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1、<p><b>  中文3074字</b></p><p>  畢業(yè)設(shè)計(jì)(論文)外文資料翻譯</p><p>  系 別: 建筑工程系 </p><p>  專(zhuān) 業(yè): 土木工程

2、 </p><p>  班 級(jí): </p><p>  姓 名: </p><p>  學(xué) 號(hào): </p>&l

3、t;p>  外文出處: 漢斯國(guó)際期刊土木欄 </p><p>  附 件: 1. 原文; 2. 譯文 </p><p>  2013年12月29日</p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  The Regenerati

4、on Performance of Modified Concrete</p><p>  Abstract: the removal of the original building, to make use of the abandoned concrete, can Protect environment and related to the sustainable development of

5、building. The waste concrete crushing recycled aggregate, need to establish a process. Currently relatively mature methods are: the use of swelling shrinkage compensating admixture can be made from recycled concrete C50.

6、</p><p>  Keywords: ecological environment; recycled aggregate; basic properties; shrinkage compensation</p><p>  1 Introduction</p><p>  In today's world, environmental problem

7、s have become increasingly prominent, the sustainable development has been put on the agenda. Efficient, rational use of limited resources is the most important way to achieve sustainable development. Concrete production

8、 requires a large amount of coarse and fine aggregate and sand, with the continuous mining of sand, natural building aggregate tends to dry up, the high cost of mining, the damage to the ecological environment is also ve

9、ry serious. On the ot</p><p>  2 International renewable development status of concrete</p><p>  The waste concrete block by crushing, grading and mixing according to certain proportion to form

10、aggregates known as recycled aggregate and recycled concrete aggregate. As a part or the whole of the recycled aggregate concrete as recycled aggregate concrete, recycled concrete, the traditional building materials prod

11、uction and use caused by excessive consumption of resources, energy shortages and environmental pollution and other serious problems, cement and concrete is an important cause of thes</p><p>  3 Compensating

12、 shrinkage of modified concrete</p><p>  Normal concrete is to use a wide range of building materials, but because of its limit extension rate is low, easy to crack in the dry shrinkage, creep, temperature e

13、ffect, resulting in leakage caused by corrosion of reinforcement and concrete engineering, use function and the life of structures. The research indicated that, the swelling agent or expansion of shrinkage compensating c

14、oncrete cement, concrete cracking is to solve the effective technical way infiltration problem because of shrinkag</p><p>  3.1 Expansion agent</p><p>  Physical and chemical properties: refers

15、to the concrete expansion agent in concrete mixing process and the cement, water mixing after hydration reaction of stringier [3CaO ? Al2O3 ? 3CaSO4 ? 32H2O] or calcium hydroxide [Ca (OH) 2], make concrete produce volume

16、 expansion admixture. Concrete expansion agent is used to prepare the expansive concrete (including shrinkage compensating concrete and self stressing concrete), shrinkage compensating concrete shrinkage and compacting c

17、oncrete with, impro</p><p>  4 Basic properties of shrinkage compensating concrete</p><p>  4.1 Material</p><p>  4.1.1 Concrete before hardening</p><p>  Agent content

18、 and fresh initial concrete slump expansion: expansion agent effect on the initial slump of fresh concrete degree, largely depends on the expansion agent fineness, when the expansion and cement fineness difference, mixin

19、g water demand is basically the same, almost has no effect on the initial slump.</p><p>  4.1.2 Setting time</p><p>  Effect of expansive agent on setting time of concrete expansion admixture ad

20、ded: no matter what, will make the concrete setting time, expansion admixture amount bigger, the setting time is fast, doping agent will have the same results with and without the addition.</p><p>  4.1.3 Cu

21、ring conditions</p><p>  Compared with ordinary concrete, shrinkage compensating concrete need more water conservation fully, because the water is the essential factors of expansion, long in the water curing

22、 of concrete can obtain the biggest expansion. Expansive concrete to dry air (RH = 60 ± 5%) curing shrinkage, too, but then return maintenance, and can restore the previous expansion. </p><p>  4.1.4 Dr

23、ying shrinkage</p><p>  As with ordinary concrete, shrinkage compensating concrete will also occur in air drying shrinkage, factors affecting the drying shrinkage of concrete with ordinary roughly the same,

24、but the relative humidity of the external factors, internal factors of water binder ratio is more important. Under the same conditions, drying shrinkage fall of shrinkage compensating concrete and common concrete in roug

