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1、沈陽師范大學碩士學位論文從闡釋學視角看《唐詩三百首》中文化詞語的翻譯姓名:石楊申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):外國語言學及應用語言學指導教師:史國強20090501ii Abstract This thesis will study Tang poems, the most shining pearl of Chinese extensive and profound cultural heritage. Sun Zhu, a Jinshi i

2、n the Qing dynasty, chose and collected 300 most famous Tang poems. That is 300 Tang Poem. 300 Tang Poems were translated into English by many translators home and abroad. The translation of culture-loaded words is the m

3、ost difficult part to handle in the course of translation. The problem of Cultural filtering shouldn’t be ignored. Based on hermeneutics, this thesis aims to analyze the translation method of culture-loaded words from th

4、e perspective of translator’s subjectivity. For the purpose of revealing the strategies for the translation of culture-loaded words and expressions, the author of this thesis has classified the culture-loaded words and e

5、xpressions in 300 Tang Poems into eight groups, and discusses them separately. From the perspective of translator’s subjectivity, this thesis will explain the translation strategies and its effect in the translation of T

6、ang poems. This thesis has four parts. The first chapter is a general introduction to the background, purpose and the significance of the study. The second part is literature review. It covers an introduction of relevant

7、 theory, including definition of culture, representative’s theory of hermeneutics and introduction of 300 Tang Poems. The third is the body part of the thesis. Culture-loaded words in 300 Tang Poems have been classified


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