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1、 分類號注 1: 密級注 2: UDC注 3: 學號注 4: D1003003 博 士 學 位 論 文 寫實素描影響下的現(xiàn)代水墨寫意人物 寫實素描影響下的現(xiàn)代水墨寫意人物畫語言衍變研究 畫語言衍變研究 研究生姓名: 秦壽平 秦壽平 導師姓名: 周京新 周京新 教授 教授 申請學位級別博士學位 博士學位 學科專業(yè)名稱 中國畫藝術研究 中國畫藝

2、術研究 論文提交日期 20 2013 13 年 5 月 8 日論文答辯日期 20 2013 13 年 5 月 24 24 日 學位授予單位南京藝術學院 南京藝術學院 學位授予日期 20 2013 13 年 月 日 答辯委員會主席 評 閱 人 2013 年 5 月 8 日 Abstract Abstract This dissertation is cond

3、ucted on the basis of the localization of the Western realistic sketch and the language evolution of the modern and current freehand brushwork figure painting, which comes to two main threads intertwining as well as

4、parallel with each other, while the product of the scatches and freehand brushwork figure painting within the recent century , wound through by the two main threads, has become the key subject of the analysis and stud

5、y. The localization recreation of the realistic sketch influences the language evolution of the freehand brushwork figure painting anytime, therefore, the brushwork figure painting , no matter those in the 20th century o

6、r the current ones, would not be discussed without mentioning the realistic sketch. The focus of this paper is mainly to analyze and study the painting itself and draw to a sequence order of the dynamic development

7、of the art through the specific analysis and comparison; while the sequence order reveals the nature of the language generation and evolvement, that is, every meaningful language generation is closely connected

8、 with the specific time. It is importantly significant in reality for the present exploration and creation of the art language.The study of this subject is also helpful and beneficial to those who are involved in

9、 the creation and practice of brushwork figure painting, to the value judgment and effective mastery of the personal unique language generation, in which the further exploration to the the level of specific p

10、ainting language also plays the realistic role on offering a kind of experience reference to the theory researchers. Key words: Key words: modern freehand brushwork figure painting;realistic sketch ; localization;lan


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