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1、分 類 號: 密 級:學校代碼: 10418 學 號:Y130654031碩 士 學 位 論 文(專業(yè)學位) (專業(yè)學位)初中英語課堂 初中英語課堂“師源性 師源性”焦慮的調查研究 焦慮的調查研究A Study on the Teacher-caused Anxiety in Junior High SchoolEnglish Class作 者 姓 名: 蔣小偉學 院 名 稱: 外國語學院專業(yè)學位類別: 教育碩士專業(yè)領域名稱:學科教學(

2、英語)指 導 教 師: 李偵合 作 導 師: 趙詩靜二 ○ 一 六 年 六 月 五 日AbstractIAbstractThe research on the foreign language anxiety-provoking factors has made a fruitfulachievement, since the 1970s. There are many foreign language anxiety-provokin

3、g factors.However, it should be noted that the influence of teachers’ behavior on students’ foreignlanguage anxiety is not something that should be ignored. Studies on teacher-causedanxiety have been paid growing attenti

4、on in recent years, but little research has beenmade with regards to English class in junior high school. This paper aims to investigatethe situation of teacher-caused anxiety in English class of junior high school, whic

5、h is toattract English teachers’ attention to teacher-caused anxiety, relieve students’ learninganxiety caused by English teachers and increase students’ interest in English learning.Taking 323 students from a junior hig

6、h school in Anhui province as participants andadopting a method combining a qualitative and quantitative analysis, the thesis is aimedto investigate the following questions: (1) What is the general situation of teacher-c

7、ausedanxiety in junior high school English class? (2) What are the differences among students’genders, grades and achievements in terms of teacher-caused anxiety? (3) What are thereasons to provoke the teacher-caused anx

8、iety?The instruments applied in this paper are questionnaire and interview. In order toguarantee the validity, the questionnaire adopted in this study is based on English classteacher-caused anxiety questionnaire (Sun Yi

9、, 2011) named Questionnaire ofTeacher-caused Anxiety for Junior High School English class. The valid questionnaireswere coded and input to the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 17.0 (SPSS17.0).The over situatio

10、n of the teacher-caused anxiety is presented by descriptive analysis. Thedifferences of students’ gender, grade and achievements are presented by the one-wayANOVA analysis. Then, the reasons to cause the teacher-caused a

11、nxiety are explored byPearson Correlation analysis. Finally, the whole process of the interview was taped andrecorded. All voice information is transformed into words which is a supplementaryevidence for questionnaire re

12、sults.By the discussion and analysis of questionnaire and interview, the findings of thisresearch are as follows: (1) There exists a modest level of teacher-caused anxiety in juniorhigh school English class. (2) Signific


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