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1、江蘇科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文水下仿生推進(jìn)系統(tǒng)水動力特性研究姓名:周林慧申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):船舶與海洋結(jié)構(gòu)物設(shè)計制造指導(dǎo)教師:王志東20050101Abstract IIHydrodynamic characteristics study of underwater bionic propellant system abstract Underwater vehicle with high efficiency and flexibi

2、lity has become a research hotspot in the field of underwater vehicle design, which can be widely applied to underwater task, underwater lifesaving, military observation, and so on, besides ocean observat

3、ion and with good application foreground. Because of disadvantage of low efficiency and poor flexibility for conventional screw propeller, to apply propellant and manipulation system of fish to underwater vehicle b

4、y bionics principium and develop new bionic propellant system is a study aspect with high application foreground. The propellant model of fish with highest speed in ocean is swing by caudal fin and this thesi

5、s do numerical simulation to the flow field causing by unsteady motion of hydrofoil and caudal fin using CFD software FLUENT aiming at this propellant model, giving hydrodynamic capability of caudal fin and

6、 flow field condition in different conditions, emphasizing to essentially understand propellant domino offect of this way from point of view of characteristic of flow field. In this thesis, we firstly study

7、 the oscillating cylinder flow field, which is also as oscillating unsteady flow field, and do numerical simulation of flow field for oscillating cylinder in water at rest and uniform flow in several co

8、ndition, giving lift, drag coefficient curve and flow field characteristic figure of back area. Numerical simulation of vicious flow field and flow field analysis for 2D hydrofoil with heaving and pitching co

9、upling motion are done and performance of average thrust coefficient and thrust efficiency in different condition are discussed. We establish 3D compute model of bionic caudal fin and total fish and do numerical simulati

10、on for unsteady flow field by coupling motion of caudal fin, giving hydrodynamic coefficient of caudal fin、flow field characteristic figure of back area and body influence on hydrodynamic capability of caudal fin. Keywo


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