsidence occurred for steep slopes, it would not be noted owing to the difficulty in

31、 accessing such areas during</p><p>  Table 1 Relationship between ground subsidence and related factor using frequency ratio model</p><p><b>  中文譯文</b></p><p>  以GIS為基礎

32、的煤礦開采沉陷危機分析</p><p>  摘要 煤礦開采導致周圍地面的沉陷會導致很多人的死亡以及各種不幸。我們通過地理信息系統(tǒng)(GIS)的方式精確分析能夠影響煤礦開采導致周圍地面沉陷的各種因素。通過GIS系統(tǒng),我們能夠獲得空間數(shù)據(jù)、地理信息以及各種土地工程信息,這將是我們了解影響土地沉陷因素的關鍵所在。為了確定開采沉陷相關因素的重要性,頻率比模型和靈敏度分析都是需要被采用的方法,其中靈敏度分析法是相比較而言結(jié)合


34、測。</p><p>  關鍵詞 GIS 地下煤礦 地面沉降 頻率比 靈敏度分析 韓國</p><p><b>  介紹</b></p><p>  在20世紀60年代以來煤炭工業(yè)在韓國經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展中起到了至關重要的作用。然而,從1980年以來。由于國際石油價格的下跌,煤炭工業(yè)的發(fā)展趨勢正逐年下滑。1988年,在在江原道有173個煤炭


36、路,房屋和建筑物,并且發(fā)生開采沉陷之后的地面是很難恢復到災難發(fā)生之前的,而且恢復的費用是相當昂貴的。另外,大多數(shù)應對地面沉陷的對策都是在開采沉陷之后的拯救措施,所以我們必須要在地面沉降區(qū)建立一個系統(tǒng)的預測管理計劃。已經(jīng)有很多對地面沉降位置以及如何減少相關損失的預測研究。</p><p><b>  方法</b></p><p>  在一般情況下,為了建立一套地面沉陷預



39、究已經(jīng)展開了,例如Kim等。系統(tǒng)分析了地面沉降災害,總結(jié)了大量地面沉陷災害演化研究經(jīng)</p><p>  圖示資料顯示了計算頻率比的主要步驟:(一)找到發(fā)生地面沉陷的位置;(二)找到引起地面沉陷的相關因素A;(三)描述地面沉陷發(fā)生地段與影響因素A發(fā)生區(qū)域的重復區(qū)域。在當前這個例子中,研究領域內(nèi)共包括64個因子,其中有23個地面沉陷因素和19個1類影響因素A。有12個因子既是地面沉陷影響因素,又是A類影響因素。沉陷

40、面積對于A類影響因素發(fā)生的面積比是52.17%,而對于整個研究領域面積比是29.69%,所以1類因子的頻率比是52.17% / 29.69% = 1.76。</p><p><b>  敏感度分析</b></p><p>  敏感度分析表明隨著輸入因素的變化地面沉陷發(fā)生的情況也會有所改變。如果一個被選定的因子在輸出時發(fā)生了比較大的變化,那么最后的結(jié)果將會完全隨著這個因


42、98),這個模型用于靈敏分析滲濾液水位的高低,這樣就能更好的解決垃圾填埋場內(nèi)過濾水位過高的問題了。敏感度分析法已經(jīng)用于滑坡災難中的敏感度分析(Lee Talib2005)。在本研究中,敏感度分析用于計算地面沉降中相關影響因素的分析。為了提取開采沉陷的相關因素,必須使用概率比和靈敏度分析法。靈敏度分析法將一種因素與其他所有相關因素進行了精確的比較。</p><p><b>  數(shù)據(jù)</b>&l

43、t;/p><p>  很多研究已經(jīng)證明很多因素促成了周圍地面在煤礦開采時導致的塌陷(沃爾瑟姆1989;煤炭工業(yè)促進局1997)。包括煤礦開采深度和寬度、開采方法的使用、礦井傾斜的程度、礦井的范圍大小、地址構造、地下水流動程度和機械特性為代表的巖土分層(RMR)。</p><p>  在這項研究中,對地面沉降的位置和控制沉降是否發(fā)生的因素將被搜集到一個向量型空間數(shù)據(jù)庫然后通過ArcGIS軟件包的

44、使用被呈現(xiàn)出來。這個空間數(shù)據(jù)庫如表1所示,該數(shù)據(jù)庫包括一個1:50000的地面沉降圖,1:50000地質(zhì)地圖,1:5000地形圖,比例尺土地利用圖,1:1200礦井巷道鉆孔資料和地圖, 1米分辨率的衛(wèi)星圖像。Jeongahm 這個網(wǎng)站是被選擇用于本項調(diào)查研究,準確而可靠的空間數(shù)據(jù)庫是GIS環(huán)境中最不可或缺的一個內(nèi)容。因此,地面沉降的地圖必須由國家組織構建,例如煤炭工業(yè)促進局、地形研究和土地利用的美國國家地理信息研究所、用于改進礦井巷道及

45、鉆井的礦山錄制公司、韓國地質(zhì)和礦產(chǎn)資源研究院等,盡管這些公司的規(guī)模不同,但都被利用起來了。</p><p>  地圖中所示的從空間數(shù)據(jù)庫中提取的八個變量,是計算地面沉降發(fā)生概率的時候被考慮的因素。從地形圖中提取的測量點(間隔5米)、高清測量基準點以及不規(guī)則三角網(wǎng)的使用技術得到了提高。從高清地形圖中得到了破角,建筑物面積,山脈,河流域,鐵路,公路和其他內(nèi)容可以在地形圖中精確的看到。大多數(shù)文獻認為影響地面沉降的最主要


47、0000的地質(zhì)圖中提取的。</p><p>  一位地質(zhì)構造學家從IKONOS影像檢測到的了1米網(wǎng)線分辨率。1米間隔的距離是使用歐式距離法計算的。相關因素就被展示在179行和361列的2m×2m的細胞圖中。整個研究區(qū)域包括63677個細胞,其中地面沉降在824個細胞區(qū)域中發(fā)生。通過使用ArcGIS 9.0區(qū)域的概率分析可以將影響地面沉降的所有因素(除了地址和土地利用情況)在區(qū)域面積平等使用的基礎上重新分

48、類為十類。每一類在總面積相等的情況下都有同等數(shù)量的細胞數(shù)。因此每一類的范圍是給予平等面積的基礎上自動確定的。分類是一項綜合技術用于重新賦值,在一個輸入主題中創(chuàng)建一個新的輸入主題時,頻率比模型綜合技術的應用。因此本技術通常被用于在構建塌陷危險性地圖模型的代數(shù)數(shù)列中存入重新分配的值。幫助描繪出一目了然的地圖。</p><p><b>  結(jié)果</b></p><p>  

49、頻率比及其具體內(nèi)涵的計算法</p><p>  使用頻率比模型,每一類范圍內(nèi)的每一個影響因素都能夠計算出其發(fā)生的頻率(如表),從頻率比可以看出發(fā)生地面沉陷及其相關因素的關系如下:14.70–19.89度的坡度的頻率高于1,說明發(fā)生的概率較高,但對于坡度高于29度的地面因素來說,發(fā)生的概率小于1,顯示了較低的概率。如果地面沉陷在陡峭的山坡上發(fā)生,將很難注意到田間作業(yè)時靠近這些區(qū)域的困難。在這種情況下,需要差分合成孔



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