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1、Improve Business Results Through People通過人改進經(jīng)營結(jié)果,NEUSOFT Corporation東大軟件集團有限公司March 2001二OO一年三月,About this Material關于這份材料,In response to “Neusoft” invitation, Hewitt provide in this material our suggested project ap

2、proach to help Neusoft build up the world-wide standard human resource management system, which will be especially focused on the job design/evaluation, compensation design and performance management. This documentation

3、demonstrates how we will proceed this project. We also emphasize our understandings upon your needs, our methodologies for the fulfillment and some detailed issues during the co-operation between Neusoft and Hewitt.我們接

4、受了東大軟件集團有限公司(東大)的委托,為貴公司提供一份關于翰威特公司將如何幫助制定一個世界標準的人力資源管理系統(tǒng),尤其是東大特別關注的工作設計/評估,薪酬激勵及績效管理系統(tǒng)的設計方案。本文本中所包括的信息說明了我們將如何進行這個項目。我們特別指出了我們對貴公司需求的理解、完成這個項目的方法過程以及翰威特公司與東大合作的許多細節(jié)問題。The suggested project approach adopts some successf

5、ul ideas and procedures which have been proved in other human resource consulting projects. We acknowledge that you will have some modifications based on our suggestions to ensure the success of this project. We look fo

6、rward to getting your input. 這個建議的過程采納了一些其他人力資源發(fā)展項目中運行較好的步驟。我們認識到為了保證項目的成功運作你們可能會對我們所提出的設計方案做出相應的改動。我們隨時歡迎貴公司的指導,并希望貴方提出你們的想法以改進我們的建議方案。,Contents內(nèi)容,About Hewitt Associates 關于翰威特公司 Our Understanding of Your Situation 對

7、貴公司情況的理解 Linking HR Issues to Business 人力資源問題與公司業(yè)務相結(jié)合 Considering Factors in Design and Implementation設計和實施所要考慮的因素Our Suggested Approach 我們的設計方案Our Consulting Team 我們的咨詢團隊 Our Experience in Telecom Industry in Asia

8、 Pacific我們在亞太區(qū)電信業(yè)上的經(jīng)驗Fee and Timing 費用與時間結(jié)構(gòu),Hewitt Associates LLC翰威特咨詢公司,Hewitt Associates翰威特公司,Global management consulting firm specializing in people solutions to business issues專長于從人員管理入手解決商業(yè)經(jīng)營問題的全球性管理咨詢公司Larges

9、t human resources consulting firm in the U.S.A為美國最大的人力資源咨詢公司 12,000 Associates world-wide全球 12,000 名員工75% of Fortune 500 are Hewitt clients財富500強中75%的公司為翰威特公司的客戶Over 1.28 billion USD in revenue in FY 2000 2000年度銷售

10、收入達12.8億美金81 offices in 37 countries在37個國家建立了81個辦事處19 offices in Asia Pacific 在亞洲建立了19個辦事機構(gòu),Hewitt in China (Con’t)翰威特公司(續(xù)),Largest and most experienced workforce consulting firm in China中國規(guī)模最大并且經(jīng)驗最豐富的人力資源咨詢公司3 of

11、fices in Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong with nearly 100 Associates在上海、北京、和香港辦事處擁有近100名員工6 years of client experience in China六年在華咨詢經(jīng)驗800+ clients in China在中國已擁有800多家跨國客戶公司的客戶基礎Multi-cultural, multi-lingual, multi

12、-talented staff跨文化、多種語言能力、多方面經(jīng)驗技能的咨詢隊伍One-firm firm全球一體化的組織結(jié)構(gòu),Our Consulting Experience我們的咨詢經(jīng)驗,Largest and most experienced restructure, compensation and performance management consulting practice in China中國最大、最有經(jīng)驗的

13、重組,薪酬及績效管理咨詢隊伍40 full-time consultants40 名全職咨詢顧問Most experience in program design在項目設計方面擁有豐富的經(jīng)驗Organizational change, Salary structure, job evaluation, pay delivery ...機構(gòu)重組,工資結(jié)構(gòu)、職位評估、工資發(fā)放...Experience with SOEs, J

