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1、南京航空航天大學碩士學位論文浙江省先進制造業(yè)基地的構建研究:基于產業(yè)集群視角姓名:朱洪倩申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):區(qū)域經濟學指導教師:耿弘20061201浙江省先進制造業(yè)基地的構建研究:基于產業(yè)集群視角 — ii — ABSTRACT Industrial cluster is one of the most important styles of small enterprises which can defend against hu

2、ge enterprises. Advanced manufacturing base is the precursor for further development of manufacturing, especially for China, which is of laborious dominated country. This manuscript holds the opinion that there are some

3、associations between the industrial cluster and the advanced manufacturing base, which may be the evolutional relationship. Through the approach of complex network, we try to illustrate the industrial cluster is one of t

4、he pathway leading to the advanced manufacturing base. The framework of the evolutional relationship was also grabbed. Some factors of industrial cluster such as advantages of specialist, innovation, financing and admini

5、stration and information resource, and also including division and cooperation among the cluster of small enterprise are the preconditions of the construction of the advanced manufacturing base. The possible innovations

6、of the manuscript: 1. It is the first time to employ the approach of complex network to the research of industrial cluster and advanced manufacturing base. 2. The model of Prisoner’s Dilemma was introduced to illustrate

7、the dilemma of innovation-analogue. The Boxed Pigs game was also introduced to analyze the relationship between the small and huge enterprises, and the Pareto optimality could be gotten when the Boxed Pigs game was used.

8、 3. The latest data and model of input-output were used to analyze the industrial coefficient of department of Zhejiang’s manufacturing industries. Keywords: Industrial Cluster, Advanced Manufacturing Base, Complex Ne


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