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1、曲江國際會展中心,曲江國際會議中心,會展產(chǎn)業(yè)園核心產(chǎn)業(yè)主要載體Core Industrial Region,Exhibition Center Convention Center,Ⅰ:Total investment : 1.09 billion RMB Total construction area : 76868 m2Ⅱ:Net area of Convent

2、ion Center : 11769 m2 Capacity : 8000 people Entertain diners: 3000 people Underground parking space: 237 Ⅲ: Conference, Exhibition, Performance and Catering,會議中心擁有各類會議室50余間,包括

3、3000座多功能廳(金色大廳)、2000座劇院(曲江大禮堂)、300座國際報告廳()、政務(wù)廳、國際圓桌會議室各一間,200人豪華會議室兩間, 30余間中型會議室及其他中小型會議室。會場配備同聲傳譯系統(tǒng)、電子表決系統(tǒng),中央控制系統(tǒng),智能燈光控制、會議發(fā)言系統(tǒng)和聲控系統(tǒng)、會議音視頻電子刻錄系統(tǒng)等先進(jìn)的設(shè)施設(shè)備。,QuJiang Convention Center,Qujiang Convention Center has more th

4、an 50 conference rooms, including 3000 seat multi-functional hall, 2000 seat theater, 300 seat ladder-style lecture hall, presidium conference room, international round table conference room, two 200 seat luxurious confe

5、rence rooms, 30 medium-sized conference rooms, and other small and medium sized conference rooms. The venue is equipped with simultaneous interpretation system, electronic voting system, the central control system, intel

6、ligent lighting controls, speech systems and voice control system, meeting, audio & video electronic recording system and other advanced facilities.,外 景,Outdoor Scene,正 門,,?Main Entrance,公共區(qū)域 Public Area,中央大廳 Ce

7、nteral Hall,面積:1700 ㎡ Area:1700 ㎡ 可舉辦雞尾酒會、精品展覽、活動、產(chǎn)品發(fā)布 Cocktail Lounge, Exhibition, Activities and New Product Launch etc.,面積:1300 ㎡

8、 Area: 1300㎡ 擺臺形勢: 三層劇院式2024人 Three Floors Theatre-style: 2024 guests功能配置:1、2個背投幕。 Functi

9、on: 1.Two VOHs 2、擴(kuò)聲系統(tǒng):專業(yè)劇院擴(kuò)聲。 2. Sound Reinforcement System Theatre Sound System 3、數(shù)字會議系統(tǒng),包含發(fā)言、同聲傳譯。 3.Digital Conference

10、System includes Speech, Simultaneous Interpretation 4、集中控制系統(tǒng)。

11、 4.Centralized Control System 5、電話、網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。 5. Telephone & Network Interface 6、會議攝像。

12、 6. Cameras,曲江大禮堂 QuJiang Auditorium,迎賓廳 Reception Hall,長×寬×高: 16.2×8.7×3.55米;面積:135 ㎡ ; 16.2m (length) × 8.7m (width ) × 3.55m (height) Area:135 ㎡ 擺臺

13、形式:固定擺臺:20人; Table Set-up:Fixed, 20 guests功能配置:1、擴(kuò)聲系統(tǒng):移動式音響 Function:1. Sound Reinforcement System: Mobileaudio 2、會議發(fā)言系統(tǒng),包含流動鵝頸話筒,無線話筒 2. Conferen

14、ce Speech System: Gooseneck Microphone & Wireless Microphone 3、電話、網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。

15、 3.Telephone & Network Interface,金色大廳 Golden Hall,長×寬×高:105×92×(7.5至8)米; 面積:5080 ㎡ 105m (length) × 92m (width ) × 7.5-8m (height) Area:5080 ㎡ 擺臺形式:活動擺臺;

16、 Table Set-up: Movable劇院式會議: 4500人; Theatre-style Conference Room: 4500 guests 課桌式會議:3500人;

17、 Classroom-style Conference Room:3500 guests宴會式會議:2500人。 Banquet-style conference room: 2500 guests功能配置 : 1、擴(kuò)聲系統(tǒng):音響。 Function

18、: 1. Sound Reinforcement System:Acoustics Facilities 2、會議發(fā)言系統(tǒng),包含流動鵝頸話筒。 2. Conference Speech System:Gooseneck Microphone 3、集中控制系統(tǒng)。

19、 3.Centralized Control System 4、電話、網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。 4.Telephone & Network Interface 5、可分割為3個獨(dú)立場地使用。

20、 5.Three Independence Sites,牡丹 Penoy,Xi’an Qujiang International Convention & Exhibition Center is located in Xi’an Qujiang New District and the east of Shaanxi TV Station, and enjoys well-built surrounding r

21、oads, convenient transportation and mature community and develops itself into the booming Qujiang New District, thus forming the future core area of CBD in south suburb of Xi’an. Moreover the convention center is 7 km aw

22、ay from city center with 50 hotels around it.,距西安咸陽國際機(jī)場40公里40 miles from Xi'an Xianyang International Airport,南鄰西安三環(huán)路及繞城高速South adjacent side is S. 3rd Ring Road and Expressway,距火車站10公里10 miles from Railway Statio


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