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1、<p><b>  摘 要</b></p><p>  隨著社會(huì)競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的日益激烈,在如今的這個(gè)世界,個(gè)人能力的競(jìng)爭(zhēng)變得越來(lái)越殘酷。年輕的一代需要為他們的未來(lái)付出更多的東西。人們要從兒童就開(kāi)始競(jìng)爭(zhēng)。這意味著,對(duì)一個(gè)國(guó)家來(lái)說(shuō)教育變得越來(lái)越重要。家庭是孩子的第一個(gè)學(xué)校,父母是孩子的第一任老師。因此,各國(guó)在教育工程中都很重視家庭教育這一環(huán)。盡管家庭教育正吸引著社會(huì)各界的重視,特別是教育界的


3、教育。首先,本文討論了中西方家庭教育的相同之處。第二,通過(guò)比較分析,指出了中西方不同的家庭教育,尤其是概念、目標(biāo)、趨勢(shì)、方法方面。經(jīng)過(guò)比較,本文介紹了產(chǎn)生這些差異的原因。最后,本文提出了適合中國(guó)家庭教育的建議。</p><p>  關(guān)鍵詞:中國(guó);西方;家庭教育</p><p><b>  Abstract</b></p><p>  Along

4、 with the hyper-competitive, a person of ability competes more and more bitterly today in the world. Youngster would pay more for their future. People should compete since being a child. It means education becomes more a

5、nd more important to a country. Family is children’s first school. Parents are children’s first teachers. Therefore, most countries have paid great attention to the section of family education in education projects. Alth

6、ough family education now attracts social circles’ atte</p><p>  Key Words: China; West; family education</p><p><b>  Contents</b></p><p>  Abstract in Chinese</p>

7、<p>  Abstract in English</p><p>  Introduction1</p><p>  1.The common characteristics of family education between China and western countries2</p><p>  1.1 Being the best

8、 teachers for children2</p><p>  1.2Paying attention to family education2</p><p>  1.3 Starting family education early in childhood3</p><p>  2.The differences of family educati

9、on between China and western countries4</p><p>  2.1 Concepts of family education4</p><p>  2.2 Aims of family education5</p><p>  2.3 Tendencies of family education7</p>

10、<p>  2.4 Methods of family education8</p><p>  3.Reasons 0f the differences mentioned above10</p><p>  3.1Historical backgrounds10</p><p>  3.2Social conditions11</p&

11、gt;<p>  4.Enlightenments on the differences of family education between China and western countries12</p><p>  4.1More communication,fewer differences12</p><p>  4.2Reforming and impr

12、oving Chinese family education12</p><p>  Conclusion14</p><p>  References15</p><p>  Acknowledgements16</p><p>  Contrast of Family Education between </p>&

13、lt;p>  China and Western Countries</p><p>  Introduction</p><p>  Family plays a key role in a child’s growth. The family cultivation is the core of a child’s education. In a lifetime, family

14、 is the first school, in which parents are the first teachers for the children. No matter you are the Chinese or foreigners, you may pay much attention to family education. Family education is a really important part of

15、culture. Different countries have different culture. There are many distinctive features of home education between China and western countries. There are g</p><p>  The common characteristics of famil educat

16、ion between China and western countries </p><p>  Being the best teachers for children</p><p>  Like father like son, parents sometimes are children’s models. It’s easy to be influenced by paren

17、ts. Parents can easily influence our speech, our view of the world, our values, and a thousand other areas of our lives. Children also may imitate parents. They follow example of their parents.</p><p>  That

18、’s because the time children spend most is with parents. Parents teach children to do these basic things, such as walk,speak. Besides, parents know children very much. They know children’s merit and demerit in details. M

19、eanwhile, parents can help children to get rid of their demerit. They can help children improve themselves.</p><p>  Furthermore, parents possessed many experiences. They know what children should do , what

20、children shouldn’t. They experienced many things, so they can give children some advice in various kinds of aspects. Children can learn a lot of things from them, so that they can avoid detours.</p><p>  As

21、the saying goes “There is no place like home.” And there is no teacher like our parents. They are best teachers in children’s life. They teach children everything without reservation.</p><p>  Not only can t

