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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文湖北省電力投資集團(tuán)公司戰(zhàn)略規(guī)劃研究姓名:邵華國(guó)申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):工商管理指導(dǎo)教師:夏新平20041001V Abstract Strategic management is the first and foremost theory approach to the modern enterprise, especially to the development of the big ent

2、erprise. Hubei Electric Investment Group is a company which is responsible for the use and operation of construction fund in the whole province. Now it has taken a great change by competing

3、more severely. Faced to a series of new problem, the company is badly in need of adjusting strategy, improving the management , it have converted from a simple investment firm to a comprehensive firm including inves

4、tment and operation . In the face of the great hardship, it should concentrate on how to make itself a going concern and how to develop swiftly. The paper is based on the great history tr

5、ansformation and exterior surrounding of the company .The paper is under the guide of the modern enterprise strategic theory and the analysis of the interior competition ability. Besides, the p

6、rophecy of the macro economic occasion and the concerned industry is also involved in the paper. The paper will combine the theory and practice. The new strategy in the new era will be anal

7、ysed by the SWOT technology and system approach and then I will show you the problem of the firm. According to the problem, opportunities, advantage and threatens, the new strategy and the goal of the firm

8、 will emerge from the analysis . Based on the plentiful material, the paper devotes itself to the goal of the company in the future. Compared to the strategy of the five electricity generating groups,

9、 it can be directly converted into the use having local character of its own.. The paper will be of great significance to the long- term and short- term development. Everything concerned in the paper is base

10、d on what happens in my company. Its conclusion can not only guide the development of my company in the new era but also contribute to the big enterprise as well. Key Words: Hubei Electric Investment G


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