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1、對(duì)外經(jīng)濟(jì)貿(mào)易大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文北辰實(shí)業(yè)公司品牌價(jià)值提升策略研究姓名:郭川申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):工商管理指導(dǎo)教師:吳革2011-056Abstract Abstract Abstract AbstractAs the intangible assets of a company, brand value inherits the value of the company, as well asbrings the premium reve

2、nue of the products for the company through close relationship withconsumers. And it plays a significant role for keeping the competition and sustainabledevelopment of the company. So brand value becomes the highest purs

3、uits and culture for theoperation of corporation management, meanwhile, the reflection of national and racialcompetition.The concept of brand value came from in the process of continual research and practice ondevelopmen

4、t of brand. From inheriting with the products to form independent assets, the brandvalue brings the satisfaction on psychology and happiness besides the products functions toconsumers through its add-value.The source and

5、 formulation of the brand value cannot be divided with the marketing of companyand consumer behavior. The factors of the brand value are based on the economics, marketing andthe theory of the consumer rights. However, in

6、vestigating the nature of every factor, there areinteractive influences among them, including the core factor that has the crucial effect. In addition,from the practice of the operation and management of the company, the

7、 factors tend to becomprehensive in the economy activities. As a result, the core factors that determine the brandvalue can be summarized from the perspective of brand management of the company, and basedon them comparis

8、on and guidance on the improvement of company brand value can be achieved.As a real estate company, the effect of brand value become more and more obvious due to thecontinual changes of the rapid development of the indus

9、try and the competition among companies.As the Pillar industry of the national economic, although real estate companies have the uniquecharacteristic and regularity within its own development, the core factors that deter

10、mine the brandvalue have effect on the real estate companies as well.As a operator that involves in brand building, the author pays attention to the researches,summaries and conclusions relevant to the issues on core fac

11、tors that have crucial influence on theimprovement of the company brand value. In addition, based on the research works, somestrategic suggestions on the improvements are introduced. From the identification of the releva

12、ntconceptions of brand, brand meaning, brand assets, brand marketing and brand value, the articleintroduces the ‘the model for factors determining the brand value’. And based on the model, thisarticle also analyzes the b

13、rand value condition of the real estate industry and the Beijing NorthStar Company Limited, seek for the existing problems of the brand value of this company, andintroduce some strategies for improving the brand value. T


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