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1、廈門大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中國(guó)券商核心競(jìng)爭(zhēng)力的構(gòu)建研究姓名:周妮申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):@指導(dǎo)教師:羅樂勤20050501Abstract Abstract Chinese stock market has made great progress since 1990s. As an important component, Chinese Securities Trader made big contributions to the dev

2、elopment of Chinese stock market. However, most Chinese Securities Trader has been established for many years since Chinese innovation, they inevitably have a lot of disadvantages. Since 2002, Chinese stock m

3、arket has experienced a big fall, and the security companies found themselves in a really hard time. Meanwhile, with China’s entering WTO, many international investment banks enter Chinese market. Under such a circumstan

4、ce, how to improve the competence of Chinese Securities Trader has been becoming a basic problem that we should think over. Two famous American scholars, C.K.Prahalad and Gary Hamel, advanced the concept of core

5、competence firstly in 1990. They insist that, with the development of globalisation, the success of companies will not count on temporary product developing and some market strategies arise in brainstorm

6、, it will depend on the unique competitive edge the companies owned. The essence of this unique competitive edge is an architectonic system differentiates from rivals’. It is an interactive system of kn

7、owledge and assets, which comes from the development of a company. Normally, it is called core competence. This paper began with the characteristics and qualities of security companies’ business. Through

8、analysing the development and prospect of Chinese Securities Trader and learning from good experiences of global famous Chinese Securities Trader, we study the formation principles of the core competence of Chine

9、se security companies and give some ways to construct it. Though there are many theories of how to construct enterprises’ core competence in domestic academe presently and most of the study fie

10、ld is in manufacture industry such as electronic, chemistry, architecture and automobile industry etc., little theory in service industry especially in security industry. As a result of core competence’s mul


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