14、Vs, Rep Offices, WOFEs, Private Chinese companies與國營企業(yè)、合資企業(yè)、外商代表處、獨資企業(yè)及中國的私營公司均有合作經(jīng)驗Working relationship with MOF and CSRC 與財政部和證監(jiān)會的良好合作關系,How to Help Our China Clients(current project)翰威特如何幫助在華的客戶企業(yè)(近期項目),,Our Exper

15、ience in Telecom Industry in Asia Pacific 翰威特在亞太地區(qū)電信業(yè)的服務經(jīng)驗,Our Clients in Telecom Industry and Information Industry (翰威特在電信及信息行業(yè)的客戶),Success in workforce planning requires HR to:成功的進行員工隊伍戰(zhàn)略部署計劃需要人力資源部門來:Understa

16、nd outcomes desired by business了解企業(yè)經(jīng)營的預期成果Understand business strategies for obtaining outcomes了解獲得這些成果所要采取的經(jīng)營策略Define best organization structure to support business strategy設計最佳組織結(jié)構(gòu)來支持經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略Define people requiremen

17、ts needed to achieve business strategy確定完成企業(yè)經(jīng)營策略所需的員工素質(zhì)能力要求Develop strategies for delivering people requirements制定將員工能力付諸于實踐的策略Develop techniques for monitoring progress toward goals發(fā)展對于達到目標的進程進行監(jiān)控的技能,Linking People

18、 Strategy to Business Strategy將人力資源戰(zhàn)略與企業(yè)經(jīng)營戰(zhàn)略相聯(lián)系,Rewarding薪酬管理,Align Organization to Business Strategy組織與經(jīng)營策略相統(tǒng)一,Desired Business Results經(jīng)營目標,Business Strategies經(jīng)營策略,People Requirements對員工的要求,HR Strategies人力資源策略,Em

19、ployee Needs員工的需求,HR人力資源,Performing績效管理,Learning培訓發(fā)展,Staffing人員配置,Employee Satisfaction員工滿意,Customer Satisfaction客戶滿意,Organizing組織管理,Our Understanding of Your Situation我們對貴公司的理解,Our Understanding of Your Situat

20、ion我們對貴公司情況的理解,Number of employees: Over2700員工人數(shù): 2700余人Registed Capital:0.56billion RMB注冊資本:5.6億元Main line of business:經(jīng)營范圍:Products or services: Application software and solutions產(chǎn)品或服務: 應用軟件的供應商和解決方案的提供者Oper

21、ation location: Shenyang & Dalian主要營業(yè)地: 沈陽和大連,Business and HR Issues企業(yè)經(jīng)營及人力資源狀況,Company is experiencing increasing competition for talent and market share 面臨日趨激烈的人才及市場份額的競爭Current human resources systems do no

22、t support the firm’s need to be more competitive in the market and the war of talents現(xiàn)有人力資源體制不能有效支持企業(yè)提高人才及市場競爭力的要求Need to address the efficiency, competitiveness, and longevity of current organization structure需要提高現(xiàn)有組

23、織結(jié)構(gòu)的效率、市場競爭力以及有效壽命WTO will have an impact on your competitive situation中國入世對你們的競爭地位將產(chǎn)生影響Need to develop an effective compensation and performance management program that:著手制定有效的薪酬激勵和績效管理計劃,此計劃將:Is in alignment with

24、business needs and results與企業(yè)經(jīng)營績效相互協(xié)調(diào)Helps attract, retain and motivate employees, especially for management staffs幫助吸引,留用和激勵員工,尤其針對管理層Rewards competency and/or contribution獎勵員工能力和/或貢獻,Our Response to Your Needs 我們

25、對貴公司需要的反應,The remainder of this document presents Hewitt‘s initial suggestions regarding how we might partner with Neusoft to resolve the issues at hand.Our suggested approach is in three main phases: 這份文件的以后部分呈現(xiàn)了翰威特公司

26、的初步建議,有關為了解決相關問題我們將如何與東大進行合作。我們的建議方案包括以下三個主要階段:Phase 1 - Executive Interviews階段1-高級經(jīng)理面談Phase 2 - Assesment of Current HR Practices, Presentation to Management階段2-現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估,并向管理層人員演講介紹Phase 3 - Re-design Compensatio

