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1、Merry,The origin of the Christmas 圣誕節(jié)的由來Christmas customs of different countries 不同國家的圣誕節(jié)習(xí)俗Santa’s origin 圣誕老人的由來The origin of the Christmas tree圣誕樹的由來,Christmas Day,Christmas Eve(Silent Night)

2、,December 24,is the night before Christmas Day.Christmas is a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus ChristNo one knows the exact date of Christ’s birth, but most Christians observe Christmas on December

3、 25.On this day, many people go to church, where they take part in special religious services.The word Christmas comes from Cristes maesse, an early English phrase that means Mass of Christ. 12月24日是平安夜,在圣誕節(jié)前一天。12月25

4、日是基督教徒紀(jì)念耶穌基督誕生的日子,這一天許多人都會去教堂參加特別的宗教活動。英文Christmas由Christ(基督)和Mass(彌撒)兩字組成。,The origin of the Christmas圣誕節(jié)的由來,We all know that Christmas is a western festival, was born in different countries and their customs are diffe

5、rent, it is several major western customs.我們都知道圣誕節(jié)是西方的節(jié)日,誕生對于不同的國家,他們的習(xí)俗又有所不同。,Christmas customs of different countries 不同國家的圣誕節(jié)習(xí)俗,Christmas customs of different countries 不同國家的圣誕節(jié)習(xí)俗,Britain : they thi

6、nk Christmas must eat a great time. So Christmas dinner is extremely rich, including roast Turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas break hamburger... And so on. Everyone has a gift, and even servants have, gifts at Christma

7、s morning dispense. Sometimes what every choir ['kwa??] singing Christmas songs out the door, they will also be master please into the house, entertaining tea or give little gift. 英國:他們認(rèn)為圣誕節(jié)必須吃得痛快。所以圣誕大餐極為豐富,包括烤火雞、

8、圣誕布丁、圣誕碎肉餅......等等。家里每一個人都有一份禮物,連仆人也有,禮物都在圣誕節(jié)的早晨分贈。有時逢唱詩班逐門逐戶唱圣誕歌時,他們也會被主人請進(jìn)屋里,招待茶點或贈予小禮物。,Christmas customs of different countries 不同國家的圣誕節(jié)習(xí)俗,The United States: a free and colorful countries, Christmas is the d

9、ay they happy carnival . American national complex, so its celebration often different because immigrants varied. Most of the interior have chic decorate, hanging outside the wreath and beautiful colourful d

10、ecorations. 美國:一個自由且多彩的國家,圣誕節(jié)是他們快樂狂歡的日子。美國的民族復(fù)雜,所以其慶祝方式常因移民的不同而有所差異。大部分室內(nèi)都有別致的布置,門外懸掛著美艷的花環(huán)及綺麗的飾物。,Christmas customs of different countries 不同國家的圣誕節(jié)習(xí)俗,Britain : they think Christmas must eat a great time. So Ch

11、ristmas dinner is extremely rich, including roast Turkey, Christmas pudding, Christmas break hamburger... And so on. Everyone has a gift, and even servants have, gifts at Christmas morning dispense. Sometimes what every

12、choir ['kwa??] singing Christmas songs out the door, they will also be master please into the house, entertaining tea or give little gift. 英國:他們認(rèn)為圣誕節(jié)必須吃得痛快。所以圣誕大餐極為豐富,包括烤火雞、圣誕布丁、圣誕碎肉餅......等等。家里每一個人都有一份禮物,連仆人也有,禮物都

13、在圣誕節(jié)的早晨分贈。有時逢唱詩班逐門逐戶唱圣誕歌時,他們也會被主人請進(jìn)屋里,招待茶點或贈予小禮物。,,,The origin of the Christmas tree圣誕樹的由來,Once there was an old man named Nicholas his favorite help poor family life. One time he help three poor little send their thr

14、ee bags of gold after being sold to escape the misfortune When Nicholas secretly put one bag of gold to one woman, he took the gold from them, just throw it in a window into the walls of the king in a stocking. And so,

15、people in order to commemorate him, will present to (贈送,給予)in the Christmas gifts of socks to house to house to approach the candy . 從前有一個老人,名叫尼古拉斯,他一生最愛幫助貧窮的人家。其中有一次他幫助三個貧窮的少后送他們?nèi)鹱右蕴舆^被賣的不幸。當(dāng)尼古拉斯偷偷把其中一袋金子送給其中一名女子時,他把

16、金子從其中一個窗戶扔進(jìn)去,恰好掉進(jìn)景在壁上的一長襪中。于是,人們?yōu)榱思o(jì)念他,就將禮物以放在圣誕襪子的送禮方法家挨戶地去要糖果。,Christmas tree,Traditions節(jié)日傳統(tǒng)習(xí)俗Wait for Santa ClausDecorate Christmas treeReceive and send the presentsChristmas StockingSend Christmas cardsHave Chr

17、istmas dinnerSing Christmas carols,圣誕樹Christmas tree,圣誕老人Santa Claus,圣誕帽Christmas hat,圣誕l鈴Christmas bell,圣誕卡Christmas card,圣誕禮物Christmas Gift,圣誕蘋果Christmas apple,reindeer馴鹿,Christmas stocking,Christmas Color,RedGr

18、eenwhite,Dashing through the snowIn a one-horse open sleighO'er the fields we goLaughing all the wayBells on bobtail ringMaking spirits brightWhat fun it is to ride and singA sleighing song tonightJingle bel


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