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1、<p><b>  中英文翻譯</b></p><p><b>  原文:</b></p><p>  Comment on medicines and chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design</p><p>  In recent years,

2、 Carry out GMP (medicines and chemical reagents produces specifications of quality) attestation system because of sustained our country economic situation rise and country to pharmacy industry mandatory. Medicines and ch

3、emical reagents package machinery has got quite great progress. The new product increases by gradually. Engineering level has had very big improvement. But be returning very big gaps back to existence compared with inter

4、national standards. Level being close to 60%</p><p>  One, our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery current situation analyses</p><p>  Our country medicines and chemical re

5、agents package machinery still has bigger gap compared with advanced international level. What time is insufficient on domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design under main existence</p><

6、;p>  1) Backward domestic mechanical performance medicines and chemical reagents package machinery mostly, accuracy low velocity, is slow, stationarity dispatches package machinery travel process to contain large amou

7、nt of dyadic complicated intermittence motion. Come to come true mainly from the cam, the connecting rod. But, many design that the personnel is unable to require that the independence designs the parameter calculating c

8、am bar linkage kinematics and dynamics according to job cycle pictur</p><p>  2) Is under the control of horizontal backward. Domestic medicines and chemical reagents package machinery controls low, automati

9、on of level difference mostly , the malfunction leads height. (Main package machinery finger box dress controls domestic medicines and chemical reagents with drinking wine holding machinery with) adopt PLC to do a scene

10、mostly. But, advanced medicines and chemical reagents package machinery realizes supervisory control abroad mostly from computer system. Under the cont</p><p>  3) Functions are unitary, expansion sex is bad

11、. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is that the form designs that specifically for specially appointed package. The general specification range inner in regulation is adjustable. But, a lot of our country

12、 medicines and chemical reagents package machinery considers insufficiency when designing that. Be not that reforming going a step further sets apart sufficient space. Cause the machinery designing that to be able to onl

13、y adapt to the</p><p>  4) Considers deficiency synthetically. Resource does not fully utilize. Our country medicines and chemical reagents there exists the chaos phenomenon in package machinery design. A lo

14、t of machinery designs that the personnel drags to the electric motor moving the synchrony technology, the servo drive technology do not knows. The problem simple electrical equipment available is resolved uses complicat

15、ed mechanism to come to come true but. Some though the control organ works to come having adopt t</p><p>  5) Model is inflexible. Model seldom considering machinery time medicines and chemical reagents of o

16、ur country package machinery design. Many machine molding that the manufacturer produces is not beautiful do not have model even. Give person feeling to rigid, to inflexible, not to have vigor. A few medicine box packers

17、 are middle. The nut all assembles screw on the machine outside board. But, the oil cup and flow nipple that a little lubrication uses also can be seen everywhere. Be stained fully</p><p>  Two, medicines an

18、d chemical reagents package machinery conceptual design content</p><p>  People long-term study passes. Define conceptual design being: "Have been ascertaining the mission queen. Pass abstract-relation.

19、 Design the function structure. Explore appropriate effect principle and their combination waiting. Ascertain out basic finding the solution approach. Reach find the solution scheme. This part of the conceptual design de

20、signing that the job is called conceptual design is referred to make the queen who designs purpose and now has condition clear. The designer searches f</p><p>  1) Makes the design mission clear. Be ready fo

21、r feasibility analysis. The designer designs initial stage working in being in progress. Respond to the feasibility considering a product sufficiently. One aspect is the marketplace thinking. Include the production marke

22、ting, product raw material, the fabricating cost thinking: Another aspect is thinking that the product processes. Include thinking now having a working ability, processing handicraft, processing the function and peripher

23、y supporting i</p><p>  2) Function design. Great majority our country medicines and chemical reagents package machinery is the same kind model copying to abroad. But peculiar national conditions because of

24、our country existence. Must carry out appropriate reforming on the product. To satisfy request of our country. But fault blindly copy blindly. The machinery designing that is packed in, irrigates the dress function outsi