27、n Structure, Long term Incentive Plan and Performance Management System階段3-重新設計薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)、長期獎勵計劃以及績效管理體系,Our Response to Your Needs 我們對貴公司需要的反應,Because we understand from our meeting that development of a competency frame-wo

28、rk might also be valuable to Neusoft, we have included some suggestions on competencies and training in the appendix. Indeed, Hewitt advocates a holistic approach to all workforce programs rather than a piecemeal approa

29、ch. This approach is particularly relevant when considering both your short and long-term business strategy. We believe that competencies can form the basis for all the key elements of your workforce programs.通過會議,我們了

30、解到核心能力結(jié)構(gòu)的設計以及管理培訓也將對東大有一定的價值。因此我們在附錄中也包括了有關這兩方面的建議。實際上,翰威特更主張?zhí)峁┮徽兹娴娜肆Y源方案,對公司的長遠發(fā)展更為相關。核心能力是形成人力資源方案所有關健要素的基礎。,Overview of the Project Phases 項目階段概覽,Phase 1 階段一Executive Interview of Neusoft’s top management to set

31、directionfor long-term incentive plan, compensation philosophy, and performance management 與東大高級管理人員進行面談,以便確定長期性獎勵計劃、薪資理念和績效管理的方向,Phase 2階段二A. Assessment of Neusoft’s current human resource system focusing on perform

32、ance managementand the compensation systemA. 對東大當前的人力資源管理系統(tǒng),尤其是績效管理和薪資系統(tǒng)進行評估B. Presentation to management B. 向管理層匯報演講,Phase 3A階段三ARe-design of Neusoft’s compensation structure/ Re-design of Neusoft’s longterm i

33、ncentive plan重新設計東大的薪酬結(jié)構(gòu)和長期獎勵計劃,Phase 3B階段三BRe-design performancemanagement system 重新設計績效管理體系,,Phase 1 - Executive Interviews 第一階段:高層經(jīng)理面談,We will meet with key executives to understand company goals and strategy a

34、nd the overall business needs 我們將與關鍵的高層經(jīng)理進行面談,以了解公司目標、策略及總體經(jīng)營需求Interviews will be based on a pre-agreed questionnaire and will be designed to last approximately 2 hours each. 我們將根據(jù)雙方預先確定的問卷來進行面談,每個面談將持續(xù)兩小時左右We had ag

35、reed that we would meet with the following individuals 根據(jù)雙方所達成的共識,我們將與下述人員進行面談:Chairman, CEO, CFO, Senior Vice President, Secretary to the Board, GM, and the Director of Human Resources董事長、首席執(zhí)行官、首席財政官、高級副總裁、董事會秘書、總經(jīng)理及

36、人力資源總監(jiān),Phase 1 - Executive Interviews 第一階段:高層經(jīng)理面談,During the interviews, we will clarify several important questions that provide a context for the long term incentive plan and the compensation system, including: 在面談過程

37、中,我們將明確與長期獎勵計劃及薪酬系統(tǒng)相關的諸多重要問題,其中包括:How should the long term incentive plan fit with the rest of the total compensation package? Should fit vary by position in the company?長期獎勵計劃應如何與其它全面薪酬計劃相匹配?匹配方式是否應根據(jù)職位而有所不同?What me

38、ssages need to be delivered through the long term incentive plan? Which performance measure(s) should be incorporated in the program design? Should payout be structured based on performance range(s)? 需要通過長期獎勵計劃傳達什么信息?

