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1、武漢科技大學碩士學位論文醫(yī)藥物流中心人工揀選作業(yè)優(yōu)化及其仿真姓名:程慶章申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):管理科學與工程指導教師:張志清2010-10-29第 II頁 武漢科技大學 武漢科技大學 武漢科技大學 武漢科技大學 碩士學位論文Abstract Abstract Abstract AbstractThe medicine circulation enterprise is important to connect the upstream

2、 medicineproduction enterprise and the downstream retails enterprise. The medicine circulation enterprisewith the formalization, specialized, the modernized physical distribution system raises thecirculation efficiency w

3、hich has huge social efficiency. Order picking as the physical distributionallocation system's important component takes immediate influence to the order form reactionrate, so the level of efficiency and customer ser

4、vice quality would have an important impact tothe cost of logistics centers. In this article, based on the results of research scholars at home andabroad, combined with the actual needs of enterprises to expand the syste

5、m optimization point ofview. The research grasps the main factors and takes the relevant part of the order picking as awhole. Selection from the district, the path and the inside- reexamines to carry on the design andthe

6、 control. Through the simulation experiment the simulation results is provided guidance fordecision-making which has the positive theory and the practice guiding sense.Firstly, the thesis describes the Order picking oper

7、ations processes, principles and strategiesin the medicine physical distribution center and analyzes numerous factors, especially the storagespace assignment, selection way, personnel, equipment, technology and so on. Th

8、ose affect theOrder picking rate and the optimized direction is proposed .Secondly, the thesis is carried on thesimulation analysis based on the enterprise's actual data. In the district research, the viewpointsthat

9、excess partition or not to partition does not enhance the efficiency of the Order picking. Thetwo partitions is more appropriate than others .In selecting of the path research, the article isproposed a method which is co

10、mbination the walking around the circle and S-type and is giventhe algorithm flow chart. In inside- reexamines research, the paper compares the old and the newmodel especially on the advantages and disadvantages in vario

11、us indicators and is provided thevaluable reference data to the decision-making. Finally, the thesis ends off with a summary of thewhole work and a prospect of research on the work.Key Key Key Key words words words words


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