25、de except needing to satisfy a box. We must consider the additional function packing machinery. I</p><p>  3) Functions decomposition. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery belongs to the integra

26、tion of machinery with electronics product. Should consider every function all round time design. Sort Er Yan. The medicines and chemical reagents package machinery function may divide 3 major parts being that organizati

27、on moves, monitors biography feel, the information processing and controlling a function basically. The function subdivides organization motion according to may not kind with machi</p><p>  4) Organization i

28、s designed. Be to realize the predetermined function. We need to use different organization. This needs the part synthesizing each considering a complete machine among one process. Use the product designing that while sa

29、tisfying the usage request. Structure is simple, pragmatic. Medicines and chemical reagents package machinery organization designs time. Respond to the principle choosing appropriate organization motion and constituting.

30、 Think sufficiently to realize what special</p><p>  5) System under the control of schemes design. In medicines and chemical reagents package machinery, a very important part is that real time detecting is

31、back-off to every organization. To ensure that equipment operation is smooth. Now many machinery products has selected and used large amount of photo electricity switch being the detecting component. Equipment has such a

32、s PC detecting bubble cover system on some machinery and the like system. This need all designs that meticulously. And, the ge</p><p>  Three, concluding remarks</p><p>  The thought a concept i

33、s designed melts to enter medicines and chemical reagents package machinery design being able to fall off designing a fault. Shorten a design cycle. Accelerate the product exploitation. Make the product designing that mo

34、re rational, have affinity, more suitable man-machine project more. It is also that the main means costing down and improving enterprise competition is short of passive competition aspect backward for improving medicines

35、 and chemical reagents package machin</p><p><b>  譯文</b></p><p>  論藥品包裝機(jī)械的概念設(shè)計</p><p>  近年來,由于我國經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢的持續(xù)高漲和國家對制藥行業(yè)強(qiáng)制性推行GMP(藥品生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量規(guī)范)認(rèn)證制度,藥品包裝機(jī)械取得了長足的進(jìn)步。新產(chǎn)品日益增多,技術(shù)水平有了很大的改

36、進(jìn)。但與國際水平相比還存在著很大的差距,近60%的產(chǎn)品達(dá)不到發(fā)達(dá)國家上世紀(jì)80年代的水平,先進(jìn)大型的設(shè)備主要依賴進(jìn)口。我國藥品包裝機(jī)械的低技術(shù)水平在很大程度上是由我國企業(yè)設(shè)計人員低水平設(shè)計引起的。</p><p>  一、我國藥品包裝機(jī)械現(xiàn)狀分析</p><p>  我國藥品包裝機(jī)械與國際先進(jìn)水平相比尚有較大的差距.國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械設(shè)計上主要存在以下幾點(diǎn)不足:</p><

37、;p>  1) 機(jī)械性能落后,國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械大多精度低、速度慢、平穩(wěn)性差。包裝機(jī)械運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)過程包含大量復(fù)雜的間歇式運(yùn)動,主要由凸輪、連桿來實(shí)現(xiàn)。然而許多設(shè)計人員不會根據(jù)工作循環(huán)圖和精度要求獨(dú)立設(shè)計計算凸輪連桿機(jī)構(gòu)的運(yùn)動學(xué)和動力學(xué)參數(shù),只是簡單的把國外樣機(jī)的凸輪連桿零件拆卸下來進(jìn)行逐點(diǎn)測繪,造成執(zhí)行機(jī)構(gòu)誤差很大。國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械大多運(yùn)行速度較低,如鋁塑泡罩包裝機(jī)的沖裁頻率一般為100~300個/min,全自動藥盒包裝機(jī)的裝盒速度50~