39、計劃設計過程中應融入哪些績效標準?是否應根據(jù)績效幅度來確定費用結(jié)構(gòu)?How will the company fund the program? 公司如何籌措計劃基金?What should be the proper mix of base pay, short-term incentive, long-term incentive, and benefits in the compensation plan?在薪酬計劃中,基本

40、工資、短期獎勵、長期獎勵和福利應各占多少比例?,Phase 1 - Executive Interviews 第一階段:高層經(jīng)理面談,Your answers to these questions will generate a context within which Hewitt Associates can guide Neusoft in the identification of long term incentive p

41、lan provisions, including: 翰威特咨詢公司將根據(jù)您所提供的答案來引導東大確定基本的長期獎勵計劃條款,其中包括:Eligibility—how will plan coverage be determined and administered?享受資格:如何確定和管理計劃的適用范圍?Award sizes and target opportunities—how will award levels be

42、defined? 授予數(shù)額與目標機遇:如何確定授予級別?Award frequency—how often will awards be issued? 授予周期:授予周期為多長時間?Vesting or exercise restrictions—what will be the nature of time- or performance-related vesting restrictions? 兌現(xiàn)或承兌限制:與時間或

43、績效相關的兌現(xiàn)限制措施的實質(zhì)是什么?Termination provisions—what will happen at death, disability, retirement, etc.? 終結(jié)條款:計劃享受者死亡、殘疾、退休時應如何加以處理?The right total compensation mix between base pay, short and long-term incentive, and benef

44、its 全面薪酬計劃中,基本工資、短期獎勵、長期獎勵與福利的合理比例。,Phase 1 - Executive Interviews 第一階段:高層經(jīng)理面談,Key Outcomes:關鍵結(jié)果:At the end of this phase, we will have gathered inputs from various key executives on the business strategy, and the go

45、als and expectations for the long term incentive plan and compensation program 該階段結(jié)束時,我們將收集到各位關鍵高層經(jīng)理有關經(jīng)營策略方面的意見與建議,以及對長期獎勵與薪酬計劃的目標與期望We also will have clarified the objectives and potential key design features of th

46、e program我們還將明確該計劃的總體目標及潛在的關鍵設計要素,Phase 1 - Executive InterviewsFocus Group (Optional) 第一階段:核心小組(備選),You may also choose to have us conduct focus group meetings with key groups of employees 您還可以選擇由翰威特咨詢公司與關鍵的員工小組來進行

47、核心小組面談During these focus group discussions we would assess the employees’ views on:在核心小組面談中,我們將評估下述內(nèi)容:How satisfied employees are with Neusoft’s compensation system 員工對東大薪酬系統(tǒng)的滿意度Their understanding of the various co

48、mponents of pay (I.e. base bay, incentives, bonus, benefits, etc.) 員工對各種薪酬要素的理解情況(即:基本工資、獎勵、獎金、福利等)Their views on how competitive Neusoft is in terms of total compensation員工對東大全面薪酬系統(tǒng)競爭力的看法Their overall satisfaction ab

49、out the employment relationship a Neusoft 員工對東大聘用關系的總體滿意度Their overall view of the various HR systems and management in general 員工對各種人力資源系統(tǒng)與一般管理的總體看法Their understanding of the company’s business goals and their contr

50、ibutions to those goals員工對公司經(jīng)營目標以及他們在實現(xiàn)這些目標的過程中所發(fā)揮的作用的理解情況,Phase 1 - Executive InterviewsFocus Group (Optional) 第一階段:核心小組(備選),Key Outcomes: 關鍵結(jié)果:At the end of this phase, we will have gathered inputs from employees o

51、n the business goals and their views on all HR systems including total compensation該階段結(jié)束時,我們將收集到員工們對于經(jīng)營目標的建議,以及他們對包括全面薪酬在內(nèi)的所有人力資源系統(tǒng)的看法We will use this information to help us design programs that both meet the needs of

52、 top management and employees.我們將根據(jù)該信息來設計相關計劃,使之既滿足高層管理人員的需求,也滿足員工們的需求,Phase 2A - Assessment of Current HR Practices 第二階段A:現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估,In this Phase, Hewitt Associates will review all of Neusoft’s materials and procedu

53、res regarding Human Resources with a specific focus on Compensation and Performance Management 在該階段中,翰威特咨詢公司將審核所有的東大人力資源材料與規(guī)程,尤其是薪酬與績效管理方面的內(nèi)容Hewitt will give Neusoft a list of materials it would like to study 翰威特將為東大提

