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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文核電站項目建設(shè)的缺貨分析和控制姓名:梅冠申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):工商管理指導(dǎo)教師:周水銀20050427IVAbstract The demand of electrical power was rapidly enlarged following the high speed developing of Chinese economy. The nuclear power as a new energy res

2、ource is a good choice to solve the tense power for the moment. At the same time, we should consider the economy of nuclear power station project, it was affected by the total investment and financing; the period of nucl

3、ear power station projects; the main technology of nuclear power station; the expenses in safety, maintenance and operation of nuclear power station etc. At present, shortage is the main factor to influence the whole pro

4、ject period in construction of Chinese nuclear power station project. Shortage not only increases the investment and expenses, but also prolongs the project period; moreover, it will cause many quality trouble concealed

5、in project too. Solved the shortage problem thoroughly would increased the economic profit ultimately, but shortage problem not a simple problem, it refers to every aspect and many factors of the power project. So, we mu

6、st analysis the power project systemically and comprehensive, find the reason of shortage and make it out, we should also pay attention to all of this in nuclear power project. This thesis firstly briefly introduce the b

7、asic information; the develop tendency and research of power project of oversea and domestic, then analyses detailed the general material supply system, manage process, quality assurance system of Chinese power station.

8、Secondly, the thesis particular described the shortage situation of Chinese nuclear power station project relative to the shortage situation of the third Qinshan and Tianwan nuclear power station, and especially analysis

9、 the shortage reason integrated. For all the shortage reason, through the way of “AHP”, we find the main reasons of shortage are supplier election; information transferring delay; supplier quality assurance and schedule

10、fluctuated problem. Lastly, we set up a system of supplier selection of nuclear power project which given a series of detailed standards; we also simply built the information centre which was based the PMIS; and make a q

11、uality assurance system based ISO9001; last, we solved the schedule fluctuate through P3 software and BCWP theory. This thesis breached the traditional qualitative-analysis way in project management, it adopt not only th


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