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1、對外經(jīng)濟貿(mào)易大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文外商直接投資與山東省進出口貿(mào)易關(guān)系的實證研究姓名:駱秀明申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):國際貿(mào)易學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:王煒瀚20080401II Abstract Economic globalization is the trend of world current development, which to a large extent is promoted by foreign dir

2、ect investment (FDI). Relations between FDI and local trade, which are of great importance to the exploration of regional economic development, have been paid deeply attention by economic academ

3、ia. Many researches now indicate that FDI which flows to developing countries have great advantages to the trade of the host countries. As a coastal province, Shandong Province, since the 1980s

4、, has always stands in the front row of the whole nation in terms of the amount of FDI. FDI has a profound impact on the national economy particularly the export and import trade. Therefor

5、e, it is meaningful and necessary to analyze the effect of FDI on Shandong’ s foreign trade. This paper which is located to regional studies, based on the related literatures both at home and

6、 abroad, uses related data since 1984 to 2007 of Shandong and combines both theoretical analysis and empirical studies. Firstly, we introduce the history and status quo of FDI in Shandong Pro

7、vince and give a simple analysis on relations between FDI and trade. Secondly, establish several econometrics models, utilize econometric analysis software Eviews3.1 and use co- integration analysi

8、s method and Granger Causality Test to test the time series (includes FDI, export and import).so that we can examine the relation between FDI and trade. Through econometric analysis, we come t

9、o the conclusion as follows: There is a long- term and stable relation between FDI and trade in Shandong Province, and FDI has positive effect both on export and import. The policy implicatio

10、ns of these conclusions are: on the basis of making full use of our advantages, taking all kinds of measures to continue expanding the use of foreign direct investment to promote the growth

11、 of trade of Shandong province. Meanwhile, give fully prominence to industrial distribution and origin place; shift FDI companies from labor- intensive industry to technology- intensive industry. Key


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