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1、To reduce the environment influence of High Strengh Organic Alkalinous Wastewater (HSOAW) from Octanol Production, this paper investigated the feasibility of treating the wastewater by using “AnCSTR-SBR” biological proce

2、ss. The octanol anaerobic discomposed way is set up by static experiment, and PCR-DGGE tells the microorganism community development in the reactors. During the continuous experiment, it has two stages which are the star

3、t-up and stable running stage. Using volume loading rate 3.05kgCOD/m3·d method for AnCSTR start-up, the 30 days the start-up was completed in 30 days. Using COD 500mg/L up to 1000mg/L, SBR is started within 13 days, havi

4、ng COD of the effluent below 400mg/L. During the stable running stage, AnCSTR do acidification treatment of HSOAW from octanol production effectively. Using volume loading rate 1.4~1.5kgCOD/m3·d, SBR has the high COD rem

5、oval rate. During the AnCSTR-SBR disposing acidification effluent of HSOAW from octanol production time, COD and BOD in effluent of SBR is 125.59, 11mg/L respectively under the value of swage COD/ total COD 0.6. It suit

6、to the second sewage discharge standard of state. Through GC-MS, HSOAW from octanol production has butyraldehyde, butyric acid, butanol, aldehyde octene, n-octanol , C8 heavy component and so on. There is more organic ma

7、tter with low solubility in the wastewater than the nommal. After 20h anaerobic digestion, most of octanol disappears, and break up to small molecule, such as alcohol, acid and other inorganism. With 20 hours of the rema

8、ining amount of octanol in anaerobic digestion, it get the degradation equation: y=-5.3772x+108.01(R2=0.989). Based on the result, the digestion trend of octanol may be “isomerous andcondensation- oxidation- decompositio

9、n- inorganic trend”, and the first step is the controlling. During stable running stage, there is lots of dense flocculent sludge AnCSTR, containing of vibrio, brevibacterium and so on. With kinds of microorganisms, ther

10、e is more brevibacterium, streptococcus and other microorganisms in SBR. High volume loading rate leads the filamentous bacteria appearing. The development in AnCSTR and SBR is analysised by PCR-DGGE. Both reactors have

11、kinds of microorganisms during the running time. During the AnCSTR-SBR disposing acid-ifycation effluent of HSOAW from octanol production time, AnCSTR forms stable microbial community. Besides the microorganisms in AnCST

12、R having hydrolysis, acidogenic fermen-tation function, there is some methanogenic bacteria using acetic acid and butyric acid as substrate. Having complex microorganisms comminuty, AnCSTR reach the stable state. Differe

13、nt conditions of influent leading the development of microbial community, SBR has different microbial population. During 264th~314 th day, stable microorganisms comminuty sets up in SBR. Using hydrocarbons or PAHs as car


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