38、200盒/min,而國際上先進(jìn)的鋁塑泡罩包裝機(jī)的沖裁頻率能夠達(dá)到600個/min,全自動藥盒包裝機(jī)的裝盒速度能夠達(dá)到600~ 800盒/min。國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械不僅運(yùn)行速度慢,而且還伴有較大的噪音。</p><p>  2) 控制水平落后。國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械大多控制水平低、自動性差、故障率高。國產(chǎn)藥品包裝機(jī)械(主要指盒裝和灌裝機(jī)械)大多采用PLC作現(xiàn)場控制,而國外先進(jìn)的藥品包裝機(jī)械大多由計算機(jī)系統(tǒng)實(shí)現(xiàn)監(jiān)控,控制水平


40、;p>  3)功能單一、可擴(kuò)展性差。藥品包裝機(jī)械是針對特定的包裝形式設(shè)計的。一般在規(guī)定的規(guī)格范圍內(nèi)可調(diào)。而我國許多藥品包裝機(jī)械在設(shè)計時考慮不充分,沒有為進(jìn)一步的改造留出足夠的空間,致使設(shè)計的機(jī)械只能適應(yīng)于幾種簡單的模板,不適應(yīng)包裝材料或模板尺寸的變化,即使適應(yīng)生產(chǎn)的包裝成品質(zhì)量也不佳。</p><p>  4)綜合考慮不足,資源沒有充分利用。我國藥品包裝機(jī)械設(shè)計存在著混亂現(xiàn)象,許多機(jī)械設(shè)計人員對電機(jī)拖動同步

41、技術(shù)、伺服傳動技術(shù)不了解,可用簡單的電器設(shè)備解決的問題卻用復(fù)雜的機(jī)械裝置來實(shí)現(xiàn),有的雖然采用了同步電機(jī)等裝置來控制機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)行,但選取不當(dāng)。這些情況不僅造成了資源的極大浪費(fèi),而且使設(shè)計的機(jī)械的性能低下。</p><p>  5)造型死板。我國的藥品包裝機(jī)械設(shè)計時很少考慮機(jī)械的造型,很多廠家生產(chǎn)的機(jī)械造型不美觀,甚至沒有造型,給人感覺僵硬、死板、沒有活力。一些藥盒包裝機(jī)中,螺釘螺母都安裝在機(jī)器的外面板上,而一些潤滑用的

42、油杯和油嘴也隨處可見,加油時容易使機(jī)器到處沾滿油污,給人印象粗糙,不美觀。</p><p>  二、藥品包裝機(jī)械概念設(shè)計的內(nèi)容</p><p>  人們經(jīng)過多年的研究,將概念設(shè)計定義為:“在確定了任務(wù)后,通過抽象化擬定功能結(jié)構(gòu),尋求適當(dāng)?shù)淖饔迷砑捌浣M合等,確定出基本求解途徑,得出求解方案。這一部分設(shè)計工作叫做概念設(shè)計”概念設(shè)計指明確設(shè)計目的和現(xiàn)有條件后,設(shè)計者搜索多方面的知識,分析提煉后


44、主體框架,及它應(yīng)包括的各主要模塊和組件,以完成整體布局和外型初步設(shè)計。然后進(jìn)行評估和優(yōu)化,確定整體設(shè)計方案。再由各部分設(shè)計人員把總設(shè)計師的設(shè)計思想落實(shí)到具體設(shè)計中去,實(shí)現(xiàn)細(xì)節(jié)設(shè)計。實(shí)施藥品包裝機(jī)械的概念設(shè)計首先要求設(shè)計人員加強(qiáng)對藥品包裝的認(rèn)識,深化理解藥品包裝的內(nèi)涵,引進(jìn)現(xiàn)代包裝理念,積極與國際接軌?,F(xiàn)代包裝不僅是</p><p>  1)明確設(shè)計任務(wù),做好可行性分析。設(shè)計者在進(jìn)行設(shè)計工作初始階段時應(yīng)充分考慮產(chǎn)品