25、hly the same.</p><p>  4.2 Recycled concrete</p><p>  Strength with the matrix concrete of recycled concrete strength, regeneration substitution rate and recycled concrete mixture ratio is close

26、ly related to aggregate crushing technology, recycled aggregate. Due to the strength of concrete, the matrix using environment and carbonization degree each are not identical, differences of disintegration, crushing proc

27、ess and quality control measures, resulting in regular changes of concrete strength regeneration is poor, different researchers have differe</p><p>  5 Conclusion</p><p>  Expansive cement inven

28、tion has been 70 years of history, the history of the application of shrinkage compensating concrete is also 50 years, from the day of its birth, its location is a kind of special concrete anti seepage, and formed a set

29、of more perfect theory system. Engineering practice that, the shrinkage compensating concrete anti cracking performance is excellent, and is an ideal concrete structure from waterproof materials, shrinkage compensating c

30、oncrete underground buildings, can be </p><p><b>  譯文:</b></p><p>  再生改性混凝土的性能</p><p>  摘 要:拆除原有的建筑物,對(duì)廢棄的混凝土加以利用,既可以保護(hù)環(huán)境又關(guān)系到建筑的可持續(xù)發(fā)展。將廢棄的混凝土破碎再生骨料,需要建立一套工藝方法?,F(xiàn)就目前比較成熟的方

31、法是:使用膨脹劑能夠制成C50的補(bǔ)償收縮再生混凝土。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:生態(tài)環(huán)境;再生骨料;基本性能;補(bǔ)償收縮</p><p><b>  1 引言</b></p><p>  當(dāng)今世界,環(huán)境問(wèn)題日益凸顯,可持續(xù)發(fā)展被提上日程。有效、合理地利用有限的資源是實(shí)現(xiàn)可持續(xù)發(fā)展的首要途徑?;炷辽a(chǎn)需要大量的粗細(xì)骨料—砂石,隨著對(duì)砂石的不斷開(kāi)

32、采,天然建筑骨料趨于枯竭,開(kāi)采成本高,對(duì)生態(tài)環(huán)境的破壞也十分嚴(yán)重。另一方面,城市建筑業(yè)的迅速發(fā)展以及各種自然災(zāi)害產(chǎn)生了大量的廢棄混凝土垃圾。對(duì)這些廢舊混凝土進(jìn)行回收利用符合可持續(xù)發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略的要求,能帶來(lái)顯著的社會(huì)、經(jīng)濟(jì)和環(huán)境效益,由此興起的再生混凝土技術(shù)已成為許多發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家的重要研究課題。</p><p>  2 國(guó)際上再生混凝土發(fā)展?fàn)顩r</p><p>  將廢棄混凝土塊經(jīng)破碎、分級(jí)并按一定


34、共體國(guó)家每年產(chǎn)出廢棄混凝土為5000萬(wàn)噸,美國(guó)為6000萬(wàn)噸,日本約1200萬(wàn)噸。面對(duì)砂石等自然資源日益短缺,而建筑廢棄物日漸增加的嚴(yán)峻形勢(shì),各國(guó)政府和研究機(jī)構(gòu)紛紛制定政策,發(fā)展新技術(shù),以促進(jìn)建筑廢棄物尤其是舊混凝土的再生利用。據(jù)統(tǒng)計(jì),90 年代以來(lái),每年全世界總體混凝土的消費(fèi)量己超過(guò)80億噸。而混凝土中砂石骨料占總質(zhì)量的70%以上。</p><p>  3 補(bǔ)償收縮改性混凝土的組成</p><

35、;p>  普通混凝土是用途極廣的建筑材料,但是由于它的極限延伸率較低,在干縮、徐變、溫度等作用下容易開(kāi)裂,導(dǎo)致混凝土工程滲漏并引發(fā)鋼筋銹蝕,影響構(gòu)筑物的使用功能和壽命。國(guó)內(nèi)外的研究表明,采用膨脹劑或膨脹水泥配制的補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土,是解決混凝土材料裂滲問(wèn)題的有效技術(shù)途徑這是因?yàn)檠a(bǔ)償收縮混凝土在水化硬化過(guò)程中能夠產(chǎn)生0.2~0.7 MPa預(yù)壓應(yīng)力(即自應(yīng)力),該應(yīng)力能抵消或部分抵消由混凝土干縮、徐變、溫度等引起的拉應(yīng)力,從而提高混凝土工


