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1、廣西師范大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文口傳—儀式敘事中的民間歷史記憶——以廣西三江侗族自治縣和里三王宮廟會為個案姓名:楊丹妮申請學(xué)位級別:碩士專業(yè):民俗學(xué)(含:中國民間文學(xué))指導(dǎo)教師:楊樹喆20060401IIThe Folk Memory in the Narration of Oral- Ritual- - - the Inspection of palace of the third son of Yelang in Guangxi as th

2、e caseName: Yang Danni Tutor: Yang Shuzhe Major: FolkloreResearch direction: Regional Folklore Grade: 2,003 levelsAbstract : The palacae of the third son of Yelang is located in Heli in Dongarea on guangxi province.This

3、palace is a folk building which shows us acomparatively complele reflection of the old culture of the king of Yelang andwhich incorporates both the antistic quality and folk belief.Those folk events ,suchas inscricptions

4、 on tablets ,folk legends and customs have become a kind ofcultural phenomemon of Yelang peculiar to this certain nation.The temple fair ,heldevery year is one of the most effective carryiers spreading this kind ofcultur

5、e.Relying on the palace of the third son of Yelang and the temple activitiesinfluence spread to local and formed Lane, South Villages and the surroundingtowns and dominated, Xiang, Qian, Gui and other provinces in the bo

6、rder areasadjacent large circle of belief and worship circle belief pattern.About the culture research of Yelang results quite a lot,But predecessor'sresearch many is from the archaeology excavation, the literature t

7、extual criticism,the history is dialectical and so on the aspect obtains,But if wants to study coursesgradually thoroughly,The multitudinous scholar mostly meets not the richarchaeology material to take the strut,Many li

8、terature in records question and so onthe Yelang deficient real diagnosis. The present paper attempts to seek the newresearch breakthrough point and to cut the entrance,Changes now the nationalminority area precious livi

9、ng condition temple fair folk custom the angle of viewfrom the Chinese literature,Attempts take and in The palacae of the third son ofYelang spects the local Dong ethnic group area as a document to center on thispalace s

10、pace the inscribed text carved stone, the folklore as well as the localpopulace's folk belief and so on the local unique folk custom phenomenon, andwill place the specific geographical environment, the cultural regio

11、n, the tribalgrouping tribal group structure and the historical background and so on in themultiple field of vision inspects, understood the temple fair custom the historicalorigin and the evolution path, will clarify th


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