22、hey teach us knowledge, but also everything. Besides, parents are the most patient teachers in the world. They can let children make mistakes, and will help children correct them.</p><p>  Parents are the be

23、st teacher for children. </p><p>  Paying attention to family education</p><p>  Family education, school education and social education are the three big and indispensable props of education. T

24、hey are playing an important part in the whole educational cause. The family is the oldest and the most important part of human society. Family is the first place that children receive education and the first unit that t

25、he children get in touch with the society. Nowadays, increasing attention has been paid to family education by the modern society. Furthermore, family education become</p><p>  In short, we should pay more a

26、ttention to family education.</p><p>  Starting family education early in childhood </p><p>  We can know children’s moods from their facial expressions. It’s easy to concentrate a child’s atte

27、ntion and change a child’s mind. After he grows up, his attention is easily dispersed, so a child must be caught early. </p><p>  Nowadays, social development needs high qualified talents. Ancient Chinese a

28、nd western parents have always been well aware of the truth that knowledge is power. Parents usually want children to learn more. The kids learn things quickly and directly when childhood. The family education should be

29、implemented as soon as possible.</p><p>  To sum up, the causes of different education are different historical backgrounds and different social conditions.</p><p>  The differences of family ed

30、ucation between China and western countries</p><p>  2.1Concepts of family education</p><p>  The different education concepts between west and China lead children to receive different education

31、.</p><p>  In China, everything is for children. Chinese parents usually believe that the promising future means a good job, a good life. They always want their children would become outstanding, or even bec

32、ome a famous person in the future. Many parents feel that their responsibility for their children is to create as good condition as possible they can so that the children will not worry about anything in the future. The

33、most important thing is to create a good condition to develop their children’s intel</p><p>  Traditional Chinese family education emphasizes kindhearted and obedience. An obedient child seldom does anything

34、 that his parents do not like. For example, When a baby was born in a Chinese family, his parents often design a future for him, no matter the child likes it or not. Parents may let children go to the kindergarten. Let t

35、hem learn a lot of things, such as English, math, art and so on. Then they will go to primary school. At weekend, parents let children join the hobby group. When child</p><p>  Instead, western parents gener

36、ally believe that family education is not only the action of family but concerns the whole society. They think that the growth of children must rely on their own strength and experiences. Based on this concept, most west

37、ern parents emphasize more to train their children’s ability of independence once they are born. They have the idea that education is not the preparation for making their living, but for survival[1]. They emphasize “the

38、learned education.” And the ca</p><p>  Western family education emphasizes people oriented. Teenagers may not be full adults, but they not only have minds, but also spiritual and psychological selves[3]. We

39、stern parents usually want to be the best friend of their children. They always listen to their children’s thoughts. Unlike Chinese, western children can call parents’ names. That means parents fell their children as an

40、equal as well. The children are not parents’ goods or property. When western parents want to make an important de</p><p>  2.2Aims of family education </p><p>  Family education’s aim is to trai

41、n a child with some characteristics through family education. There is an essential difference between two countrys’ aim of family education, with to expect the child to become an outstanding personage and to hope the ch

42、ild to be an comprehensive and independent person giving expressions to the difference[4].</p><p>  To most Chinese parents, the aim is expecting their child to be a “dragon”, which is “wang zi cheng long”

43、in Chinese. For Chinese parents, their aim is to do anything to support their children to get high marks. The Chinese traditional Confucian culture emphasize “the cultivation of one’s moral character, the running of one

44、’s family, the administration of a state, the peace and security of the world” [5]. The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the child, thinking educating</p><p>  It is hard to achieve,

45、because “to be useful” is not an ordinary aim. First, this aim is high and full of utility. Because of the aim, Chinese parents especially concern about children’s study achievements. Their only requirement is that thei

46、r children can concentrate all the attentions on study. In physical, Chinese parents pay more attention to children’s nutrition, they make great effects to prevent their children from diseases. When the children begin th

47、eir school education, family educatio</p><p>  But western parents take helping the child to be a man of ability which is “wang zi cheng ren” in chinese as their aim. They give their children more training a

48、bout imporiving ability. They try to train their children to have the ability of adapting to environment variety and the ability of living independently[6]. Enducation is not the preparation for earning their living, but