54、供一系列分析材料Once we have collected all materials we will review them and assess your systems against Hewitt’s database of best practices. We will: 收集到所有材料之后,我們將對其加以審核并對照翰威特最佳方案數(shù)據(jù)庫來評估貴公司的系統(tǒng)。我們將:Review all technical aspect

55、s of your systems and determine where there are gaps and areas for improvement 審核東大系統(tǒng)中所有的技術(shù)要素,并確定其中的差距與不足之處Assess the link between your human resource practices and your stated business results 評估東大人力資源方案與您所陳述的經(jīng)營結(jié)果之間的關聯(lián)

56、性Determine if the link is strong or not 確定這一關聯(lián)性是否緊密Begin outlining how to improve the system 開始規(guī)劃如何改進該系統(tǒng),Phase 2A - Assessment of Current HR Practices 第二階段A:現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估,Key Outcomes: 關鍵結(jié)果:At the end of this Phase, He

57、witt will have a thorough understanding of Neusoft’s HR practices specifically related to Performance Management and Compensation該階段結(jié)束時,翰威特咨詢公司將充分理解東大的人力資源方案,尤其是那些與績效管理和薪酬密切相關的方案This information will be used to draft

58、a report to Neusoft outlining key areas for improvement and proposals for next steps我們將根據(jù)該信息草擬一份報告,以便向東大概述關鍵的改進之處及后續(xù)步驟提案,Phase 2B - Assessment of Current HR PracticesPresentation to Management第二階段B:現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估向管理層進行演講介

59、紹,Once Hewitt has gathered all the information from the executive interviews, focus group (if applicable), and assessment of human resource practices we will make a half-day presentation to management翰威特咨詢公司在從高層經(jīng)理面談、核心小

60、組(備選)面談及人力資源方案評估中收集到所有信息之后,我們將向東大管理層進行一次為期半天的演講介紹。The presentation will outline:演講中將概述下列內(nèi)容:Our understanding of the business strategy as outlined by the key executives 我們對于東大高層經(jīng)理所概述的經(jīng)營策略的理解How the business strategy

61、fits in with the total compensation plan該經(jīng)營策略與全面薪酬計劃的匹配情況Key areas of agreement amongst the top management for the direction of the long term incentive plan 高層管理人員對長期獎勵計劃所達成的關鍵共識The message Executives want to send thr

62、ough the implementation of the long term incentive plan 高層經(jīng)理希望通過實施長期獎勵計劃所傳達的信息內(nèi)容Any related information on the direction of the company and the alignment of the its Human resource systems 任何與公司方向及人力資源系統(tǒng)調(diào)整相關的信息,Phase 2B

63、- Assessment of Current HR PracticesPresentation to Management 第二階段B:現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估向管理層進行演講介紹,The presentation will also outline: 演講中還將概述下列內(nèi)容:Our findings from the audit of the human resource practices 人力資源方案的主要審核結(jié)果How

64、the Neusoft practices compare with best practices in China東大方案與在華最佳方案的對比情況Our suggestions for modifications and improvement including:我們的修改與改進建議包括:Various options along with advantages and disadvantages of each optio

65、n 各種方案及其優(yōu)、缺點Our recommendations on solutions best adapted to Neusoft’s situation 我們所建議的最適用于東大現(xiàn)狀的解決方案A comprehensive proposal on how to design and implement our recommendations有關如何設計和實施翰威特提案的一個綜合性計劃,Phase 2B - Assess

66、ment of Current HR PracticesPresentation to Management 第二階段B:現(xiàn)有人力資源方案評估向管理層進行演講介紹,Key Outcomes: 關鍵結(jié)果:At the end of this presentation, Neusoft will have a comprehensive understanding of the direction and desire results

67、 for designing and implementing long term incentive plan演講結(jié)束時,東大將對設計和實施長期獎勵計劃的方向和預期結(jié)果獲得一個全面的理解Neusoft will also have a comprehensive review of its total remuneration and performance management system along with recomme

68、ndations for improvement東大在獲得改進建議的同時,還將獲得對其全面薪酬與績效管理系統(tǒng)的全面審視Neusoft will have a comprehensive proposal on how Hewitt would address its desire to modify or re-do the compensation and performance management systems東大將獲得


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