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1、 分類號(hào) S852.1 學(xué)校代碼 10129 U D C 577 學(xué) 號(hào) 08201032 Ghrelin mRNA 在小鼠體內(nèi)早期胚胎發(fā)育中的表達(dá) Expression of Ghrelin mRNA during Mouse Preimpla

2、ntation Embryo Development in Vivo 申 請(qǐng) 人:塔 娜 學(xué)科門類:農(nóng) 學(xué) 學(xué)科專業(yè):基礎(chǔ)獸醫(yī)學(xué) 研究方向:動(dòng)物組織胚胎及發(fā)育生物學(xué) 指導(dǎo)教師:曹貴方 教授 論文提交日期:二零一一年五月 Expression of Ghrelin mRNA during Mouse Preimplantation Embryo Development in Vivo Abstract Ghrelin as the

3、first endogenous ligand for the growth hormone secretagogue receptor (GHS-R) identified by Kojima in 1999 was isolated from the rat stomach, which can be combined with the GHSR growth hormone stimulation of the brain-gut

4、 peptide release. Especially in recent years , ghrelin research boom in the reproductive system is most likely to indicate a particular relationship with reproduction. Animal reproductive activities as a special form of

5、activity metabolism is inseparable with energy metabolism in the body. So Ghrelin physiological and pathological significance become a hot topic in the current study. To investigate whether Ghrelin plays a role in mouse

6、preimplantation (Mus musculus)development, in vivo embryos at different stages were obtained , and the relative expression level of Ghrelin mRNA was detected with real-time quantitative PCR. The results indicated that Gh

7、relin mRNA was expressed in early embryos in various developmental stages.The expression was the lowest at 2-cell stage, 1 - cell stage expression is slightly above 2 - cell stage, however, no special significant differe

8、nces between them. This may indicate that there existence a special regulatory mechanism in the cells . While 8-cell embryos reached the highest , after that , ghrelin mRNA expression was beginning to show a downward tre

9、nd , morula stage respectively show a very significant difference with blastocyst, 8 - cell stage and 1 - cell stage. Simultaneously, the Ghrelin mRNA relative expression level of 8 - cell stage, morula and blastocyst st

10、age was significantly higher than the 1 - cell stage and 2 - cell stage. The general trend is the first increased and thereafter decreased again. Key words:Ghrelin;In vivo maturation; Preimplantation embryo; Real-Time PC


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