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1、華中科技大學碩士學位論文基于H.323的遠程實時教學系統(tǒng)的設計與實現(xiàn)姓名:袁聃申請學位級別:碩士專業(yè):通信與信息系統(tǒng)指導教師:杜旭20070208IIAbstract Modern E-Learning system is an important component of modern network education, which also occupies a very important position in the fie

2、ld of education. Teachers and students in different areas could implement the free exchanges of the information by the method of Real-time interactivity of the modern E-Learning system. Exchanges between the two include

3、audio, video and other variety of teaching resources, such as Word, PowerPoint and HTML etc. Most of the domestic E-Learning systems seldom draw on the common multimedia communication protocols, which could not be extend

4、ed with the development of standards for telecommunication and are difficult to achieve the international compatibility. Moreover, these systems adopt virtual-print or desktop flow capture technology in order to transfor

5、m various resources into video data for transmission. The transmission effect is not satisfied due to the excessive consumption of network bandwidth. Based on the above problems and the research on the H.323 protocol, t

6、his thesis focuses on the feasibility of the combination of E-Learning system and H.323 protocol. It also gives an instance of H.323 protocol using in real-time E-Learning system. A creative schema of a two-tier framewor

7、k to reduce the bandwidth requirement is introduced, as well as the detailed design of the terminal and H.323 server (MCU), on the basis of the different delay characteristics of audio, video and other teaching resources

8、 of the E-Learning system. Through the study of the H.323 protocol using in real-time E-Learning system, this thesis gives the instance of the realization of fusion of the H.323 protocol and the real-time E-Learning sys

9、tem as well as the new ideas for the combination of telecommunication standards and E-Learning systems, which makes a contribution for the E-Learning system in line with international implementation. This thesis also pre

10、sents the framework two-tier structure which improves the current framework of the E-Learning systems, providing reference for the design of E-Learning system. Key Words: E-Learning; Distance Education; H.323; Multipoint


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