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1、<p>  重 慶 理 工 大 學(xué)</p><p>  文 獻(xiàn) 翻 譯</p><p>  二級學(xué)院 重慶汽車學(xué)院 </p><p>  班 級 107040202 </p><p>  學(xué)生姓名 李凱 學(xué) 號 1070402

2、0215 </p><p>  譯 文 要 求</p><p>  1、譯文內(nèi)容必須與課題(或?qū)I(yè))內(nèi)容相關(guān),并需注明詳細(xì)出處。</p><p>  2、外文翻譯譯文不少于2000字;外文參考資料閱讀量至少3篇(相當(dāng)于10萬外文字符以上)。</p><p>  3、譯文原文(或復(fù)印件)應(yīng)附在譯文后備查。</p><p

3、>  譯 文 評 閱</p><p>  導(dǎo)師評語(應(yīng)根據(jù)學(xué)?!白g文要求”,對學(xué)生外文翻譯的準(zhǔn)確性、翻譯數(shù)量以及譯文的文字表述情況等作具體的評價)</p><p>  指導(dǎo)教師: </p><p><b>  年 月 日</b></p><p><b>  數(shù)控機(jī)床精度

4、的檢測</b></p><p>  摘要:隨著制造業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,數(shù)控機(jī)床在機(jī)械制造業(yè)已得到廣泛應(yīng)用,且對數(shù)控機(jī)床的精度要求也越來越高。如何檢測數(shù)控機(jī)床的精度,正成為各行業(yè)用戶在驗(yàn)收與</p><p>  維護(hù)數(shù)控機(jī)床時非常關(guān)注的問題。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:數(shù)控機(jī)床 幾何精度 檢測 螺距誤差 補(bǔ)償 </p><p>

5、;  現(xiàn)代數(shù)控機(jī)床集合了電子計(jì)算機(jī)、伺服系統(tǒng)、自動控制系統(tǒng)、精密測量系統(tǒng)及新型機(jī)構(gòu)等先進(jìn)技術(shù),能夠加工形狀復(fù)雜、精密、小批量零件,并且具有加工精度高、生產(chǎn)效率高、適應(yīng)性強(qiáng)等特點(diǎn)。隨著制造業(yè)的快速發(fā)展,數(shù)控機(jī)床在機(jī)械制造業(yè)已得到廣泛應(yīng)用,且對數(shù)控機(jī)床的精度要求也越來越高。如何檢測數(shù)控機(jī)床的精度,正成為各行業(yè)用戶在驗(yàn)收與維護(hù)數(shù)控機(jī)床時非常關(guān)注的問題。 </p><p>  機(jī)床的精度主要包括機(jī)床的幾何精度、機(jī)床的定位

6、精度和機(jī)床的切削精度?,F(xiàn),就這些精度的檢測項(xiàng)目、檢測方法及注意事項(xiàng)進(jìn)行綜合的說明。   </p><p>  1 數(shù)控機(jī)床的幾何精度   數(shù)控機(jī)床的幾何精度反映機(jī)床的關(guān)鍵機(jī)械零部件(如床身、溜板、立柱、主軸箱等)的幾何形狀誤差及其組裝后的幾何形狀誤差,包括工作臺面的平面度、各坐標(biāo)方向上移動的相互垂直度、工作臺面X、Y坐標(biāo)方向上移動的平行度、主軸孔的徑向圓跳動、主軸軸向的竄動、主軸箱沿Z坐標(biāo)軸心線方向移動時的主

7、軸線平行度、主軸在Z軸坐標(biāo)方向移動的直線度和主軸回轉(zhuǎn)軸心線對工作臺面的垂直度等。   常用檢測工具有精密水平尺、精密方箱、千分表或測微表、直角儀、平尺、高精度主軸芯棒及千分表?xiàng)U磁力座等。   1.1 檢測方法:   數(shù)控機(jī)床的幾何精度的檢測方法與普通機(jī)床的類似,檢測要求較普通機(jī)床的要高。   1.2 檢測時的注意事項(xiàng):  ?。?) 檢測時,機(jī)床的基座應(yīng)已完全固化。(2)檢測時要盡量減小檢測工具與檢測方法的誤差。(3

8、)應(yīng)按照相關(guān)的國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn),先接通機(jī)床電源對機(jī)床進(jìn)行預(yù)熱,并讓沿機(jī)床各坐標(biāo)軸往復(fù)運(yùn)動數(shù)次,使主軸以中速運(yùn)行數(shù)分鐘后再進(jìn)行。(4)數(shù)控機(jī)床幾何精度一般比普通機(jī)床高。普通機(jī)床用的檢具、量具,往往因自身精度低,滿足不了檢測要求。且所用檢測工具的精度等級要比被測的幾</p><p>  (4)機(jī)床的螺距誤差補(bǔ)償方式包括線性軸補(bǔ)償和旋轉(zhuǎn)軸補(bǔ)償這兩種方式,可對直線軸和旋轉(zhuǎn)工作臺的定位精度分別補(bǔ)償。    </p>

