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1、華中科技大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文中國元素與文化身份認同方式的關(guān)系——以譚恩美、湯亭亭、嚴歌苓為個案姓名:張健申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):中國現(xiàn)當代文學(xué)指導(dǎo)教師:何錫章20090501IIA b s t r a c tAmong all the overseas Chinese writing groups, the composition of Chinese female writers is quite a foc

2、us of public attention. The sex character of this group of writers, along with social identity and the distinction between geographical differences, makes them have the status of dual marginal

3、 human beings. These compositions already release from the pattern of early overseas works which always narrate nostalgia by simply enumerate, relying on the writers’acceptance and integrate into

4、 the exotic life. They do more neutralize upon culture conflicts on the surface layer as well. Therefore, Chinese female writers have their particular degree of cultural identification tags thro

5、ugh women's keen perspective, which is conflicts and transformation of culture, the conversion and integration of exotic version, and the accepting and adaption of Chinese elements. Several ove

6、rseas Chinese female writers are frequently mentioned in the academicism texts which comment on literature works written by foreign citizen of Chinese origin in the western countries, including Amy Tan

7、, Maxine Hong Kingston,and GeingYan. Therefore, this thesis makes the representative works of these three writers as the objects of study, including “The Joy Luck Club,“ “The Woman Warrior,“ “

8、Chinaman,“ “Publishing“ and so on. This thesis also formally analyzes the role which reappearing and rewriting of symbols of Chinese culture play in authors’self- identity. It discusses the cause

9、 of this role as well. According to these Chinese female writers’representative works, which infiltrate Chinese traditional elements lucidly, thereby promote the identification of the writers. Th

10、ese three authors made different impacts on the way of their identification due to life and experience, which can help us to comprehend Chinese female writers’election and relation of self- ide

11、ntity and vision, identification and admission from their life and experience. Therefore, the writers’cultural identification had made profound effects on their creative works. Keywords: Chinese el


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