49、 for survival.</p><p>  The western parents pay great attention to raising children’s independent consciousness since childhood.They leave the child an opportunity of undergoing a process of tempering. They

50、let the children solve some problems all by himself. Besides, they do not reprove the child casually. All this enables the child to dare to rush, dare to do, dare to take a risk, dare to display himself. When they are st

51、ill a baby, they sleep alone; when they can walk by themselves, they seldom ask parents for help;</p><p>  As we know, Bill Gates started in the home computer age and made billions of dollars. In fact, he is

52、 a college drop-out. He dropped out of Harvard University at the age of 19. And Larry Ellison and Mark Zuckerberg are also the students of cease of Harvard University. They can choose what they want .And they know what t

53、o do. </p><p>  2.3Tendencies of family education</p><p>  Family education is not only the education of the pre-school education, but also all life education.</p><p>  The Chinese

54、parents lay emphasis on social enlightenment, ignore the growth of children. They attach great stress to the ability of social adaptation, but they often overlook promoting children’s growth according to their physical a

55、nd mental characteristics[7]. It usually refers to parents who lack of responsibility to take care of their children. Young parents are working hard to make money. They have few times at home, so they don’t have enough t

56、ime to get along with their children. Even they </p><p>  Ma JiaJue case makes people focus on the problem of juvenile delinquency once again. Ma JiaJue who was the college student murdered 4 of his roommate

57、s. Nowadays juvenile delinquency has become a serious social problem. That’s because Chinese parents don’t give their children correct guidance. Another reason in China is that the children have always been the focus of

58、attention at home, so that they have great trouble getting along in the outside world. </p><p>  On the other hand, the western parents provide the children a environment for growth resistant to them, and f

59、oster their tenacious individuality and the good conduct, and they choose their idea and way of cultivation according to the change of society and the characteristic of children physical and mental[8]. They are obliged t

60、o squeeze time in order to stay with their children, and listen to the voices of children, emphasizing and enjoying spiritual communication[9]. They regard children as equ</p><p>  In the west family, you ca

61、n see children, call their parents’ names just like adults, express their views and participate in family discussions at their liberty. The children can determine things themselves and parents won’t lecture their childre

62、n if they do not have reasonable reasons or their mistakes are not so serious. They tend to give their children opportunities to learn and correct by themselves, that’s why children in the west, dare to take risks, dare

63、to express themselves. They are pl</p><p>  2.4Methods of family education </p><p>  The choices of which education methods are connected closely to a nation’s custom, culture and history. Conve

64、rsely, whether the parents can use the scientific education methods properly is connected to the realization of family education’s aims and contents. </p><p>  There was a real story. In an English class, a

65、teacher who came from Cambridge wanted children to imagine some life scenes and to draw some pictures which can reflect their moods. The children all asked the teacher to give them an example. The teacher repeatedly clai

66、med the children could draw as long as what they draw can express some emotions such as happiness, sadness and so on. However, the children still didn’t know how to start. At the end, the teacher had to guide them every

67、step by step.</p><p>  The China’s traditional culture takes the family as the focus, and pays great attention to individual responsibility and duty[10]. The main connotation of Chinese family education is “

68、the mercy, righteousness, the ritual, the wisdom, the honesty, loyalty, forgiveness”, and the Chinese child was taught by historical story, ethics, loyalty, filial piety and integrity when he was young[11]. </p>&

69、lt;p>  First, the Chinese parents pay attention to rote memorization. Traditional Chinese education requires children to recite what written in the books. The old saying “you will understand the meaning after reading

70、it 100 times”. Therefore, most Chinese parents like to see their children sit at desk, reading, memorizing, or immersing in exercise.</p><p>  Second, they lack of outdoor exercises because Chinese children

71、have endless homework. They live under the pressure of a lot of examinations. At the same time, they can’t find a good place to do outdoor exercise.</p><p>  Third, children have less right to speak, that is

72、 to say, Chinese parents require their children to obey the rules and listen to elder generation. Besides, they have limited right to choose and most of them would like to do things according to parents’ willingness.<

73、/p><p>  Last, Chinese parents always want to control their children. For example, the children’s school bags are searched; diaries are peeked.</p><p>  Yet, the western culture takes individual as

