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1、Out-of-vehicle times tend to be perceived as being more burdensome than in-vehicle timeby transit users when making transfers.Empirical evidence has shown that a large portion ofpublic transport journeys involves at leas

2、t one transfer and this experience affects travelers'satisfaction with public transport service.Increase in trip chaining complexity has beenidentified as a barrier to the use of public transport.Due to the dispersed nat

3、ure of originsand destinations, public transport operators are unable to provide direct connections for allorigin-destinations pairs.Given the importance of out-vehicle times on travel choices,intermodal connectivity at

4、transfer facilities is a critical part of the overall transportation
  network effectiveness.Despite their importance, transfers have been long overlooked bydecision-makers, transport planners, and analysts.This is du

5、e to
  1) not enough attention hasbeen given to the effects of out-of—vehicle travel on ridership,
  2) it is difficult tocomprehensively analyse transfer facilities using uniform criteria due to a large variation

6、insize, modes served, location, and amenities of transfer facilities and
  3) analysis methods are
  too primitive.
  This study has two main objectives.The first objective is to analyse the various

7、s of transfer that matter most to passengers.The second objective is to determine theinfluence of out-of-vehicle provisions offered by public transit operators, on transit users'perception of trip attributes related to t

8、ransfers.A user stated preference survey wasconducted at Dalian high speed rail and the data was modelled using discrete choicemodelling.The study evaluated different transfer experience and its associated components(e.g

9、 transfer walking and waiting times) and physical characteristics.The trip component
  heavily penalised were waiting time at the station and the lift.Transfer facilities thatintegrate various transportation modes in


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