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1、山西財(cái)經(jīng)大學(xué)碩士學(xué)位論文太原市小產(chǎn)權(quán)房問(wèn)題研究姓名:陳倩申請(qǐng)學(xué)位級(jí)別:碩士專業(yè):社會(huì)保障指導(dǎo)教師:馬培生2011-03-13太原市小產(chǎn)權(quán)房問(wèn)題研究 2 Abstract In the past few decades, the houses with limited property rights has grow out of nothing, and gradually became one o

2、f the hottest issue that all of our citizens have argued about. The unique character of the houses with limited property rights which accompanying with the development of construction of marke

3、t economy in China has a very meaning of the contradiction and argument that are worth to probe into it. According to a unofficial statistics that have publicly announced in 2007, the area

4、of the houses with limited property rights in China is about 6600,000,000 square meter. In case that we calculate a flat as 100 square meters, then we'll have 66,000,000 flats in our cou

5、ntry. Though both State Construction office and the city government have made the statment that the houses with limited property rights are not allowed to transaction between people from suburb

6、s and urban, this atmosphere is difficult to prohibit. The current situation of the houses with limited property rights is worthy to search after,and trace the contradictory in it, analysis t

7、he legalization of the limited property house. This paper here is want to grope to the current situation, esp. with the basis of the full and accurate investigation, is try to summarize the

8、main courses of the houses with limited property rights and discuss the practical question that encountered with. First of all, the paper has explored the origin of the limited property housin

9、g into the root, it has related to the question of legal system, benefit game, property right and the government function; and then, the author analysis a view of the actual supply and dema

10、nd of the limited property housing, and the points of citizen from Taiyuan; further more, the paper has studied the rules of the limited property house, and seek for the way that the limite

11、d property can be made legal; the last but not least, is based on the main issues which has talked about in the essay, balancing the debate from all sorts of groups of society, that start

12、s by protecting the profits of people from suburbs, conclusion with the way to fulfill the legalization of the houses with limited property rights. 【Key Words】the houses with limited property


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