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1、Inversion(倒裝句) ---Welcome to my class,Grammar,Learning goals,1.To have a better understanding of inversion. 2.To use inversion freely and crrectly.,Your childhood story : Long long ago, ther

2、e was a hill; on the hill stood a temple(寺廟); in the temple lived an old monk(和尚), the old monk was telling stories to a little monk.,What stories was he telling? Long long ago, there was a hill…,Pay attention to t

3、he words in redWhat grammar can you find out?,,Inversion(倒裝句),Grammar,What is inversion?,In a sentence ,if part of the predicate(謂語) or all of the predicate is before the subject(主語), it is called inversion.,The men’s

4、110 hurdles [‘h?dl](跨欄) come now. The athletes rush out.They jump up.John runs so fast that he breaks the school record.We shall never forget the exciting moment.,Now come the men’s 110 hurdles(跨欄).Out rush the athl

5、etes.Up they jump.So fast does John run that he breaks the school record.Never shall we forget the exciting moment.,Report One,Report Two,,Sports Meeting Report,,,,,,,1.Now come the men’s 110 hurdles跨欄.2.Out rush the

6、 athletes.3.Up jump the athletes.4.So fast does John run that he breaks the school record.5.Never shall we forget the exciting moment.,Part of the predicate is before the subject,All of the predicate is before the su

7、bject,1,2,3,4,5,,partial inversion,full inversion,全部倒裝,部分倒裝,部分倒裝Partial inversion,,1. Never shall I do this again.2. You can say “no” to the order at no time.3. You will learn English well only in this way.,I shall

8、never do this again.At no time can you say “no” to the order.Only in this way will you learn English well.,Never shall I do this again.At no time can you say “no” to the order.Only in this way will you learn Englis

9、h well.,把助動詞, 情態(tài)動詞, 系動詞放在主語之前,即: 助動詞\modal verb \ be+ subject + v +…,Normal sentence order:正常語序subject 主+ predicate謂+ object賓,,Sentence patterns about partial inversion,1. Only + _____ ( , 或

10、 ) 放在句首時, 要半倒裝。 Only when you listen to me attentively can you understand what I am saying. Only then did he realize his mistakes.Only in this way can you learn math well.,,只有我們自己才能拯救自

11、己。 Only we ourselves can save ourselves. Only can we ourselves save ourselves.,?,,,,狀語,狀語從句,副詞,介詞短語,(T),(F),,主句,注意:only 雖在句首但不修飾狀語時用正常語序,不倒裝,句首為否定或半否定的詞語,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at

12、 no time, in no way, not until, no sooner….than, not only…but also … 等,需要半倒裝。*他一點也不關(guān)心自己的安全。He cared little about his own safety. Little did he care about his own safety.,,2.,I seldom go to the cinema.Seldom do I

13、 go to the cinema.,,直到他的媽媽回來,他才完成作業(yè)。,He didn’t finish his homework until his mother came back.,,Not until his mother came back did he finish his homework.,,主倒從不倒,not…. until, no sooner….than (只倒 ),注意1,主句,______

14、____________ a great writer, but also a great thinker.,,前倒后不倒,Lu Xun is not only a great writer, but also a great thinker.,not only…but also(只倒 ),Not only is Lu Xun,注意2,前面,在if引導(dǎo)的非真實條件句中,如有助動詞had, should或wer

15、e時,可以省略if,把had, should或were提前進(jìn)行倒裝,1.If I should be free this afternoon, I would come and help you with your lesson.2.If I were in your place, I would not be fit for your job.3.If it hadn’t been for the captain, the

16、ship would have sunk with all on board.,(3) Had it not been for the captain, the ship would have sunk with all on board.,Not 不提前,Should I be free this afternoon,I would come and help you with your lesson.,(2) Were I in

17、your place. I would not be fit for your job.,,,3.,我從來沒有去過清華大學(xué),他也是.I have never been to Tsinghua University, and________.,neither/ nor has he.,4. 當(dāng)So (Neither /Nor)位于句首,表示前面所說的 情況也(不)適用于另一人(或物)時。 So/Neither/Nor +b

18、e/助動詞/modal verb+主語,Fill in the blanks:,2. Tom went to the ball(舞會) yesterday._______I.,1.Peter can’t answer the question. __________I.,Neither can,So did,Learn through use,When I arrived, I saw there was a tall tree at

19、the entrance to the village. In front of the tree sat a lady in red. I didn’t know who she was at first, partly because I was near-sighted. Only when I came near could I recognize that she was my mother. My brothers have

20、n’t returned home in the past ten years, neither have I. We are all too busy with our work. Sometimes, I siad to myself: “Were I free, I would often visit my mother.”,,,,,,,,1.Read the diary, change the inversion into no

21、rmal sentence.,A lady in red sat …,I could recognize that she was my mother only when…,I haven’t returned home in the past ten years, neither.,If I were free, I …,2.Complete this passage,Before I went to China, 對北京我?guī)缀跻粺o所

22、知. I felt nothing about it. After I arrived, most of my time was spent on training and competing.我從未學(xué)過中文. As a result,I did not go out. 我也不敢跟北京人說話. My roommate said Sanlitun was great so the day before leaving, I went th

23、ere. What a shock! 我很少見到這么多的人.What was more shocking, the salesgirls could speak so good English and the goods were so cheap. 我決不會浪費這次機會. In a few minutes, my wallet was empty but my hands were full. 只有到那個時候我才喜歡上了北京.,An

24、athlete who competed in Beijing Olympics talked about his experience in Beijing:,1.Little did I know about Beijing. Hardly did I know about Beijing.2. Never had I studied Chinese.3. Neither dare I speak to Beijing

25、ers. 4. Seldom did I see so many people.5. Never would I miss the chance. By no means/ In no case would I miss the chance.6. Not until then did I fall in love with Beijing.,predicate 謂+ subject主,do/will/have/moda

26、l verb(情態(tài)動詞)+ subject + v +…,,完全倒裝full inversion,部分倒裝partial inversion,,,Here came the headmaster.,Never will I forgive you.,Two kinds of Inversions,,,動詞主體仍在后面,summary,,summary:,,,Partial inversion,,,1、Only+狀語位于句首時,2.否


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