74、 a focus, paying great attention to individual freedom and right[12]. All we all know knowledge creation comes from curiosity. So parents by making children interested in the nature and fairy stories, let the children ha

75、ve a broader imagination space, so as to help the knowledge creation.</p><p>  First, the western parents advocate to practical training, emphasis on training children in practice instead of preaching. They

76、prefer to encourage their children experience life, and seek knowledge in life. Through the process of experiencing the life, they can improve their recognition of things, accumulate experiences, master skills, enhance c

77、apacities, develop hobbies and consolidate self-confidence and responsibility.</p><p>  Second, western parents think play and game are very important. Children take part in all kinds of activities, and do a

78、 lot of outdoor exercises. On the weekend, parents go out for tour with children. In the process of playing, the children develop their intelligence, such as imagination, communication with other people and emotion adjus

79、ting and so on.</p><p>  Third, western children have their right to speak, in other words, they can show their opinions on family affairs. Western parents inspire their children to say what they want to say

80、. They also have right to choose, when the children start to show their ability to cognize things, they would like children to choose by themselves. They can choose games, books, jobs and so on.</p><p>  Las

81、t, western parents can make friends with their children and respect children’s rights of privacy.</p><p>  We can find that different family education methods present in different aspects.</p><p&g

82、t;  Reasons of the differences mentioned above</p><p>  3.1Historical backgrounds </p><p>  First, the traditional Chinese world view or attitude towards the nature is “harmony between man and n

83、ature” which refers to people’s obedience and worship of nature[13]. With the impact of Confucian philosophy, China’s collectivism values had been formed. In other words, it means considering things as a whole. That is t

84、hinking highly of family, community and national interests but ignoring or even sacrificing their personal interests if necessary. Chinese consider that a person is living in con</p><p>  However, under the

85、influence of western philosophy, western people deem that everything in the universe exists independently. They pay attention to personality, and their value orientation is based on the individualism. They lay stress on

86、their own benefits, advocating individual improvement and find their own true value. Therefore, “achievement” “change” and “personal first” are their cultural values. In the family, individual is the most basic one, whic

87、h is the valuable, independent from his f</p><p>  Second, China have a long history, at the same time, it reserves more old culture, especially is affected by feudal farmer’s idea for a long period. Its cul

88、ture value is conservative and cautious, which lacks of adventure spirits and creation consciousness. Chinese people are conservative, not willing to take risks, like stability, and used to steady jobs.</p><p&

89、gt;  On the contrary, due to the geographical and cultural environment, a lot of western countries are typical of open ocean culture. Affected by multi-culture and multi-value, it can accept new thoughts and culture more

90、 quickly without restriction. The politics, economy, ideologies are open and active in society. Most people are independence, open-minded, daring to innovate and take risks.</p><p>  3.2Social conditions<

91、/p><p>  Chinese nature economy existed for thousands of years. Chinese get used to tying on the land. Through dozens of years planned economy, even more than twenty years of market economy, Chinese can’t get r

92、id of the dependency. And, China is a developing country nowadays. China has a large population. There are so few opportunities to find a job. The pressure of living is great. China is a society of diplomas. Their choosi

93、ng is limited. Chinese parents think good study achievement can bring a good jo</p><p>  Meanwhile, China, a nation which economic condition is poor, has incomplete social old-age system, and exist some old

94、conception questions. Adult children are always living with their parents and obliged to take care of their parents. Therefore, in family life, the Chinese have a good tradition of respecting the old and loving the young

95、.</p><p>  Moreover, in the structure of modern capitalism, western commodity economy defeated nature economy[15]. In the condition of commodity economy, individual is independent relatively. One person, if

96、he wants to develop in the competition of commodity economy, he must improve himself. Therefore, in the commodity economy society, people keep a tradition which is to value self the most important. The condition of econo

97、my in west is better than that in China. And they have a lot of opportunities of cha</p><p>  Western countries have good economic conditions, perfect old-age social system. Western parents don’t care about

98、whether the children will bring honor to them or not. They see educating child to be an independent, conscientious and kind hearted person as their duties. </p><p>  Enlightenments on the differences of fam


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