9、<p>  3 切削精度    檢查機(jī)床切削精度的檢查,是在切削加工條件下對機(jī)床幾何精度和定位精度的綜合檢查,包括單項(xiàng)加工精度檢查和所加工的鑄鐵試樣的精度檢查(硬質(zhì)合金刀具按標(biāo)準(zhǔn)切削用量切削)。檢查項(xiàng)目一般包括:鏜孔尺寸精度及表面粗糙度、鏜孔的形狀及孔距精度、端銑刀銑平面的精度、側(cè)面銑刀銑側(cè)面的直線精度、側(cè)面銑刀銑側(cè)面的圓度精度、旋轉(zhuǎn)軸轉(zhuǎn)900側(cè)面銑刀銑削的直角精度、兩軸聯(lián)動精度等。</p><p&g

10、t;<b>  4 參考文獻(xiàn)</b></p><p>  1. Week, M.,機(jī)床手冊.約翰威利 & 桑司.紐約,1984.</p><p>  2. 麻省理工學(xué)院工作底稿工業(yè)生產(chǎn)率委員會,麻省理工學(xué)院出版社, 坎布里奇, MA,1989.</p><p>  3. 蘭格, K., 金屬成型手冊,麥格勞·希爾, 紐約,1

11、985.</p><p>  4. 卡爾帕基安· S. ,機(jī)械制造,A^^ 版本,普倫蒂斯·霍爾 ,2000.</p><p><b>  譯文原文</b></p><p>  On the accuracy of detection of CNC machine tools </p><p>  A

12、bstract With the rapid Development of manufacturing industry, CNC machine tools in the machinery manufacturing Industry has been widely used, and the accuracy of CNC machine tools are increasingly high requirements. How

13、to detect the accuracy of CNC machine tools, various industries are becoming the user acceptance and maintenance of CNC machine tools much attention to problems. </p><p>  Keywords CNC·geometric accura

14、cy·Detection· Pitch error·compensation </p><p>  Modern CNC machine tool combines computer, servo systems, automatic control systems, precision measurement systems and new types of instituti

15、ons of advanced Technology to processing of complex shape, precision, small-volume parts, and has the processing of high precision, high production efficiency, adaptability and so on. With the rapid Development of manufa

16、cturing industry, CNC machine tools in the machinery manufacturing Industry has been widely used, and the accuracy of CNC machine tools are</p><p>  Accuracy of machine tools include the geometric accuracy o

17、f machine tools, machine tool positioning accuracy and precision cutting machine tools. On the basis of these precision of test items, test methods and precautions to conduct a comprehensive description. 1 A geomet

18、ric accuracy of CNC machine tools The geometric accuracy of CNC machine tools to reflect the key mechanical components (eg, bed, slide board, column, spindle boxes, etc.) the geometry of the error and its geometry

19、af</p><p>  Measurement of linear motion detection tools: standard length of the groove feet into blocks of rules, micrometer, optical reading microscope and dual-frequency laser interferometer and so on. St

20、andard length measurement with dual-frequency laser interferometer measurement results shall prevail. Rotary motion detection tool 360 tooth precision indexing of the standard turntable or angle polyhedron, high-precisio

21、n radial grating and parallel fluorescent tubes, etc.. At present a common detector f</p><p>  (4) The output data processing results. 2.2 The detection of Note: (1) The instrument should be accu

22、rate calibration before use. (2) The pitch error compensation, should be adjusted after completion of the geometric precision machine carried out in order to reduce the geometric precision of the positioning accura

23、cy. (3) for pitch error compensation of high-precision testing instruments should be used (eg laser interferometer) for measuring first and then the compensation </p><p>  (4) machine tools, pitch erro

24、r compensation methods, including linear shaft rotary axis compensation and compensation for these two methods can be right linear axis and rotary table positioning accuracy of compensation, respectively. 3 Cuttin

25、g Accuracy Checking the accuracy of machine tool cutting checks, under the conditions in the cutting tool geometry on the accuracy and positioning accuracy of a comprehensive examination, including the individual m

26、achining accuracy and the proce</p><p>  4 References</p><p>  1. Week, M., Handbook of Machine Tools, John Wiley & Sons, New York ,1984.</p><p>  2. The Working Papers of the M

27、IT Commission on Industrial Productivity,MIT Press, Cambridge, MA 1989.</p><p>  3. Lange, K., Handbook of Metal Forming, McGraw Hill, New York,1985.</p><p>  4. Kalpakjian, S., Manufacturing En


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