37、><b>  3.1 膨脹劑</b></p><p>  物理化學(xué)性能:混凝土膨脹劑是指其在混凝土拌制過(guò)程中與水泥、水拌和后經(jīng)水化反應(yīng)生成鈣礬石 [3CaO·Al2O3·3CaSO4·32H2O]或氫氧化鈣[Ca(OH)2],使混凝土產(chǎn)生體積膨脹的外加劑?;炷僚蛎泟┲饕脕?lái)配制膨脹混凝土(包括補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土和自應(yīng)力混凝土),補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土具有補(bǔ)償混凝土干

38、縮和密實(shí)混凝土、提高混凝土抗?jié)B性作用,在土木工程中主要用于防水和抗裂兩個(gè)方面,現(xiàn)在使用較多的場(chǎng)合是配制高等級(jí)防水混凝土和適當(dāng)延長(zhǎng)伸縮縫或后澆帶間距。</p><p>  4 補(bǔ)償收縮改性混凝土的基本性能</p><p><b>  4.1 材料性能</b></p><p>  4.1.1 混凝土硬化前的性質(zhì)</p><p&g

39、t;  膨脹劑摻量與新拌混凝土初始坍落度的關(guān)系:膨脹劑對(duì)新拌混凝土初始坍落度的影響,很大程度上決定于膨脹劑的細(xì)度,當(dāng)膨脹劑的細(xì)度與水泥相差不大</p><p>  時(shí),拌合需水量也基本相同,對(duì)初始坍落度基本沒(méi)有影響。</p><p>  4.1.2 凝結(jié)時(shí)間</p><p>  膨脹劑對(duì)混凝土凝結(jié)時(shí)間的影響:無(wú)論摻加何種膨脹劑,都會(huì)使混凝土凝結(jié)時(shí)間提前,膨脹劑摻量越

40、大,凝結(jié)時(shí)間越快,摻與不摻減水劑都有相同的結(jié)果。</p><p>  4.1.3 養(yǎng)護(hù)條件的影響</p><p>  與普通混凝土相比,補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土更需要充分的水養(yǎng)護(hù),因?yàn)樗质瞧洚a(chǎn)生膨脹的必要因素,長(zhǎng)期在水中養(yǎng)護(hù)的混凝土能夠獲得最大的膨脹。膨脹混凝土轉(zhuǎn)入干空(RH = 60 ± 5%)中養(yǎng)護(hù)時(shí),也發(fā)生收縮,但是再回水養(yǎng)護(hù),又能大致恢復(fù)以前的膨脹。4.1.4. 干燥收縮與普通混

41、凝土一樣,補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土在空氣中同樣會(huì)發(fā)生干燥收縮,影響其干燥收縮的因素也與普通混凝土大致相同,除了相對(duì)濕度這個(gè)外部因素,水膠比是比較重要的內(nèi)在因素。相同條件下,補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土與普通混凝土的干燥收縮落差大致相同。</p><p>  4.2 再生混凝土的力學(xué)性能</p><p>  再生混凝土的強(qiáng)度與基體混凝土的強(qiáng)度、再生骨料破碎工藝、再生骨料的取代率以及再生混凝土的配合比等密切相關(guān)。由于

42、基體混凝土的強(qiáng)度等級(jí)、使用環(huán)境與碳化程度各不相同,解體、破碎的工藝及質(zhì)量控制措施的差異,導(dǎo)致再生混凝土強(qiáng)度變化的規(guī)律性較差,不同的研究者所得的結(jié)論也有所不同。試驗(yàn)研究表明: 1) 再生混凝土的抗壓強(qiáng)度低于相同配合比的天然骨料混凝土的抗壓強(qiáng)度,降低范圍為0%~30%。而且再生混凝土的強(qiáng)度隨再生骨料的基體混凝土強(qiáng)度的提高而上升;并隨再生骨料摻量的增加而降低,當(dāng)再生骨料的取代率小于30%時(shí),再生混凝土強(qiáng)度降低很少;用再生粗骨料取代天然粗骨料的


44、制低強(qiáng)度的再</p><p><b>  5 結(jié)語(yǔ)</b></p><p>  膨脹水泥發(fā)明至今已有70年的歷史,補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土的應(yīng)用歷史也有50多年,從其誕生之日,其定位就是一種抗裂防滲的特種混凝土,并形成了一套較為完善的理論體系。工程應(yīng)用實(shí)踐表明,補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土具有優(yōu)異的抗裂防滲性能,是理想的混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)自防水材料,地下建筑物使用補(bǔ)償收縮混凝土,完全可以取消外防水,


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