45、的可行性。一方面是市場的考慮,包括產(chǎn)品銷售、產(chǎn)品原料、制造費(fèi)用的考慮;另一方面是產(chǎn)品加工的考慮,包括現(xiàn)有加工能力、加工工藝、加工性能及周邊配套行業(yè)的考慮。周邊配套環(huán)境的考慮主要指當(dāng)?shù)仄髽I(yè)加工能力、加工水平、熱處理工藝及基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施的建設(shè)等。</p><p>  2)功能設(shè)計。我國大多數(shù)藥品包裝機(jī)械是對國外同類機(jī)型的仿制。但由于我國存在的特殊國情,須對產(chǎn)品進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)母脑?,以滿足我國的要求。而不是一味的照抄照搬。設(shè)計的機(jī)

46、械除需要滿足盒裝、灌裝功能外,我們還須考慮包裝機(jī)械的附加功能,如包裝盒中應(yīng)加入量杯、藥勺等工具,以方便用戶使用。在機(jī)種的開發(fā)方面可以設(shè)計較為先進(jìn)的機(jī)械,如無菌包裝機(jī)械、保鮮包裝機(jī)械等。還可以開發(fā)藥品包裝前處理成套設(shè)備和后處理配套設(shè)備。 </p><p>  3)功能分解。藥品包裝機(jī)械屬于機(jī)電一體化產(chǎn)品,設(shè)計時應(yīng)全面考慮各功能。一般而言,藥品包裝機(jī)械功能大致可分為機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)動、監(jiān)測傳感、信息處理及控制功能3大部分。

47、機(jī)構(gòu)運(yùn)動功能按不同機(jī)種又可細(xì)分,如鋁塑泡罩包裝機(jī)可分為成型、熱封、壓痕、沖裁4大功能,而紙盒包裝機(jī)械可分為折紙、下紙、藥板推送、紙盒打開、紙盒傳輸、折舌、插舌、壓平和打批號等功能。在設(shè)計過程中還要考慮機(jī)械潤滑、機(jī)械安全運(yùn)行、包裝衛(wèi)生等功能。這要求設(shè)計人員充分考慮檢測技術(shù),光、機(jī)、電一體化技術(shù)、計算機(jī)技術(shù).氣動技術(shù)、物流技術(shù)之間的交叉聯(lián)系。 </p><p>  4)機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)計。為實(shí)現(xiàn)預(yù)定的功能,我們需要使用不


49、械的多樣、可調(diào)、容錯、可擴(kuò)展、平穩(wěn)性以及美觀化,追求機(jī)械輕巧但穩(wěn)定。設(shè)計過程可參考各類包裝機(jī)械設(shè)計的長處,同時借鑒別的機(jī)械(如塑料機(jī)械、印刷機(jī)械)的優(yōu)點(diǎn)。除進(jìn)行機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)計外.還應(yīng)考慮各功能另外的實(shí)現(xiàn)途徑,如真空、電器控制等,以期最優(yōu)組合該產(chǎn)品。 </p><p>  5)系統(tǒng)控制方案的設(shè)計。藥品包裝機(jī)械中一個很重要的部分就是對各機(jī)構(gòu)實(shí)時檢測補(bǔ)償,以保證設(shè)備運(yùn)行順暢。現(xiàn)在很多機(jī)械產(chǎn)品選用了大量的光電開關(guān)作為檢測

50、元件,有的機(jī)械上還裝備有諸如微機(jī)檢測泡罩系統(tǒng)之類的系統(tǒng)。這都需要精心設(shè)計和整個控制系統(tǒng)連為一體。</p><p><b>  三、結(jié)語</b></p><p>  將概念設(shè)計的思想融入藥品包裝機(jī)械的設(shè)計可以減少設(shè)計失誤,縮短設(shè)計周期,加快產(chǎn)品的開發(fā),使設(shè)計的產(chǎn)品更合理、更具有親和力、更適合人機(jī)工程。同時它也是降低成本和提高企業(yè)競爭力的主要手段。為了改善藥品包裝機(jī)械設(shè)計


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